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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    The Not So Great Wall Of China

    by , 08-02-2013 at 12:46 PM (740 Views)
    #204 - 3:55AM - MILD

    Long story short, I have some stupid dream about my ex showing up in the middle of the night to get the girls. There was conversation and a little boy. I become confused and wonder how I forgot about having a son with my ex. I hug him and spend time with him but I just can't understand it. I see my parents and ask them about it. They say something odd like its my older daughter's step cousin on her mom's side. I relived that I am not so horrible to forget a son after all.

    I do MILD and just latch on to the part where I was confused about the boy. Instead of going into a long senario I just looped that one little bit over and over.

    I find myself sitting at work but everything is moved into the parking lot. I say something to Joyce and am in deep contemplation. I am rubbing my hands and telling myself over and over that the next time I am dreaming I will know that I am dreaming. Pretty soon I just know it's a dream. I say, "I'm pretty sure this is a dream." and I stand up and walk away. I walk over a car and jump off the roof of it. Then I turn around and start punching out windows. The first one does not break and I remember to really follow through with my punches. After I clear out the front and back, I do pelvic thrusts into the doors and dent then way in. Each time I shout, "Pelvic Thrust!" like its some sort of video game super move. Then I stop myself and think, "Gee, what will CL say about this later?"

    I wander into the parking lot more and try to think of a goal but I just can't seem to remember. A car hits me and I become attached to it. I don't pay attention to it because I am so deep in thought. After a while I just decide to go for the China TOTY. I take control of the vehicle. I am in the cab of a large black truck driving away from work.

    I drive crazy and see various random areas. For a moment my vision starts fading out and and I can hear the box fan. I try to ignore this and just focus on driving. Eventually the dream comes back and I am being chased by cops. I hit a sharp hill in the road at high speed and become air-born. I do flips in the air for fun but get stuck there. I see sky then ground over and over. I have to force myself to stop and the truck crashes.

    Now I am hovering over the scene. I see two injured cops in brown uniforms on the ground. They appear to be injured like the truck hit them. With out thinking I move over to one and kick him in the head. I am shocked when his head flies completely off. I remember my no violence to DC's rule and apologize to him. The other cop mumbles something and crawls away. I decide to just leave the scene with the intention to still make it to China.

    I enter through some invisible threshold and the area changes. I see The Great Wall before me stretched across a wilderness countryside. I float over to it and immediately begin punching large blocks off. It falls easily like a stack of child play blocks. I float up on top and begin back handed swings knocking large parapet sections off. Some areas begin to change and look like a wooden deck but I deny that I believe its all stone. I decide I've done enough damage and move to a roofed section. I imagine a large gong there and summon a large drumb stick without looking. I swing and connect. *GONG* The sound rings out loud and clear. There are some steps leading down to another invisible threshold in the middle of thin air. I can see a different and artificial light coming from it. I watch expecting the authorities to show up. At that moment I feel my physical body and the dream collapses. My dream voice shouts, "NOOOOOOOO!" I wake up.

    There is a second and not so eventful LD that I'll have to post later...

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    Updated 08-02-2013 at 11:13 PM by 5967

    lucid , task of the year


    1. JoannaB's Avatar
      Xanous likes this.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      After I clear out the front and back, I do pelvic thrusts into the doors and dent then way in. Each time I shout, "Pelvic Thrust!" like its some sort of video game super move.
      This is so freaking funny... although I am glad that you didn't try this move on any windows!

      By this point in reading the dream, I thought of how the task is to vandalize the Great Wall of China. And I thought to myself, Self, I think that Xanous is about to bash down the Great Wall of China using nothing but pelvic thrusts. This could be the most amazing Dream Journal entry of all time.

      With out thinking I move over to one and kick him in the head. I am shocked when his head flies completely off. I remember my no violence to DC's rule and apologize to him
      That was nice of you.

      Really awesome dream, though, man. Congratulations. Also... pelvic thrust!!
      Xanous, NyxCC and DragonMaster21 like this.
    3. Xanous's Avatar
      Thanks dude. I had a lot of fun with this one. Too bad I didn't think of pelvic thrusting the wall but I think I am done with making out with the dream. It would have been epic though. If only I had a few more minutes of dream time at the end. Which is funny because that would have been total DC violence.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
      Updated 08-02-2013 at 11:50 PM by Xanous
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Ha ha, I actually have to try the whole "making out with the dream" thing since we're probably going to be answering a question about the "best stabilization techniques" in episode 4 of the Q&A podcast. How can I claim to know what's best if I have not tried the Full Xanous??

      Oh, forgot to mention! I was impressed by how you caught and controlled the Wall starting to turn wooden on you. Very nicely done just denying the problem. That's the style I like too!
      Xanous likes this.
    5. Xanous's Avatar
      Yeah you should go for it lol. Really it just about getting as much tactile sensation as possible and keep moving don't jusy stand around.

      Denial. Ignoring your problems is the best solution.
      CanisLucidus and NyxCC like this.
    6. NyxCC's Avatar
      I finally got to read the whole dream and not just the China wall part. It's absolutely hilarious!
      Xanous likes this.
    7. Xanous's Avatar
      Ha ha thanks!
      NyxCC likes this.
    8. Zyangur's Avatar
      I love the part where you kick off the DC's head. Just too funny xD
      CanisLucidus and Xanous like this.