Weird dream that I hope continues
, 07-19-2022 at 02:39 PM (339 Views)
I should have written this down when I first woke up because I've lost some of it even though I was thinking about it. I was myself in the dream, so far as I know. But what I'll call the main character was a man I'll call C, because he's a real person and I don't want to use anyone's names. And in the dream I think C had powers, but wasn't good at controlling them and so he was actually somewhat dangerous. And this had drawn a government facility's attention. They wanted C, either to study and try and use as a weapon.
I remember that I was with a group that included C, and one person in that group was a part of a facility but on our side, as we as a group were against giving up C to the facility. At some point we lost C to them and we were in the facility with the guy who was on our side, I'll call him Bob even though he never had a name. Bob was trying to play it cool, they're with me, etc., but he had coworkers around and was very nervous. He walked us over to an unused part of that floor where we could be left alone. I needed to pee and asked where the bathroom was. Bob got a little frustrated and said in the next room(he pointed to a door) were some containers and to just pee in one of them.
I went into the room to find an empty lab. And while there were many beakers and containers I instantly knew which one Bob meant, and went ahead and peed. Then I tried to find somewhere to empty it, rather than just leave that on a table. But there wasn't a sink so I deliberately dumped in into a beaker that already had liquid in it, to ruin someone's experiment. I didn't like these people, I wanted C back unharmed.
And then Bob had arranged for us to reunite with C, but only because we were ostensibly going along with their plans and would figure out what to do when the pilot landed again. I asked the pilot how long the flight would be. She said fifty-five minutes. Not roughly an hour, fifty-five minutes.
I was in the middle row of the plane's seating, and we were cramped three to a row. I was on the far right and the plane had no doors. I could also find no seatbelt. Meaning that when we were in the air I would have to constantly press toward the person in the middle seat to avoid falling from the plane. I didn't like that. Also at this point C was somewhere in the back row. Between losing him earlier and reuniting now, he'd undergone some type of training that was supposed to heighten the powers but also made him more dangerous. The people from the facility were careful around, sort of a Winter Solider vibe. The powers were either harder to control now or he was just literally more aggressive for some reason. I was happy that when the plane started to taxi a door appeared, and so did a seatbelt.
The only other thing I remembered was the plane landing for some reason on an abandoned country seat and taking off again. And someone commented that they were surprised that C was in the back and not beside the pilot. Another person replied something about being careful with him.
This dream was very interesting and I'd like to see it continued.