Dj 4/4/2014
, 04-04-2014 at 11:12 AM (479 Views)
Date: 4/4/14 (Thu)
Total sleep: 6.5 Hours
Daytime Techniques: RCs, Visualization, Text Search
Lucid Techniques: Mantras, Meditative Visualization
Recall Techniques: Meditative Visualization Mantras
Fell Asleep: 10:00 pm
Dream 1 Title: Aimless wandering
Dream 1: I am walking up a low grassy hill with my wife. We are walking to the mall together. I am wearing a long black trench coat. **Jump** I am at the mall and I am in the kitchen area of a restaurant. Lisa from work is there. She asks me if I need help with anything and I say no. There are stainless steel cabinets and counters all around me. They are covered of boxes, cans, bottles and kitchen utensils. There is a large gray plastic trash bin, with wheels, right in front of me. I look in. There are a few boxes, and beneath them are a bunch of cookies. I see some cookie that are cupped, and in the depression is yellow filling. I know they are lemon and really want to eat some. I reach in to take some, but realize they are in the trash and that would be disgusting. I walk out thought a set of swinging doors and find myself in a local mall. I walk to my left, not paying too much attention to anything. There are people all around. I notice a pretty woman pushing a baby carriage and stop to look at the baby. She gives me a dirty look. I feel embarrassed. I quickly turn away and walk into the store to my right. Then I realize this isn’t a store but a daycare center. I know I shouldn’t be in there because you have to sign in before entering for security reasons. I quickly leave. **Jump** I am sitting in the sand of a beach, but I can’t see, hear or smell the ocean. It feels like I’m on a movie set. But, the sand feels nice. It is warm and very dry. Then I notice a bundle of sticks sticking out of the sand to my right. They are sticks which would be used for beef and chicken skewers at a Chinese restaurant. Then I see pieces of meat clinging to the sticks. I am disgusted. I look around and there are many more around me, sticking out of the sand. I realize I am sitting in the middle of a garbage dump. I jump to my feet and begin to walk away. The dream fades and I awake.
Dream 2 Title: Sleeping in a warehouse (**Lucid**)
Dream 2: I am in some kind of small warehouse. The floors and walls are cement. There are tables and chairs set up. There is a small stage. There are miscellaneous items (boxes, bins, boards, etc) that you may find in a warehouse pushed up against the walls. My wife and daughter are there. We find seats at a large round table (seats about 8 people) as more people start to come into the room. Everyone starts to take their seats. A woman comes in and goes up to the mic on the small stage. I realize she is a comedian. She walks out into the audience and is talking but I can’t make out what she is saying. She walks to our table and put’s her hand on my daughter’s shoulder. She gets up from her seat and walks with the woman. I assume she is going to go up on stage as part of the act, but instead the woman escorts her to another table. I’m confused by this. I realize I am sitting on a couch and I lay down on my side because I’m feeling tired. I see my wife get up, walk over to the table where my daughter is now sitting and sit next to her. Things start to fade out as I feel I am falling asleep. I open my eyes and the show is over. I am still lying down with a coat covering me. I look over my right shoulder and see Maggie (a woman I used to work with over 10 yrs ago). I say hi to her. She says Hi back but is looking at me funny because I am sleeping during a show. I sit up and look for my wife and daughter, but I realize I am now shirtless and only wearing athletic shorts. I see my wife and daughter about 20 feet away, they have their backs to me. I notice my daughter has much more hair than in RL, it is up in a ponytail and hangs to the back of her legs. Someone behind me playfully wraps his or her arms around my neck. I don’t know who it is. I move toward my wife and daughter and the person continues to hang on. My wife turns and smiles. The person lets go and I turn around. It is a young man who I don’t recognize (in the dream or RL). He is about my daughter’s age, with short red curly hair and lots of freckles on his face. Behind him a see a large metal sliding door which I know leads out of the building. Something is feeling strange about this situation. I walk to the door. Suddenly I have a shirt on. I know I was shirtless seconds ago, and I know something isn’t right. Then I remember I was awake in my bed just a little while ago, and having a lot of trouble falling back to sleep. I am lucid without doing a reality check. Everything around me, colors and details, become more vivid. I am surprisingly calm. (I completely forgot to stabilize) I grab the handle of the door and slid it open. There is an alley before me with a one story brick building to the left and a wooden stockade fence to the right. I walk out into the ally. About 20 feet down the alley is a maroon dumpster and standing hear it is a woman. She is taller than me (probably 6 ‘6”) with dark black wavy hair that falls below her shoulders. She is wearing a puffy white long sleeve shirt, a long black skirt, and tall black boots. She reminds me of a gypsy. I walk towards her. She turns and smiles at me. I smile back. I say, “I’m dreaming!” She continues to look at me but her face morphs. Her cheek bones and jaw become more pronounce and the shadow of beard stubble appears. She is now a man dressed like a woman. I ignore this change knowing this is just a dream. I decide to jump over the six foot fence to my right. As I jump I remember my goal, and drop back to the ground. I know I want to fly into space and view the earth from orbit. I look up at the sky, which is brilliantly blue with no clouds. I turn back to the man/woman and say “Do you want to see something amazing?” He/she nods. I look back to the sky and it has changed. It is a swirling mass of deep purple and blue with millions of stars and galaxies. I pause for a moment to stare at this amazing sight. Then I squat down a bit and give a tremendous leap…but my real life legs respond and jerk which immediately wakes me up.
Awake:: 4:00 am then dozed back off around 5 am and awoke at 5:15 am
Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness) D1 = 6; D2 = before lucid 8, after lucid 13
Awareness: (1-10; or lucid) D1 = 4; D2 before lucid 8 then Lucid
Length: (how long it felt like! Because that matters) D1 = 20 min; D2 10 min
Emotions: Disappointment, Fear, Embarrassment; Disgust; Happiness
Dream Signs: In strange places (restaurant kitchen, day care center, warehouse, beach, etc), person from my past, daughter with long hair, some kid I don’t know hugging me from behind)
Notes: I woke up after Dream 1 just before 4 am. I have pain in my neck. I lay there recalling my dream for a few minutes. I make mental tags. But then I realize I’m probably not going to be able to fall back to sleep. I then jot my tags down on my notebook and lay there thinking about my dream and trying to remember previous dreams from earlier that night. I glance at the clock at 4:32 am. I start meditating (breathing, clearing my mind) in the hope of falling back to sleep. I glace at the clock at 4:53 am. Then I ended up in Dream 2, but it was a very light sleep right on the verge of waking up. In the dream I completely forgot to stabilize. I’m sure that would have helped.