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    1. Forest, skiing and voodoo

      by , 08-24-2010 at 10:30 AM
      Me and some other randoms were in a forest place that was rather cliffy and had some kind of canyon. Some savage-ish kids appeared and started to throw rocks on us. They threw quite big ones so dodging was easy since they threw slow. I tried to throw back some fist-sized rocks but somehow I couldn't throw right in a very dream like manner.

      We started to run away instead along the canyon which was now a forest stream. I ran through it since I had rubber shoes. I stopped and saw a Physarum Polycephalum (lol) on a mossy branch and I thought "Awesome! Too bad I don't have time for this now... :/" and then I kept running.

      After a while we arrived in a place which I can't say if it was outside or inside in a large storage thingy. There was a cliff in there at least. I noticed how the surface of the cliff was loose in a huge chunk. I realised that it could be nice minerals behind it so I bent it over, exposing what was hidden behind. I found like five or six different crystal pieces.

      [Now there was a small memory loss but I think the next section still was a part of the same dream somehow]

      The place we were at was now a skiing place with tall hills you could ski down from outside. Fred was there. Somehow during a short part of this section I had a discussion with kim on irc while the other stuff happened. I don't recall about what. I was wearing skis and I went out to go down one of those hills and I think I did. Don't remember much of it though. Then we all decided that we wanted to buy some food, so we went to a food store. It was snowy outside.

      In the store I was suddenly wearing ice skates. At the checkout, the checkout girl said "Sorry, you aren't allowed to wear those in here" or something. I excused myself and she said that I had to help in the store because of it. She showed me to the shelf were they sold batteries and I was instructed to tidy it up. I said that I know how it is done because I had worked in a store before. I started to line up the batteries nicely on the shelf and removed some empty boxes. Then I saw some half-rotten fries with dressing in the corner of the shelf. I thought "wtf" and started to take pieces of it and throw it away in a garbage can. Under the fries there was salad and some burger.

      When I had dug below the fast food, there was some other stuff. I only recall that there was a red deformed potato and a piece of ginger both wrapped in plastic. I continued throwing the stuff away until I saw some human teeth below the stuff. I was disgusted by it and noticed how the teeth was stuck in some strings in a circle or something and in the middle of the circle was two voodoo dolls that someone had hid there below all that stuff.

      I was a bit creeped out by it and I didn't want to touch them. The other people who I was with poked them in the face and they were slimy. We discussed a while about them. Then strange things started to happen because they touched them. Some strange nick joined the irc and posted some threatening stuff related to the dolls. I don't know if much else strange than that happened, lol but everything had a "strange things are happening" feeling to it. Fred wanted to go home so he went to get the car (he can't drive irl). I told him I wanted to get a ride home. When following his progress on a map we could see that he got lost.

      I think I woke up at this point. It was not a nightmare, but it had a creepy feel to it.
    2. Various things

      by , 08-19-2010 at 08:48 AM
      At first I dreamed of minecraft. We had a new map on the pallkars server which we explored. You were able to view it as a map. I remember thinking that the water on the map was too spread out evenly. No huuuge oceans and no huuuge landmasses. Only randomly placed water here and there.

      After that I dreamed that me and a couple of friends had sneaked into the culverts of a hospital. There were empty corridors with branching doors here and there. Some of them were made of armoured glass and some were locked. We weren't allowed to be there and we hoped no one would find us. What we were doing there was to "fix" the place a bit. I don't remember for what reason but I for instance painted the wall so that it looked nicer (All though I had no paint so I had to use my hands by licking on my hands and stroking them over the wall so that they became wet. Then they got a darker colour, lol.).

      A while later we went up from the culverts and got into some kind of school. We were spotted by an old teacher I had back in primary school. He didn't see to care though. I don't remember really what happened then.


      I was sitting at my PC writing down the dream about the culverts into this DJ (this was still a dream). <--Very vague memories of this part

      There was something about how I was planning on taking some extra courses along with my program because the extra courses was really easy. They were about extended python programming and basic PHP.

      Then there was a part in which I was at my grandpa's place (he lives in the mountains near norway). I was lying in a bed there. I got up to go to the bathroom. First I was going to drink water from the tap in there. I thought about how cold and fresh the water always is at their place. The water was quite nasty though because there was some brown slime coming out of the tap sometimes along with the water and I drank only a little. Then I was going to use the toilet, but that didn't seem nice either since the bathroom had many windows without any cover and my grandpa was working on something just next to them, lol. I tried to cover the windows with some curtains but they were semi transparent anyway.
    3. Mini minecraft

      by , 08-18-2010 at 02:03 AM
      I just remembered that in my dream last night I was in some place that I suddenly realised consisted of minecraft blocks. There was some strange fancy 3D filter on that I didn't like.
      Tags: game, minecraft
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. A bit of lucid yeye!

      by , 08-14-2010 at 12:00 PM
      I don't remember how it started, but I was on a grass plane in biologigränd in umeå with my brother jimmy. It was night time. Suddenly I realised that I was dreaming somehow. It was kinda funny because at the same time I realised it, I therefore realised that Jimmy was only a DC and not real. However I asked him to give me the notepad which he was holding that was apparently my DJ. I wrote "dreaming" for fun on the last page to somehow strengthen the fact that I was dreaming and to see if it would be written in the real notepad when I woke up (I don't really have a notepad like that anymore).

      Now I wanted to try something with my lucidity so I flew up in the sky fast like a rocket. It worked and I remember thinking that it was somewhat clear to be a dream (I am not sure anymore if it was, because my memory has faded some. Maybe it was just something I thought in the dream). I flew only for a short while over the roof tops before thinking "okay, what to do now then?". I couldn't really think of anything to do and then the dream kind of faded away.

      I think that I wasn't really fully lucid in this dream for several reasons. Firstly, I wrote that word in the DJ that doesn't exist. That is like something you would do in a dream and if I would have the complete mindset of awake, I doubt I would have done that. Secondly, the thing that I couldn't figure out what to do when lucid. I have heaps of stuff I would like to try.

      Anyway, it was awesome. XD
    5. Damaged arm!

      by , 08-13-2010 at 12:17 PM
      Omg, this dream was really really freaky and weird!

      I don't recall the beginning of it but somehow I hurt my arm really bad. I think I almost died or something in the injury. The first things I remember is that I was in the room in which I stayed in my parents place when visiting them in Umeå. I was surrounded by a whole bunch of people I know (Simon and Kim are the ones I can recall). Somehow my friends were helping me to regenerate into perfect health. Unfortunately my arm was too damaged to be regenerated because it wasn't connected to the rest of my body with veins anymore. I had a huge chunk (approx the size as if you would have ripped it off with your hand) gone from the upper arm. Only the bones and like some centimeters on the underside was left. I needed to get blood into the lower part of the arm, otherwise I would lose it. This was done by letting a bumblebee crawl there. Somehow that gave me like a plastic pipe from the vein in the top part to the lower part which allowed blood to flow through.

      It hurt in my arm and I recall feeling faint due to the blood loss. I could barely move/lift the lower part of the arm because then it hurt in the wound.

      After some time everybody was gathered in the living room to watch spirited away. The couch was crowded by people. I still felt pain in my arm and I knew that it would take really long time if it would heal. Linus said some word in english and Kim said it back to him in swedish but he didn't hear due to the noise from the TV. That made her believe that she had pronounced it wrongly when she hadn't so I told her she'd pronounced it good.

      Plotron was suddenly there as well and sat next to me, lol (even though I have never seen him). He praised a sculpture thingy that stood on the window ledge. He said some constructive things about the construction. It was Linus who had made the sculpture and I told Plotron that. I was eating ice cream with my left hand since I had the injury on the other arm. I then dropped some on the floor and when I was trying to pick it up, I couldn't because it hurt when I tried with my damaged arm and I had the ice cream in the other. Plotron saw that I needed help and picked up the dropped ice cream and ate it, haha. XD

      Peter and some other guy said to me that it was strange that I couldn't use my right arm. They didn't really believe in my injury or that it was that bad. I decided to show them the hole and I started to pull up my sweater arm. That was a un-nice process since every time I accidentally touched the injury, it would hurt and my arm twitched a bit. The hole was now covered with a bandage or something, but there was a hole in the bandage where you could see a part of the wound. they said "damn" or something similar.

      Then I woke up and thought "omg...". I even checked my arm to make sure it was whole. xD The strangest thing about this dream is that it was sooo long! I remember having the impression that when we sat there and watched the movie, it was for a really long time. During all of this time I felt a slight pain in my arm that would get worse whenever I moved it or something. really freaky and weird dream.
    6. Haha, wtf.

      by , 08-13-2010 at 11:37 AM
      Okay, so the night before yesterday, I remembered some dreams. I didn't write it down yesterday and now it is almost entirely gone from my mind. I do have the keywords I wrote down right after awakening and they are very funny. xD First of all, considering the handwriting I think I was extremely tired upon writing them, lol.

      Some guy was evil
      Me rabbit form (I have vague images of me being half transformed into a rabbit. I could jump to the ceiling)
      Beat the guy due to starcraft? (wtf starcraft)
      Daniel move, walk with furniture (This is something daniel kinda wants to do irl as well. To move somewhere and walk there with the furniture)
      Dog challenge
      Talk with a wheel (okay, wtf. This takes the prize)
      Edi make fun of animal planet
      Tags: random
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Board games and Movie night

      by , 08-07-2010 at 09:48 AM
      I was walking somewhere in some city with my board game club. We had heard of some place where you could show that you had certain board games to get rewarded with some unique candy that you couldn't get elsewhere. After a while we entered a house. It was like one of those apartment block houses as seen in umeå. Next to a door into an apartment was a scanning thing where you were supposed to scan the bar code of the board games. It was only possible to get the candy reward if you scanned a type of game that no one had scanned before. Also, the stock of the candy was not unlimited so we felt that we probably wouldn't get any candy.

      We scanned the first game which was a really common one. Despite this, it got approved! Tistou's name was shown on some electric device (spelled wrong, however.) and that meant that he should go behind the counter (yes, a counter had appeared with two girls standing behind it that was working there.). Since there was no way around the counter, he tried to climb over it but the staff complained and showed him a hole in it where he was supposed to crawl. He did.

      Next up was another game that we scanned. It also got approval and the screen showed a name. We couldn't see who's name it was because of some disturbance but we guessed it was my name so I crawled inside as well.

      In there was a kitchen with some random people in it. They showed me a nearly empty tube of chocolate sauce and a bunch of papers that was lying in the pantry. I did as I was supposed to, which was to grab a sheet of paper, tear a part from it and squeeze out some chocolate sauce onto it. Then I could lick the sauce from the paper. Apparently that was the unique candy, lol. I explored the area a bit and it had a very slacky feel to it. There were only young people there.

      Somehow I was in a couch with some random dudes in front of a tv. A movie night was upcoming. On the screen they showed a commercial from a new pirates of the caribbean film that wasn't really a sequel since it had nothing to do with the old characters or plot. I think it seemed to be lame. A discussion started on which movie to watch and I jokingly said "lord of the rings!". One guy was like "Oh, yeah, good idea!!" and pulled forth vinyl discs with all three movies in the trilogy in extended version. The other persons were like "Oh, nooo! That one takes ages to watch! damn!".

      Then I don't remember anything more.
    8. Trains and shooting

      by , 08-06-2010 at 09:00 PM
      Me and like three others (don't remember who, except Linus, my brother) were sitting on a railroad, eating various food. As if it was a picnic or something. Suddenly I saw that a train approached fast. I yelled to the others and threw myself of the rails. I remember that I considered grabbing some of the others and throw them off while jumping myself but I didn't do it because there wasn't time for it. It was really chaotic when the train passed by and I worried that someone was hurt. Especially Linus who was in the worst position for getting away.

      It turned out that everybody made it without injuries. Shortly after, another train passed by. We saw random people here and there. Suddenly the police arrived and were shooting at some bad guys that respawned after dying. The police was now on some higher altitude platform. I climbed up to them to be safe. I first thought that they were going to shoot me as well, but I raised my hand to indicate that I had no weapons.

      The police gave me some gear. It was some vest along with weapons. I was expected to fight back the bad guys. I knew that the next wave was coming in like 10 seconds but I hadn't figured out how to use the weapons and stuff. They arrived when I was not ready at all, so I circled around some container, avoiding the thugs. The thugs were now people from my class and it all was some kind of paintball-ish game or something. I figured out that I had to pull a thing on the weapon and then I could shoot. Then I think I went around a bit and shot at my classmates but I don't really remember.
    9. Event at summer house

      by , 08-03-2010 at 11:24 AM
      Recently my sleeping pattern has changed for some reason. Before, I was never tired before 3 am and I would often not get tired until as late as 5 or 6. When I slept I often woke up after a dream, letting me write it down to remember it. This could happen several times a night. Now however I get tired at 11 or 12 pm and I get to sleep about 1-2 hours later. I don't wake up after dreams anymore but the last three or four days I have been waking up at ~9 am, remembering dreams but too lazy to get up or write them down. Then I fall asleep again after quite a long time. About one or two hours after this I get up.

      Last nights dream:
      I was bathing in nydala with some friends. I can't really recall how many we were but Fred was there at least. Suddenly, Kim showed up, lol. I don't know how she appeared. We all got surprised and asked her to join us for some event that was being held at my family's summer house. We swam there and we talked about a swimming technique that consisted of lying on the back while wriggling like a snake kinda. xD It was extremely fast but you could easily lose control and be forced below the surface. We all tried to use it and eventually we got to the summerhouse.

      The event was some kind of gathering of random people that did planned stuff. Like some arranged party or something. Most of the people were foreigners. Kim proposed that we all should play some ball game, then she said something to a random dude in fluent german, lol. Everybody (maybe 15 people) lined up for the game in two separate rows facing each other. I think the goal of the game was to throw the ball to each other i between the rows or something.

      Before the game started, a arabic looking man came out from the summer house. He was the chef and requested that three volunteers would go and help him prepare the dinner. No one seemed keen to do it because everyone wanted to play the ball game. Then he decided that he should pick three randomly. I knew before that he was going to pick me and I felt a bit disappointed because of it. He did indeed pick me and I went with him to the front porch along with two other randoms that also were unlucky.

      We sat down around a table for four people and started to eat dinner (what happened with preparing it? xD). I remember that my friends were all seated at other tables and I wanted to join them, but I was not allowed to. Instead I spoke a bit with the chef guy who looked arabic. The only thing I remember from the conversation is that I asked him what country he came from. Apparently he came from the country "hentai", lol. I recall that I noticed that he expected me to laugh or something, but I didn't because I knew that hentai was also a country and the guy was somewhat impressed that I knew that.