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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    Car Flight GTA Style

    by , 11-09-2014 at 09:49 PM (582 Views)
    #379 - DILD - 5:37AM (2 of 2)

    I am looking in the back seat of the car for something and can't find it. I look up and see the car is rolling forward. I remember that I was in bed just a moment ago and know it's a dream. I recall my conversation with Wurlman during the podcast about having fun with cars so I go for it. I have other goals but I decide to go ahead and hop in the driver seat. The car has rolled off the street it was parked on and heading toward a wooden fence. I gun it and ram through. The feeling of invincibly surges through me. I am surprised by a second chain-link fence and crash through that one as well. It has a nice sound effect.

    I come onto a four-lane highway going through a residential area. I follow the road going faster and faster. The car becomes slightly hard to handle during turns and I clip the side of a house. I don't care; this is all really fun. After a bit, I notice my view pulls back into a 3rd person perspective. I see a downtown area like on GTA5 and the dream looks very much like a video game. I notice I am not in my car anymore but some light blue SUV. I make the car go as faster (as I can imagine in this scenario) as I hit a sharp hill. It was only natural to take to the air at this point. I make the car fly up around the sky scrapers and I do a sharp turn to look around. I enjoy the view of the city, but then, I lose control and the car takes a fast dive into a busy street. There is some fiery explosions but it is mostly obscured by a large, thick cloud of opaque, black smoke.

    Suddenly, my younger daughter opens the bedroom door whining about something. I assume she's had a bad dream. My wife asks her whats wrong and my daughter replies, "The ants are living with the five."
    I lift my head up and say, "What?" I assume she's either had a bizarre dream and is still out of it or this is typical DC nonsense.
    I become semi-lucid but I feel very confused about where I am and who's bed I am in. For some reason I think I am a child again sleeping next to my mom as my dad works the night-shift. Slowly, I make sense of everything and try to make a DJ entry. However, as I fumble around the feeling of heavy SP, I remember this isn't going to work in a dream. I notice now that my arms and head are vibrating, though I feel like I am awake and moving around. I am not really sure if this is even possible, so I relax and lay still, preparing for an OBE type exit. I spend a few seconds here and I begin to go deeper, but it's at this point that my wife sighs loudly, rolls over, and shakes me awake.
    CanisLucidus likes this.

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    1. SinisterDezz's Avatar
      Wow, really cool dream with the GTA V city and flying

      It's also impressive that you kept lucidity through the change in scenery and it "turning into a video game". Sometimes I lose my lucidity like this =\

      Over-all, keep it up. Another lucid to add to the book +1.
      Xanous likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      Yeah thanks. It's really rare this kind of shift happens. I was just open to whatever at the time and didn't focus on trying to control all of everything.
      SinisterDezz likes this.
      Updated 11-09-2014 at 11:34 PM by Xanous
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Ha ha, nice, the GTA V experience sounds like a lot of fun! (I still haven't even played, if you can believe that!)

      I'm not sure that crazy driving and flying cars will ever get old!
      Xanous likes this.
    4. Xanous's Avatar
      No it will not! I really regret getting rid of my copy of GTA 5. I think I'll be looking for another soon.
      CanisLucidus likes this.