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    Dream-quest by UnknownKadath

    Obstacle course dream fragment

    by , 01-03-2023 at 05:30 PM (226 Views)
    This dream was in the middle of the night and I should have gotten up and written everything I remembered in my journal. But I would have had to turn on the light to see what I was writing and I just went back to sleep. I should do better.

    But I remember this: I was competing in some kind of obstacle course and there was a puzzle aspect like identifying objects along the way that had a theme to them. My course had a semi-deep rectangular hole to run through, a seat to jump over, and a tool to grab and carry with me. I figured out that three were the theme in that they rhymed. Trench, Bench, Wrench. I felt so smug in that no one else would figure it out, mostly because 'trench' was a little-used word and no one else would think to call the hole a trench, they'd just say hole or something similar.
    AcidicBeing likes this.

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