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    Ld #21

    by , 03-09-2014 at 05:55 PM (201 Views)
    LD #21 – “The shower wouldn’t work” (Brief LD)
    I have been going through a bit of a dry spell with my LD’s. It has been a very stressful month and I haven’t really been focusing on doing RC’s regularly during the day.

    I am in a bathroom which I don’t recognize in RL, but I am comfortable there in my dream. I am going to take a shower. I reach into the shower stall and turn the knobs, but no water comes out. I fiddle with the knobs some more, but the shower seems to be broken. This situation seems a bit strange and I glance at my hand out of habit. I count my fingers and I count 6. I count again to be sure, and again I come up with 6. I am lucid. I looked around and realized that I was in the basement of a house I use to live in when I was younger. I notice a door that leads to a short flight of stairs which lead up and out of the bulkhead. I walk to the stairs and notice that it is raining outside. I will the rain to stop, and it does. The sun begins to shine. I walk up the stair and out into the back yard of my old house. It is a beautiful summer day. I can smell the scent of fresh cut grass in the air. Everything is extremely vivid. I spend some time just looking around and marveling at the details that my mind has created. I decide to do some flying, but before I can even jump into the air I wake up.

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