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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    The Mushroom Diamond

    by , 04-17-2013 at 03:35 PM (656 Views)
    I got back to sleep really annoyed because my son interrupted a WILD.

    I have and FA and am pissed because I didnt get lucid. I feel like I am somehow still in REM and can see that I am having strange colorful blogs in my peripheral vision. I think is hallucinations and confirm that its just REM. I decide I just need to take some choline and Ill have the boost I need.

    I got to the kitchen and look for my box that I keep all my supplements in. To my shock and horror I find thats its missing. All that I can think about is how much I spent on supplements this year and now its just all gone. I am so pissed. I see that its getting light out side and the clock is only a little past 4am. I think that if I can just find it and get back to bed Ill have time to dream before the alarm.

    I search everyplace I can think of in the house. I find several boxes that looks like my supplement box but they are either empty or full of random junk. I even wake my wife and get her to look. At some point I see the mailman through the window and find this odd. I slow down and start to think. As the dream begins to fade I become lucid.

    I wait to DEILD and the vibrations begin right away. I reach my feet out like tentacles reaching out. I find the floor and stand. For some reason I feel an uncontrollable urge to spin. As I do the dream destabilizes and Im in the void again. I try to feel the floor again and there is some mild feeling. Again, I spin beyond my control but this time I dont fight it. I see a blur of light and color and strain to see something form. There is a slight tilting sensation.

    I dont remember what happened here but I think I lost lucidity for a moment. I am in my house then front yard. something about my parents being there.

    Fully lucid now I am standing in the yard looking at the empty rock house on the corner. I appreciate the full broad daylight for a moment then decide to break in and see what I find. I rush to the side of the house and there are what look like wooden barn door. I do a flying kick and bust the doors open.

    I pause remembering my tasks. I quickly draw a stick figure standing in a doorway with my finger. I step back to make sure it looks right. I faintly see it drawn in black graphite. Looks fine to me.

    I step in the doorway but notice how dark it is. I summon a flash light from my back and click it on. There is no beam but the house is dimly lit now. It looks like and empty dirty old barn with dirt floors. I decide not to go the rest of the way in.

    I walk back to my yard and remember the diamond task. I look around and see a large lump of coal about the size of a baseball by the curb. I pick it up and press my hands over it. I imagine heat and pressures focusing my energy into it. I walk around to keep the dream flowing so I dont wake up. I notice the dodge leaving in my peripherals. It pauses. I realize my wife is leaving with my patents and they are waiting for me. Let it go. The car moves on. Now I feel the coal collapse a little and dust tumbles out.

    I open my hands expecting a diamond. Black dust falls out along with a small diamond. I hurry and pick it up afraid to lose it. It looks like a diamond but shaped like a mushroom with a stem. I notice the front door is open and my living room has white tiles. I throw the diamond at the glass storm door intending to break it but the dream dissolves and I decide its time to DJ.

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    Updated 04-17-2013 at 06:28 PM by 5967

    Tags: mugwort


    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Ah, nice DEILD! Great move there converting that lucid fragment you started out with into a serious LD.

      I can't believe that you accomplished both tasks in one dream. That's just straight-up decadence, man! Some of us are desperately struggling to even get an LD. Seriously, though, that's some great stability and waking life memory.

      And I love the flying kick to break through the door.
      Xanous and OpheliaBlue like this.
    2. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      I realize my wife is leaving with my patents and they are waiting for me. Let it go.

      Bravo for that dude! Not letting yourself get entangled with your DCs (especially when they're family) is a feat in and of itself. It's your dream and your story, not theirs. Hah!

      Also kick ass that you got both in the same dream. Congratulations! I'm already excited to see what everybody does with next month's tasks.
      CanisLucidus and Xanous like this.
    3. Xanous's Avatar
      Heehee. Thanks. I didn't that time but I kind of treat my DC's badly. It's usually when I am focused but I just don't have the patience for them. I just know they are not real and they will distract me.

      I can't wait to see next month's tasks!