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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    Dancing With Audrey Hepburn

    by , 07-29-2013 at 10:25 AM (575 Views)
    I have a short dream where I have been awake all night and I fret about the lost of sleep. I try to lay down on a pallet in the floor. I keep looking at my phone and the alarm clock and the times don't match. They distort and become blurry. I fail to catch this dream sign and worry about school and wonder if I did all my homework. I remember I did my math but I feel like I missed something. Then I think I am not in high school any more. I tell my self that I went back to college. My son wakes and my wife comes in the room. I have the blanket over my head. She pats me and asks if I am ok. I say I feel sick. I decide to stay home with my son and finish my homework. I think I can go to bed when she gets off work.

    I wake up and DEILD. Almost instantly, I get strong HI of young Audrey Hepburn. I latch on to that and soon I feel pressure in my hands and I see her face close to mine. Everything is unrealistic and she looks more like a still photograph than anything.

    I begin to dance with her hoping that the motion to will draw me deeper into the dream. I begin to hear Louis Armstrong - A Kiss to Build a Dream On in my mind. We sway and spin to the music. At some point I stop feeling like I am in bed and more like I am actually standing and dancing but not all the way. For now I just enjoy dancing with Audrey. I try looking around but all I can see is darkness and shadow around me. I try to just focus in her face and the feeling of movement. Then I begin to hum with the words of the song. It sounds like I am really humming and I worry that my wife can hear me. Then I wonder if I should have felt vibes or if I need to (its just noise dumbass). Too much of the wrong thinking shatters the dream and I become fully awake.

    I am not sure why she came to mind but the feeling afterwards was like her ghost visited me. I doubt it but that was the feeling. I probably won't add this one to my count but it was still a really cool experience.

    NewArtemis, CanisLucidus and NyxCC like this.

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    Updated 07-29-2013 at 10:30 AM by 5967



    1. NyxCC's Avatar
      That is a really nice ld!
      Xanous likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      Well... It was cool, I just wish it had fully formed. I was a little disappointed but maybe I ask too much these days.
      NyxCC likes this.