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    LD #34, 35 & 36

    by , 03-09-2014 at 08:20 PM (337 Views)
    December 2006 – LD #34 – “Sitting on parent’s deck”
    I was at my parent’s house, standing on their deck, and it was a beautiful summer day. Suddenly, I realize that they removed the deck and had a garage built 3 years ago. I look at my left hand and count 8 fingers. I am lucid. I decide to simply look around. I examine everything around me: trees, grass, a stone wall, the tree covered hills in the distance, the sky, the clap-boards on the side of the house, the pavement of the driveway. I am astounded (as always) by the amazing detail my mind has created. I wake up.

    December 2006 – LD #35 – “Back in Reading/run instead of fly”
    I find myself walking down a street in a town I lived in from 10-14 years old. I am walking to my old grade school. Suddenly I realize that I haven’t lived in this down for 23 years and I can’t remember how I got here. I look at my left hand and count 6 fingers. I am lucid. I continue to up a hill until I reach the top. I can see my old school down the hill on the right side of the street. The detail is amazing. I jump in the air and begin to fly slowly upward. I do a single loop-de-loop and land. I decide that I don’t want to fly in this dream. Instead I want to see how fast I can run. I begin to sprint down the hill. I pass the school in less than a second. It is just a blur in my peripheral vision. In front of me (about ¼ mile away) is a swamp (which is not there in RL). I speed up my pace and run across the water as if it were solid ground. I can feel the cool water seeping into my shoes. I stop on the other side of the swamp and see a convenience store across a field. I jog over to it and go inside. There are people milling around and shopping. Suddenly the urge for sex takes over. I begin searching for an attractive woman but the only woman in the store is an elderly woman in a light blue dress. She is standing in front of some shelves filled with bread, with her back to me. I walk up beside her and lift up her dress. I begin to ‘will’ her (morph her) into a younger more attractive woman, but I wake up.

    December 2006 – LD #36 – “First LD fight”
    I am in my hold high school gym. I am part of a class that is going to play dodge ball. My team is wearing black t-shirts and black shorts. I walk across the gym toward the door that leads to the rest of the school. The gym teacher, a man in his fifties with graying hair, who I don’t recognize, stops me. He begins yelling at me to get back with my group. I am extremely angry, but I do as he asks. I walk back to my group so is sitting on a bench. I try to find a spot to sit, but every time I walk toward an open spot on the bench it is suddenly filled with someone (like magic). I am growing more angry and frustrated with each passing moment…….Suddenly, I realize that this entire situation isn’t right. I look at my hand and count 8 fingers. I am lucid and really pissed off at that gym teacher. I storm across the gym toward that man. He turns and charges me. I know I’m dreaming and invincible. With the speed & strength of superman I punch the man in the face. He flies backward at least 20 feet before hitting the floor and sliding another 30 feet to the wall. I don’t bother checking on him I continue walking toward the door that leads into the school. I go through the doors and am confronted by 2 teenage boys. The try to attack me, but I am superman. I grab each of them by the neck, one in my left hand, the other in my right. I lift them off the floor and slam them together. They fall to the floor at my feet like 2 rag dolls. I continue down the hall and find a classroom. I walk right in. There are many teenagers in the room. One of the boys is holding a large knife. I walk right up to him, look him right in this brown eyes and say, “What are you gonna do with that?” He looks frightened, and shrugs at me. I pull open my black trench coat (which I didn’t realize I was wearing until right then) and yell, “Come on! Stab me!” He looks at me confused. At this point a tiny bit of doubt enters my mind. What if I’m not dreaming? This could kill me. I push my doubt away and demand, “STAB ME!!” The kid jabs the knife into my gut. The blade slides into my flesh up to the hilt. But I feel no pain. When he pulls it out, there is no blood or wound. I laugh out loud. I walk out of the room and hear a song playing over the loud speakers. It is Sarah Smile by Hall & Oats (weird). I begin singing along with it as a walk. My voice sounds amazing. I am impressed with myself. I walk by a door to my left and Maggie (a woman I work with) is in there sitting on the teacher’s desk. She says, “Wow! You have a very nice voice.” I laugh again at the comedy of my dream world. I decide to fly down the hall, but wake up.

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