Welcome, Broth, to the DILD class!

You'r in good hands with ETWOLD. It is a self-contained resource to go from zero to lucid dreams in just a month or two. I recommend it to everyone as an ideal starting place. You have a head start, though, with your prior experience, which is allowing you to get back on the wagon quite quickly, congrats!

Ah, insomnia, the scourge of lucid dreamers everywhere. Not everybody, but I happen to also belong to that club, and it can be very frustrating when it happens. It is the excitement and anticipation that keeps your mind racing in a high-idle condition that doesn't allow you to fall asleep. The key to solving insomnia (and just about every malady in the practice) is to relax and "just let it happen." Don't worry about it, don't stress about it. Be completely content to just float in relaxation. Do not "try" to sleep as this can lead to a vicious cycle of "sleep/dream performance anxiety" which leads to more insomnia. Your body and mind already know how to fall asleep without you "helping" the process along.

Relaxation is the key. Read up on it with an internet search, and experiment with different approaches. Placing your mind gently on one focus of attention is generally the way to go. I like the breath (very common anchor in relaxation and meditation alike). With every breath, release more and more tension. Feel the tension melting out of your muscles and your mind. Feel yourself going deeper and deeper with every breath. I sometimes speak to myself a sort of self-hypnosis script using that wording to really get going.

Falling asleep with a more alert mind can be challenging: the key is not to give up. Every time you find your mind getting more active with thoughts, just let them go and re-focus on your breath and the relaxing exhales. Be completely content with where you are and what's happening to you, avoid any frustration which can kick-start more thought chains and raise your heartbeat.

Practice it every chance you get, and in time you'll find what works for you.

We look forward to hearing about your future dreaming exploits! Reading the DJs of other members can be very educational and entertaining. Sensei, sivason, Hukif, fogelbise, PercyLucid, ~Dreamer~ and a whole lot more (you could peek into mine if you wished as well! ) have great DJs.

p.s. I've compiled a list of informative posts about LDing here, I'd recommend reading through them!