• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    ZAD's DJ

    Short-Term Goals:
    * Become lucid at least once a week (every week so far since August)
    * Meet my dream guide more often
    * Improve visualization ski
    Long-Term Goals:
    * Have a ten minute lucid dream once by the end of 2019

    Common Abbreviations - [F] My fiancee [D] My dog [CH/9] Childhood home [APT/8] Current apartment
    Most of my DJ entries have been copy/pasted from my quick morning phone notes lately for lack of time.
    Will try to have higher quality entries in 2019.

    1. Oct 12-16, some lucids

      , 10-16-2018 at 08:11 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      All from phone, sorry for quality

      Oct 15 2018
      2 lucids, 1 remembered

      library F recep card octagon room s. time people thru window recep card cc ods testing room leave quickly expect recep frantically searching instead seated patiently complaining about something else, have 2 donut holes and a jelly filled, give them away wrong? uni library hall - place is fusion of libraries from past and cc

      8 par. br top closet shelf open box mms see antenna poking out throw on ground and smash w shoe (?) another comes out i kill, not quite r's, sth off

      previous lost lucid - something about pressure of finger thru hand

      lucid - 8 my br dark, in front of mirror, pumpkin, crush/pull alart w hands, inside is an orange-tinted paper towel roll, lucid, my face becomes cotton/pt/gauze texture, work on mouth being sturdy so i can't penetrate w finger, no features just slight indentations, transform self in mirror then wake (tried to add but too late)

      cool vampire/TAZ dream w armor n weapons (variety, changed a lot), killing and moving through level, at some point changed to shooting glitchy white balls from self like a turret (froglike?)

      In 8 br lots of people there, guy asks for root beer, go down to street to neighbor where lots of kids are crossing in a big crowd and there's candy being distributed and there's a bus? I cut in front of some kids but return with a packet of ibuprofen instead and pack it with the rest (root beer heavily associated w E6) i put ibuprofen away in larger hospital packet (spelled wrong?)

      Oct 12 2018

      lucid - f in street car lightning to diner talking

      Oct 14 2018

      nl - in 8 w f, d inoffice separated by fence from parents sog, take nap on couch
      lucid - 8 street daytime become lucid in street fly a few stories up decide I'm using force summon lightsaber, swing around and force throw, lose lucidity
      nls - in 8 street, carving a stick w laser pointer/lightsaber
      lucid - in 8 street night, lucid, want to summon an enemy, first think of a giant but can't decide what in SW universe applies, decide on some twilek sith like in SW:JK:JA, at first think it didn't work, then realize i double-cast it, there are 6 dual-weilding sith twileks, i speed past the first 3 and take a commanding position at the cul-de-sac and isolate them using force push,each time i take one out they fall dramatically and for some reason get somewhat naked like an elder scrolls game when you loot their armor
      nl to lucid - in familiar dream house (have visited before), the first story is like 8 but with high ceilings so its like 2 stories for the first story, huge staircase, dark (usu. is), i am walking to bathroom, talking to f, i look in mirror and get lucid, toothpaste/water splash spots are hi-def, i touch mirror and it feels cold and frictiony the way glass does, i try to summon a saber again but it comes out as a clear tube with red liquid and red straw, i drink it

      Oct 16 2018

      lucid - 8 b.y. F I dismiss after long insec. dream, walk up staircase of square tiles into sky g.c., i look back n shes pegasus flying, i start flying too, it's her and i grab her hands but we're out of sync, hands don't match, remove/insert and feel WB, wake

      anne s. in car dealership screaming abt. how stg (weather?) is no joke in LA

      j.p. n old famous guys in svitz-bath w nun costumes, watching "blue x", jp on diving board gold
      Tags: lightsaber
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable