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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. "WILD" within a Dream

      by , 12-19-2011 at 06:14 PM
      (False) WILD within a Dream:

      I wish I remembered details better on this one. I do remember that I was involved with doing something within the dream. Then suddenly I started seeing the ocean. It didn't go with what was happening in the rest of the dream. My dream self suddenly "realized" that I just had a successful WILD. I felt so proud of myself. I decided I wanted to get closer to the ocean. Instead of flying like I usually do, I just pulled the ocean scene closer to where I was standing. I could see the setting sun gleam off the water and boats in the harbor. I remember just thinking about how beautiful it was and how real it looked.

      I also remember that I was conscious of my "physical body". I was very sure that my physical body was standing in the real world. I could feel my arms hanging at my sides. I thought it was really cool that my mind could be seeing something completely different from my real body. I continued to stare at the ocean scene in front of me. I then carefully lifted what I thought were my real arms. I placed my hands over my eyes. I could see a faint shadow of my hands which darkened the ocean scene. I thought it was fascinating how I could be conscious in two places at once, and how I could be moving my real body yet not really seeing it because my mind was in a dream.

      Then I "woke up" and went back to my original dream.

      This kind of dream has happened to be several times before where I feel like I have entered a dream, yet I still am very aware of what I think is my real body. Yet the whole thing is all in my head.
    2. LD--First time in Outer Space

      by , 12-14-2011 at 11:50 PM
      Old LD from 5-9-07

      I had a lucid dream last night!

      I actually woke up this morning about an hour and a half before I had to get up. I thought back and was frustrated when I couldn’t remember a single dream. I wasn’t feeling very tired, but I made myself go back to sleep so I could squeeze out just one dream. I usually can do that, even if it is just a short dream—and that’s all I wanted—just something that I could write down in my dream journal. It didn’t even matter to me at that time if it were lucid or not.

      I did go back to sleep. And I did dream. I even had a lucid dream. The problem was that it was a very long complex dream. When I woke up, I thought, “Oh my gosh…how am I going to be able to figure that all out.

      So I started by writing down all the things I remembered doing in the dream, lucid or not. Then I tried to sort them into the “before I became lucid”, “while I was lucid” and “after I was lucid” parts.

      Then—I sorted through each section and put it together the way I best remembered and the way it seemed to make the most sense. And I actually think I did a pretty accurate job considering how mixed up I felt when I first awakened.

      So after all that, here is the dream:


      It started non-lucid. I was following Jeff. He was walking toward the back of a building and was about to go in a side door. I remember passing a large sand castle that was by the door. I had no idea where Jeff was going, but I felt I needed to go too.

      We went into the building. I believe we were separated at this point. I remember sitting in what looked like a waiting area. I remember this boy (about 12 years old) showing me some of his drawings. I then was watching something on a TV screen.

      I’m not sure of the transition here. It may be that I was watching something on TV and then I was suddenly there. But next thing I remember was standing next to a large ferris wheel. People were climbing on it. There were ladder-like things to get to the seats.

      Suddenly the ferris wheel starts spinning. I start seeing people falling off of it to the concrete below. I felt horrified. I thought that surely it was killing them. I didn’t want to be seeing this.

      So—I decided in my mind that the people wouldn’t die. One by one, they picked themselves up off the ground and brushed themselves off and walked away. I felt much better.

      Then I remember I was climbing the ladders on the ferris wheel. I was thinking, "If I were dreaming I could climb this with just my hands." --(that is something I have always liked to do in dreams—use my upper body strength and pull myself up things without using my legs). So I start climbing the ladder with just my arms. I remember it actually felt good. I could feel my muscles working but it had the satisfation of a good stretch.

      Then it hits me—finally—that I actually am dreaming. Then I thought, “Of course I am—duh—it takes me long enough to figure this out.”

      So I did the first thing that came to mind. I started to fly. For some reason I didn’t think about doing the Tasks at all. Instead I thought about how I really wanted to make this dream into a complex story line. I wanted to make it my story. But I decided it might be easier to start with something like Star Wars. I have always wanted to have a Star Wars LD anyway.

      So as I flew I decided that I needed to be in space. And without any effort I was suddenly soaring though the stars. It was so beautiful and incredible.

      I thought about how I had always wanted to do that, and I had never been able to do it before. I had read about others doing it and wondered how they managed to do it because it seemed to be a difficult thing to do. And I was so amazed how this just happened naturally for me in this dream.

      I also thought about how everything was just too quiet. I wanted to hear a soundtrack. But I wasn’t able to get music going.

      I noticed as I flew though the stars, that the stars seemed to be more concentrated above me. It started looking more to me like a flat ceiling. But I decided not to let that bother me too much. This was my first time creating a flight through space, and it was pretty darn good.

      I realized that my next goal was to find a space ship. I really wanted to find Darth Vader and confront him. I looked below me and I now saw a white medium sized space craft. It was a dirty white with yellow and black trim. I knew Darth Vader was on that ship.

      I flew to it. I knew that it I flew into it fast enough that I would fly right through the sides and end up inside. And it did.

      Unfortunately (and this kills me), this is the part of the dream I remember the least. Something happened on that ship, but I have no memory what it was. But I do remember the dream suddenly fading.

      I was suddenly back in a house. There was a hallway with a mirror at the end in front of me. I knew I was still in the dream. I also knew that if I ran straight at the mirror, that it would transport me back to space.

      So I ran toward the mirror and was again back in space. I saw the same ship in front of me. I flew right at it. But instead of slipping back inside, I hit the outside. This time it was too solid for me to get it. I was very disappointed. Again the dream faded.

      I was back in the hallway with the mirror. I ran at the mirror again. But this time, instead of going through it I bumped right into it. The mirror was very real feeling. I touched it, and the glass felt smooth and cool.

      I decided that I would just run in to the wall. So I tried again. But I hit the wall. I thought, “No…no….now I am doubting and it’s not working. I have to believe. I have to believe…..”

      So I took a dive and tried to go through the floor. But again my head just hit the carpet. Everything felt so real and so solid. Disappointed, I stood up. I made myself float and started doing back flips and the air. It felt really good to do those.

      Suddenly I heard Jeff’s voice talking to me. I closed my eyes and then thought, “oh no, closing eyes in a lucid dream makes you wake up!”

      I open them. Jeff was standing next to me. We were back in that original building. I had fallen asleep in the chair in the waiting room.

      I said, “Jeff, you just woke me up from a lucid dream.” When I saw that he looked sorry, I added, “But I guess you had no way of knowing. It’s okay.”

      He said, “If it helps, I brought you some ice cream.” He handed me a square container that had some cookies and cream flavored ice cream in it. It was fairly melted.

      I took a few bites and was amazed at how good that tasted to me. Then I thought, “Isn’t there a reason that I’m not supposed to be eating this?” I didn’t want there to be any reasons, so I kept eating it.

      Then I thought, “It’s the sugar. I’m not supposed to be eating sugar. And that’s right—I’m Raw Vegan now! I’m really not supposed to be eating this. How could I have forgotten?”

      It then comes to me—I’m still in the dream! I never did wake up. I looked back in the bowl. All that is left is the melted ice cream at the bottom that is completely runny. I put a corner of the bowl to my mouth and drink the rest of the ice cream. I thought, “This is great. I ate all this ice cream and I didn’t mess anything up!”

      At that point I woke up for real.
    3. LD--Flying to the Clouds

      by , 12-07-2011 at 03:51 AM
      Old LD from 4-4-07

      Okay, I am up in the night because I just had a lucid dream. Its unusual to have an LD this early in the night. I probably had it between 12:00 and 1:00.

      And it was one of those dreams where as soon as I woke up, I thought, Oh crap, how am I going to remember all that I just did? And I think that I am still half asleep, becuase I don''t seem to be typing my best right now.

      So here is my attempt at putting it all back together again.

      Lucid Dream:

      I believe somewhere in the beginning of the dream I had been talking to other dream characters about the goal to become lucid. We had talked about if we became lucid we would soar up to the clouds because the clouds were looking very beautiful.

      Then somewhere in here I realize that I am dreaming. I am briefly tempted to look for an Easter Bunny. But I am still pulled by the dream I was just having.

      I decided to go find my friend and take her with me soaring up to the clouds.

      It gets fuzzy here. I believe I found my friend and am soaring with her. Then I feel myself wake up. But instead I find myself still in the dream but on the ground. So I fly back up to the clouds with my friend again. I belive this pattern happens a few times.

      I am wondering how lucid I actually was by the end of this dream. I am going to say that I was lucid, but I wasn't really controling anything. I just really wanted to be flying though those clouds, so I went with the flow.

      By the end I had two friends with me. The sky had turned more into the ocean. There were still clouds, but there were also jelly fish floating all around us. Lots of them--in some places there were huge clusters of them. They weren't the stinging kind other wise we would have been in trouble because we had to keep pushing out way through the clusters.

      There were times in the dream wehre I was so surrounded by clouds that I almost started to feel claustraphobic. I had to have my friends hold my hands so we wouldn't get separated. Because there was no visibility. The clouds felt like I would imagine real clouds to feel--a little damp and "thick".

      Also at one point we cleared the top of the clouds and came out into the yellow moon light. I remember being just in awe of what I was seeing. It was so beautiful.

      It's not even 1:30 yet. I don't have to get up for almost five more hours, so I will try to focus on having another LD tonight. This time I will think Tree.
    4. WILD--Grandma, Mirror, Spiders, Etc.

      by , 12-07-2011 at 12:17 AM
      Old Dream from 2-16-07

      I can't believe it--I had another long WILD. I started the 61 point thing. Somewhere I have a gap in my conscious. I do remember I thought I was transistioning into my LD.

      I remember hearing people talking (Teresa and someone else) and I remember seeing the dream world, but I was still aware of the talking (Which wasn't actually there , but I thought that meant I was still half awake.)

      I also was aware of my body. I am not sure if this was real either. But I seemd to feel my physical body laying in bed while I was trying to go into the dream world.

      Eventually, I felt like I was completely into the dream world. I am not sure whether to count this as a WILD or not.

      I remember flying for a while down some narrow streets. (fuzzy here)

      I then remember being indoors, and I saw my grandma who in real life is not alive any more. I wanted to ask her if she would predict my future. But something seemed wrong about asking her that, for some reason. So instead I decided to ask her how she was doing....how life was in the Spirit World. She was purposefully being vague. She would answer with little "Hmm's..." and "mmm's...." like she wanted me to answer my own questions. I did realize that I would have done that anyway if she had answered.

      At one point I reached out and touched my grandma's arm. It felt soft and wrinkled like an elderly person's arm would.

      The next thing I remember doing is looking for a mirror. I remembered CB's experience with the mirror and wanted to try that too.

      I walked into a hallway and there was a mirror at the end of the hall. I walked to it and looked at myself. I looked pretty much the same. My eye makeup was slightly smeared under my eyes, but otherwise I looked normal. Then I tried to make myself change. And sure enough my face started twisting and changing before my eyes. I got myself looking quite deformed and ugly. I smiled and noticed that I had several black teeth.

      I then looked at my hands. My fingernails were very short and dirty, but otherwise my hands looked like normal hands.

      I floated down some stairs and decided to do push-ups at the bottom. They were completely effortless. I was wishing I could do them this easlily in real life.

      I then went outside. I was between houses on a little walkway. Along the walkway were stones. I decided it would be fun to look under the rocks to see what bugs I would find in my dream. Would there be any? Would they look like real bugs or would my mind create something completely unnatural?

      So I lifted one of the rocks. Under it were several of the spiders with white bodies and red legs. They looked very normal.

      Under the next rock were a bunch a small black beetles. Under the third were pill bugs. I thought that there were more there than probably would be normally.

      Then on the edge of the rock that I was still lifting up, I saw some black legs around one of the sides. I dropped the rock, and out into a web scurried a medium sized black widow. I thought, "There's my black widow....they always seem to show up".

      Then I went to a playground. I saw some kids playing on a tall rocket shaped climber. I flew over to a little boy that looked about 7 and asked him if he knew how I could fly. He laughed and said, "I don't know."

      I landed on the ground and saw a new kid walk into the playground area. I went up to him. He looked more like a nine year old. I told him, "I'll bet you can pick me up." He looked like he didn't believe me. I decided to have more fun. I picked up a little girl that looked about four and then had him pick both of us up. He could do it because I had made us both float. That was kind of fun.

      Then I was flying again trying to gain speed. I saw two jets go by and decided to try to follow them. I kept up for a short time, then lost them.

      I then tried to fly high. But every time I got to a certain height, the scenery below would start to white out. It was like my mind couldn't create all the detail for that much earth below me. I felt a little frustrated. I tried several times, but the same thing happened.

      Sometime in here I had a false awakning. I woke up in an apartment that I believed was mine. My first thought was, "I need to write down my LD before it fades. " So I pulled out an envelope and wrote all the parts I could remember on the envelope.

      Then I walked outside. All the area below the apartment had flooded. Thank goodness I was on the second floor. But then I saw some of my friends. They had an apartment on the bottom floor. They told me that their place was flooded. I felt bad for them. I then noticed that Tami had lost a lot of weight and looked really great.

      Then I woke up for real.

      My dream had lasted a full hour.

    5. LD: Flying Kayak/Car

      by , 09-13-2011 at 04:36 PM

      Lucid Dream

      I actually don't even remember how this dream started because it was sandwiched in between two non-lucids.

      It started like I was watching a movie. There were all these flying robots that were flying over LA to do something. I was seeing them as if I was flying through the air with them.

      For some reason I became lucid (probably the flying). I was sitting in this small flying car that was a bit like a kayak because I was out on top holding on to the sides using that to steer.

      I spent pretty much the whole dream just flying around in this little car enjoying the ride. At one point I thought, "Now what were next month's tasks?" Then I remembered it was not next month, and I shouldn't worry about trying those just yet.

      I tried to focus on details as I was flying. I could feel the wind through my hair and hear the wind in my ears. Very very real. My mind did a great job of making the wind stronger and louder as I turned and swooped.

      Then I saw Disneyland in the distance. I wanted to fly there. I headed toward it. Right as I was getting close to the Matterhorn, I could feel myself start to wake up.

      Now this is what I found most interesting in this dream. I felt myself wake up. I was even seeing what I thought was my real life (FA) but I was able to pull myself back to the dream, and focus back on the feeling of the wind and of Disneyland in front of me.

      This happened several times

      until I finally got to the point where I thought I was fully awake and not able to go back to the dream. Unfortunately it was another False Awakening. But I was so intent at this point to run to the computer to write it down. I was surprised to find that my computer had been taken down (but not so surprised as to become lucid again.) and for the next few minutes of dream I was just trying to find a way to write the LD down. Because that happened, I don't feel I have the details on this LD as well as some of my other lucid dreams from the past.

      In fact, I remember thinking that in the dream I was hearing music playing. But I couldn't tell you now what it was But maybe it will come to me.

      BUt anyway--another Lucid Dream!!


      I need to write up the conditions leading up to this LD. This was a sleep in morning. I had awaken at my normal time of 6:00. I knew I didn't have to get up yet. I got up and went to the bathroom and got a drink...and on a whim took half of a B-6 vitamin (50 mg). I was kind of cold. I crawled back into my bed and got under my wonderful micro-fleece blanket and my also wonderful big down comforter. It was so wonderfully cozy that I was able to drift back into dreamland.

      Updated 01-14-2012 at 08:16 AM by 5578

      lucid , false awakening
    6. 9th Lucid Dream

      by , 04-17-2011 at 12:03 AM

      I think what I said in yesterday's post is true. After writing in my journal and getting lucid dreaming back on my mind, I had a lucid dream. Plus my night was full of many other dreams that I remember quite well. This was my best night of dream recall in a couple of weeks--about the time I went away and stopped writing in this journal.

      My Lucid Dream

      It started with me being in a room that I didn't recognize. Suddenly Jeff walks in with a kitten.

      [Note: This is the same kitten I saw in real life two days ago. This was an odd thing, so I'll share it. I was walking in to Safeway and right inside the door was a little Native American boy 4 or 5 years old with a kittten. He was sitting on the floor and swinging this kitten around quite roughly by its front paws. I stopped in alarm and was about to say something. But I didn't have to because I had walked in the door at the same time as a German couple. They saw the same thing and started scolding the boy in German. Even though he wouldn't have understood the words, like me he knew they didn't approve of what he was doing. He stopped swinging the cat and held it to his chest. The German couple and I then slowly walked further into the store, wondering what this boy was doing without parents in a big store with a cat and no one seemed to care. It was really odd and I probably should have done a reality check. ]

      Anyway, in the dream Jeff had this same kitten and it was quite injured. He had it wrapped in a bloody blanket. I took a closer look at the cat and saw that it was really cut up. Its abdomen was actually cut open and it looked like someone tried to stitch it up but did a very poor job because it was pulling back open. I realized that the cat couldn't possibly live. It was too hurt. I was about to tell Jeff what I thought when I looked back to where the kitten was and saw that it was suddenly a baby. A real baby. I was now quite alarmed. We had to get this baby to the emergency room now.

      But then I suddenly stopped. I knew the baby had been a kitten a minute ago. How did it change? Could it be that I was in a dream. Yes! I was finally having a lucid dream again after I had not had one for a while. But I still felt this need to take the baby to the hospital. There it was in front of me looking so real and helpless. But I knew that if I was in a dream, then the baby didn't actually exist. So I pulled myself away and started to float. Yes, that was proof enough that the baby didn't need me. I floated higher, then suddenly felt myself slipping away. Dang it, I was about to lose my dream.

      But I suddenly popped into a different place. I was now in my old house in Los Angeles where I grew up. I flew out the front door. I wanted to really enjoy this experience. I turned on my back and flew feet first, letting the wind blow between my toes. It felt so nice and relaxing, yet exilerating. I turned back so I was flying the normal way.

      I looked around me the colors were so bright. I could see the details of the houses below. I saw the playground of my old elementary school as I flew over it. I saw some fog ahead I was going into it. I thought, "This would be a perfect opportunity for scenery change. I'll come out further across the United States so I can go somewhere I have never gone before".

      Sure enough, when I came out I was somewhere I didn't recognize. There was a lake or bay. I could see a road below and I could see the cars driving along below. The flying in this dream was effortless. My arms were out in front, yet I didn't need then for steering. I felt the wind in my hair. I was going quite fast and high. This was the most realistic flying I remember ever doing in a dream, lucid or not.

      But finally I realized I was losing the dream
      and I woke up for real.
    7. 8th Lucid Dream

      by , 04-15-2011 at 11:32 PM

      I had a good Lucid Dream last night.

      Before I went to bed I had remembered that I had still not read the Lucid Tasks for July. I went to bed with this on my mind.

      It started as a very long normal dream. But I can only backtrack it to a point where I was standing in line in a building with a bunch of other people. I knew some of the people there: Jeff, Jeremy H and Marie.

      I looked over the rail beside us and saw a huge pool of water (like at Sea World). Marie had her feet dangling in the water, and Jeff was leaning toward the water. I suddenly saw something snake-like coming through the water at us. I realized it was a sea snake. I remembered that they are one of the most venomous snakes on earth. It started swimming around Marie's legs. Then over to Jeff who was holding his hand out to it. It stuck its head out of the water and "sniffed" Jeff's hand. I was waiting for it to bite him at any second. But to my relief it then swam away without harming anyone.

      I then realized that we were alone and that we had lost our group. We started to run ahead. And I started doing cool things like jumping down whole staircases in one jump. Or jumping over obsticles that are in my way...and staying up in the air a very long time. It was a very satisfying feeling.

      I finally ran out the door to the outside. Everything was beautiful. It had been raining and the sky was still overcast except for a strip around the horizon. The sun was shining through that gap and everything was glowing a golden yellow (like it does in real life under these circumstances).

      I thought it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I saw that I was at Disneyland, and I could see the Matterhorn not too far away also glowing in the golden sunlight.

      I'm not sure what triggered lucidity, but the next thing I knew, I was lucid and flying toward the Matterhorn. It felt so good to be flying. But suddenly I could feel the dream slipping away. I felt myself wake up. But instead of finding myself in bed like most of my False Awakenings I was just back on the ground.

      I saw a house and flew up by its roof. I remembered that I had wanted to do one of the Lucid Tasks. But I hadn't read July's Task yet. So I figured the next best thing was to try to do some old tasks. I looked at the house next to me and wondered how hard it would be to destroy it with my bare hands. I had never tried anything like that before. I pulled back my fist and gave it a hard punch. Nothing happened except for giving me sore knuckles. I focused my mind and picutred making a huge hole with the next punch. I punched again. And again. But I was unable to do any damage (except to my knuckles). I didn't worry too much. I figured destroying things wasn't one of my strengths.

      I then thought of catching a butterfly. I wondered how hard that would be. I started floating out from the house and looked around. As I was flying I felt something tickle my nose and I looked and saw two butterflies....one large one and a smaller one. The smaller one had beautiful wings--the upper parts were orange and the lower parts black. I slowly reached out my hands and cupped them around the little butterfly. I could feel its wings brush the insides of my hands. I was surprised how easy that was. I then let the butterfly go.

      I then decided to fly very high. I was having problems getting higher than about 30-40 feet. I remember there was a tree beside me that I couldn't get any higher than. I would suddenly slow to a stop and hover. I then really put my mind to it and got another 10 feet or so higher before stopping again. I wasn't sure why I was having such trouble.

      Then I was back on the ground and I decided to climb this wooden fence so I could get high and then dive off and fly. I climbed and climbed this fence. It went up and up. There didn't seem to be an end to it. Finally when my leg muscles could take no more, I saw that I was at the top. I looked down to see how high I was. But to my surprise and dismay, I saw that I was about five feet off the ground. That was quite frustrating
      . At that point I seemed to lose lucidity. I went on to other dreams. One was about being with roommates. One of them liked the same guy that I did. I think he was a garbage collector. Then we were dressing up for this dance. My roommate was putting on blue stockings.

      And that's all I remember.

      Goal: Look up July's Lucid Tasks!!
    8. 7th Lucid Dream

      by , 04-15-2011 at 04:15 PM

      I'm back.

      I had a Lucid Dream while I was gone.

      It wasn't particularly long, but it was an LD, nonetheless.

      I was in the backyard of my old house and Philip was there, and he had these magic powers. One of the things he could do was to make things float. I remember I was on this bucket lid-- or something of that shape and size, and there was a rope attached and Philip was pulling me around the yard and I was floating behind him.

      At some point I said to myself, "This is really odd. How can this be happening?" And at that moment I realized that I was dreaming.

      I then said to Philip "Hey, I'm dreaming! Let's fly!"

      And we took off up into the air and started flying straight up--super high. But then I realized that I was losing the dream. I could feel myself wake up. I was aware enough to know that I had just had a false awakening, but I lost lucidity at that point and went on to other now forgotten dreams.
    9. Twoshadows' Dream Journal

      by , 04-14-2011 at 03:47 AM

      Lucid Dream:

      There was a lot building up to this dream. So I will jsut share some of it in note form:

      Robert waking me up, taking the car. Daniel writing on the ceiling. Monica and Robert going away. Eating ice cream with Tanya. At preschool with Celia, care gone with purse, camera and cell phone in it. Jeff brought it back.

      In fast food place ordering food with Mom, Celia, Jeff and I. I had this one year old baby with me that was talking like she was about 5 years old. The baby couldn't decide what to order, then had to go to the bathroom. I took the baby in the bathroom. I went into a stall. To my surprise the toilet was huge (about the size of a queen bed) and in it was a tiny baby swimming around.

      This did not trigger lucidity.

      I went to another stall. In that toilet was another baby swimming.

      This did not trigger lucidity.

      Every toilet in the restroom had a baby in it-- except one that was over flowing with poop and another that had a toilet that didn't quite seem attached and was tilted to the side.

      This also did not trigger lucidity.

      I saw that there were many mothers standing around in the bathroom. I found out that this group of mothers had brought their babies here so they could practice swimming. I felt angry that they took up all the clean toilets. The baby in my arms was complaining that she really had to go now. I felt frustrated. I told her to go in her diaper since she was wearing one. She didn't want to do that, so I finally held her over the tilted toilet and let her go. The pee ran over the side and onto the floor next to one of the toilets with the babies. I felt it served that mother right to taking up the good toilet. I had to go to. So I also went and my pee ran over onto the floor too.

      Then my mom came in the bathroom and needed to go. I told her about the babies. She went over to one of the moms and started talking to her. I stood there and stood there and waited and got bored. So I started doing that thing where I fall backwards until I almost hit the floor then I bounce right back up into standing position.

      I did this several times before I really noticed what I was doing. I thought, "Hmmm...this is something that I can only do in dreams. Why can I suddenly do it in real life?" I wondered for a moment. Then I decided that it wouldn't hurt to give flying a try. If this was real life like I thought it was nothing would happen. But if it were a dream then I would be lucid and wouldn't that be grand since it has been so long since I have had a good lucid dream.

      I leaned a bit and was suddenly hovering horizonally. I finally was sure I was dreaming so I flew out of the bathoom. I was now in a large room that was set up with tables with food. I flew over a table that had a big plate of chocolate raspberry cake. I grabbed a piece and stuffed it into my mouth and started to fly off again. But it tasted so good I swooped down again and grabbed the whole plate of cake and started shoving in piece after piece into my mouth.

      When it was gone I decided that I really needed to do something else really useful with my dream, like fly to the Moon. So I flew outside. I could see a park with dead or dormant trees in it. I flew to the trees. I decided I wanted to experiment and see if I could fly through one of the tree's trunks. But as I flew to the tree I decided to just break off a dead branch instead.

      But at that point I was horrified by seeing a man standing in the air in front of me. His skin was tinted green and his black hair came up to points like devil horns. He reached out and grabbed me. I was so started and terrified that I gasped "Go...go....."

      Then I had the weirdest briefest false awakening. I had a glimpse of being in a bank. This scary man was just a bank manager. I had fallen aleep at his desk and he was shaking me awake. But at that instant I awoke to me real bed. It took me a moment to understand what I had just gone through.
    10. Twoshadows' Dream Journal

      by , 04-07-2011 at 12:00 AM
      Time to start...

      My first LD:

      April 19, 2006 4:50am

      I just had my first Lucid Dream a few minutes ago.

      In the dream I was lying in bed. Suddenly something felt funny in my mouth. I felt my teeth with my tongue and, sure enough, my upper left bicuspid was cracked and loose. I pulled a piece of the tooth out of my mouth, thinking, "I can't believe this is happening!" Then I thought, "That's it! I don't believe this is happening. This must be a dream. This always happens in my dreams." [NOTE: This was the dream sign I kept telling myself I needed to recognize because it happens so often in my dreams. And I have now started using this as a reality check during the day...to feel if my tooth is loose].

      Nothing else strange happened, but at that point I knew I was in a dream, and I realized I was lucid.

      As one might expect, I got very excited. I then thought about this website and how it says that when people first start having these experiences, they get so excited that they wake up. Well, as soon as I thought that, I felt myself wake up.

      Next thing I knew I was lying in bed saying, "Darn." But then I reached up and felt that same tooth. It was still loose. I had had a false awakening. I was still in the dream. I finished pulling out the tooth, and took a moment to sit and think about what was happening. Some of my thoughts were: So this is what it feels like to be in a dream and know it is a dream. It feels amazingly like real-life...yet there is a difference that I can't quite pin-point. Okay, what I really need to do is to try to float".

      I concentrated on the feeling I have had in dreams where I have floated. Next thing I knew I was floating (horizontal...because I had been laying down). At this point I really wanted to get outside. Too many of my recent flying dreams had taken place indoors (what a waste). I wanted to fly high.

      I floated out of the bedroom. Suddenly there was a little neighbor girl there pulling on me and asking for her ball. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a little pink bouncy ball and gave it to her. She took it and went away. [Note: Since this makes no sense to me, it shows that my subconscious mind was still doing its thing. If I were more lucid I'm sure I would have noticed that this was strange-- or that it wouldn't have happened at all.]

      I floated to the back door. As I reached for the door handle, I thought, "I don't want it to be cold outside...I can control that too, can't I?" I pulled the door open and floated out and took off flying. The weather was perfect. It was early morning...cool, but not cold.

      All around me the music from Peter Pan started playing, "You can fly...you can fly...you can fly...". I was feeling so happy that I started singing along. [Note: I remember thinking "I hope I am not singing in real life in bed and waking everyone up". I think that shows how lucid I really was...not forgetting that my real body was still laying in bed somewhere else.]

      I flew up over some trees, and grabbed some leaves off the top of a really tall one and told myself to fly higher. I did for moment, then the next thing I knew I was back near the ground. I told myself I had the power to go higher. And I was then able to go quite high. I looked down and could see the roads. I remember thinking, "I'm glad I have done Google Earth so much so I know what this is all supposed to look like from above".

      I decided I wanted to travel. I started following the highway, but realized that I was going to have to learn to fly faster or I wouldn't have time to get anywhere before I woke up.

      And sure enough, at that point I did wake up.

      But I didn't really mind. I was truly excited. I now knew that lucid dreaming was possible for me. And that this was just the beginning.
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