Shift from the Forums (WILD)


As I fell asleep, I focused on the moon.
Before I got there, Shift, appeared in front of me. She looked like her avatar, a woman with ghostly white skin, and thick black hair.
"So, you want a fight?"
"Who the hell are you?"
"It's Shift from the forums."
"Yes!" Then she punched me in the face.
"Holy shit!" I was shocked.
"You want a fight? I read your thread. You said you want a fight?"
Then, her mouth opened up, her jaw distending like a snakes, and her mouth was lined with fangs.
"Yeesh!" I said. "You're not real," I said in my mind.
"Yes, I am!" she said, and punched me in the jaw.
"Dammit!" I said. Then she lunged forward, her mouth opening like a snake's again, and she bit my shoulder.
"Damn you!" I tried to grab her, but she just teleported away laughing at me. She kept repeating, "It's Shift from the forums, It's Shift the forums."
I noticed I was in space. I decided to ignore her. I kept hearing her voice louder and louder, echoing in my skull. I looked aay from her, but she kept flitting in and out of sight, I couldn't look away.
"Aah! Dammit! Shut up!"
She laughed and disappeared.
I woke up because ants were crawling on me.

Dream Battles (WILD)


After reading some posts of The Cusp, Mylynes, and others, I have come to the conclusion that entering others dreams is possible. I have already experienced shared dreaming, so tonight I went to sleep with the intention of battling others in dreams, just to see if I could.

It was the most insane series of dreams I have ever experienced. I didn't have time to write everything down when I woke up, but I will tell you what I can still recall.

I went to sleep, and focused on the moon. I suddenly had the dream of Shift before I ever got to the moon. I don't know if it was really her or someone masquerading as her, but it was definitely a separate entity, not a DC.

I woke up, then went back to sleep.

I was on the moon again. I saw a woman in white. "Raven? Selene?"
I was confused. It was like my dream-sense that tells me who people are was dulled, kind of like blurry vision.
She started laughing at me.
"Are you confused? Do you want to fight?"
She was firing some crazy shit at me. I can't remember what it is. I dodged it though. It was flashes of light, or like bolts of white energy.
She kept teleporting around and laughing at me. This made me think it was Selene. "Selene?"
"Who am I? Selene? Raven?" she laughed again.
I grabbed her when she teleported near me, then teleported away, and laughed.
Then, she started firing stuff at me again.
I turned on my energy field, and sat down and meditated.

I tried to focus on what the hell was going on. I had an overpowering feeling of confusion, which was a constant undercurrent during the entire dream.

My confusion began to recede. I stopped meditating, and I tried to teleport with the woman who was attacking me. I wasn't able to do that, but I was able to teleport.

I said to myself, "I can teleport anywhere, just by thinking about where I want to go."

I teleported back to earth, then all over the planet. I kept thinking about new places to go, and I was teleporting so fast, that I can't remember where I went, but I did this about one or two dozens times.

Then I was back in outer space, between the earth and the moon.

I saw the woman, who I then thought was Selene, floating behind me. She had a white staff in her hand.

"Byeeee," she waved, and winked out of sight.

Then, I saw this strange rectangular prism floating there in space. I couldn't tell what size it was, because I had no frame of reference. It was changing shape, like, a yeast budding, but the buds were more cube type shapes, then the buds would fold back into the main shape.

"What the hell is that?" I thought. The shape seemed to be thinking. For some reason, I thought it was Mylynes. I had already decided I wanted to battle him.

I heard him laughing in my head. It felt like my own mind was laughing at me.

Suddenly I was inside the shape, completely engulfed, like he ate me. Every side was covered with eyes, including the floor I was standing on. It freaked me the fuck out.

"Yeesh! Holy shit! Wait a minute. This is a dream." At that point, the eyes which were at first 3D became 2D. I wasn't afraid anymore, but the eyes felt alive and intelligent, and I still felt creeped out. I decided to attack one of the eyes. I stabbed my sword at one. It was like attacking a wall.

"Dammit! This is so confusing."

Then, Mylynes started asking me a bunch of questions that didn't make sense. I don't remember them, but I remember I was saying, "What? What the hell? That doesn't make sense."

Then, he started talking as if he were me. He was saying stuff like, "Where am I? How the hell to I fight a room? I am so confused." It was extremely disorienting. It was like mental vertigo.

I felt like I was being toyed with. I couldn't think of a way to fight a room.

I got the impression he got bored of me, and released me.


Dream Fragment

I was in the Sahara. I saw Raven, I think. I said, "Here's an ideal place for a battle."I was battling Selene and Raven. They kept mocking me and telling me that I sucked. We were shooting all kinds of crazy energy at each other. I changed into a giant minotaur slowly, to try and draw their attention and frighten them. They laughed at me, and ran up my legs and all over my back, poking their swords in me. I reached back to try and pull them off. I grabbed one of them, and tried to bite her. I bit her head off. "Oh shit!" I said in my mind. "Oh, wait this is a dream, she's okay."
They laughed at me, because I had just bit the top off a turnip, and the turip was in my hand.
"Dammit!" I said, "I suck at this! I have to get better!"

Dream fragment

I decided to look for The Cusp to battle him. I found him on earth, wandering around a big city, like New York. I changed into a minotaur to frightem him. He was unphased. I made my eyes red, and became giant as slowly as I could.

He mumbled something about, "impressive." He smirked at me, then changed into a skyscraper. "A building? How the hell do I fight a goddamned building?" I thought.

The skyscraper slowly grew bigger and bigger. "Dammit, he's got me!" I thought (as he was able to pull my focus). I summoned an army of locusts. They crawled on the building then the locusts seemed to get bored. The Cusp laughed at me. "Duh!" I thought, "attacking a building with locusts. That makes no sense."

I tried to ignore him, but I was fascinated at a face appearing on the skyscraper. He leaned forward, and was going to fall on me.

I braced myself for the impact, then I picked him up, and spun him around. "Spinning? This is old hat for me bro!" Then, I threw him into outer space. He seemed like he was going along for the ride, curious as to what I would do.


I was in a 24 hour diner in a big city, in the middle of the night, having coffee with The Cusp. We were gargoyles, or dragon-men, though everyone else around us was human, and the setting looked normal. It reminded me of a scene from The Tick or the old Gargoyles cartoon. We were talking about dream battling. I was telling him that Mylynes is a total nutjob, and he really mindfucked me.

"There is so much more we can do than we think we can do," he laughed. "Everything is just one big ass dream anyway."

I pondered this comment, and sipped my coffee.


Raven and I were battling on the moon. We had these kickass quarterstaffs, glowing white at the ends. We were flipping over each other, spinning, and doing badass moves in general. Then, she started teleporting, and I was fucked.


I was battling with Selene on the Sahara. She is good at hand-to-hand, so I told her, "Let's do a no-weapons fight." She smiled at me and nodded. Her hands were a blur, moving so fast I could barely see them. It's like those old Mortal Kombat combos. I was fucked. She stopped kicking my ass, and laughed.

Note: the only one to cause me dream pain was the person that called herself Shift from the forums. I call it dream pain, because I have no other way to describe it.

The only one to induce real fear in my was Mylynes.

This was a very humbling experience for me. It's like kicking ass in the campaign of a RTS or FPS video game, thinking you're a badass, and then getting your ass handed to you when you go online.

DC's are like NPC's.

I wouldn't say any of these people are Dreamwalkers or Nightstalkers per se, as in joining the "factions" or whatever, but since I have experienced shared dreaming, and healing in a dream, it stands to reason it's possible to share dreams with others, and cause them pain or fear.

I have also viewed a friend's dream, but I did not interact. She was not aware of me, but when I told her about it the next day, she remembered her dream, and was upset. I did get her permission beforehand, though.

I have noticed some antagonism from people on this site regarding shared dreaming. Not directed toward Raven or me, yet, but I anticipate it. Why is it that none of them keep a dream journal? I think it takes a lot of courage to let others see into your subconcious even through the anonymity of the internet.