Dj 3/22/2014
, 03-22-2014 at 03:17 PM (392 Views)
Date: 3/22/2014 (Fri)
Total sleep: 8 hours
Daytime Techniques: RCs, visualization,
Lucid Techniques: Mantra, brief hand technique
Recall Techniques: Mantra
Fell Asleep: 12:00 am
Dream 1 Title: Cars (fragment)
Dream 1: I’m driving an old 1960’s British car, which is yellow. I am chasing another car (same make/model) but it is white. We are on a British country road. There are no houses to be seen, just miles of grassland. There is someone else in the car with me, but I don’t remember who. The road splits ahead. The white car goes left, down a hill. We go right up a hill. The roads run parallel to each other. As we reach the peak of the hill I cut the wheel sharply to the left, we jump off of a cliff, fly through the air, and land on the roof of the white car. We stay perfectly on top of the white care as it rolls off the road to a stop. I can’t remember anything else.
Dream 2 Title: Messy Room
Dream 2: I am in my parent’s house, in my old room (from high school). The room is a complete mess. It is full of old junk. I know I need to get it organized. There are boxes full of stuff on the floor, the dresser tops are covered in stuff, there are many shelves on the wall full of knick-knacks and figurines, my closet is full of shelves full of old shoes as well as a long hanger pole which is stuffed with old cloths on hangers. I know all of this stuff was purchased by my parents at yard sales. I am very frustrated because there is nowhere to put all the stuff that is in boxes on the floor. Yet I know I need to get it organized and put away. Jen, my daughter and her friend come into the room. They are going to help. We are all looking though the boxes. I find an interesting item. It looks like a tiny cactus in a tiny red pot, but the cactus is made from natural, uncut, blue crystal. I take it to the window and look closely at it. It glimmers in the sunlight. I place it on the edge between the top and bottom halves of the window. I adjust its position so the sunlight catches it just right. When the light passes through the crystal it casts an amazing blue image on the floor. It looks like a moving blue laser light show. My wife and the kids are amazed. I continue to try to organize the room, the dream gets foggy and I wake up.
Dream 3 Title: Old Truck
Dream 3: I am outside on a nice summer day. I am in a residential neighborhood (I don’t recognize it from real life). There is an old 1950’s red (with faded paint and lots of rust) pickup truck parked on the side of the road. I go to it, open the driver’s side door, and try to get in, but the truck rolls forward into the street. There is a couple there. The woman tells me that her grandfather has been fixing up the truck and I shouldn’t touch it because it may break. I apologize. I grab the frame of the open door and begin to move the truck (with super human strength) back to its original position. The rear axel and wheels come off and roll away. I feel really bad about breaking the truck. The woman (slim, with short red hair) comes over and tells me to help her lift the trick up so her husband can put the axel back in place. We bend down, grab hold, and lift the truck up. As we press the truck up over our heads (super human strength) the woman’s shirt gets caught on something and is pulled up exposing her small perky breasts…the dream fades and I wake up.
Dream 4 Title: Matrix Kid
Dream 4: I am back in my old bedroom (from Dream 1). I am laying in bed. The room looks similar to dream 1, but without all the junk. There are many pictures hanging on the walls. Jen comes in and tells me I need to get up and get ready for a family party. I get up just as two young girls run in the room. One is my daughter (but she doesn’t look like my daughter and it only about 8 years old), the other is my niece (but she doesn’t look like my niece and is only 3-4 years old). My daughter runs to one of the walls, jumps up, and begins to run across the tops of the picture frames (this looks like something out of the Matrix movie). My niece follows her. As my daughter jumps for the last picture frame on the wall, she flies over a dresser and lands gently on the floor. My niece tries to follow but falls and crashes on top of the dresser. Knick-Knacks go flying everywhere and she falls to the floor. She is crying. I go over to see if she is alright, she is ok. I shout to my daughter to come back in the room, and she does. I tell her that can’t do that anymore today because the smaller kids will try to follow her and get hurt. She says “Okay” and leaves the room. The dream gets foggy at this point. I vaguely remember helping my wife clean the house, by going from room to room picking up stuff off of the floor. At some point I go to the supermarket to get some stuff for the party. I wake up
Awake: 8 am
Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness) D1 = 5; D2 = 7; D2 = 6; D4 = 7
Awareness: (1-10; or lucid) D1 = 3; D2 = 5; D3 = 4; D4 = 5
Length: (how long it felt like! Because that matters) D1 = 2 min; D2 = 10 min; D3 = 4 min; D4 = 15 min
Emotions: Annoyance, frustration; guilt
Dream Signs: super human strength, kids I know but don’t look like they should, kids doing matrix moves, crystal casing a laser light show
Notes: I took some melatonin last night along with the B-5 and Chorine. Got to bed late.