this isn't a stabilization technique to be used on its own, but a way to bring more order into the dream to make this process easier.
i've often had dream characters either attack me or distract me in some other way, and it makes it difficult to stabilize when this is going on. i've gone from fighting back to yelling at them (gtfo of my dream!) to ignoring them.
my thoughts are that if a DC is a part of your mind, when their actions counter what you're trying to do your attention is diffuse; there are conflicting sets of intentions being processed at the same time, and the discordance of the mental programs interferes with your lucidity and contributes to you waking up.
so imagine that you have just become lucid and want to stabilize - you want to be in control of yourself, able to stay asleep, and in a clear setting. if a DC attacks you before you can do this, a lot of attention is going into the fight - including the actions of the DC. if you yell at them or ignore them they may remain in the dream (sometimes not), but then your attention is still on averting them.
multiple people working in conjunction can produce more than one person could on his own (or one person working with others hassling him).
i've been in the middle of trying to maintain a dream and asked DCs how to do this better, but they don't give helpful answers - it would follow the previous logic that in the hazy beginning of a dream a hesitation like this would diffuse your attention as well.
so try getting a DC to stabilize, too.
this would mean that those different aspects of yourself have the same desire as you; the mental programs are running together without a glitch.
if i tell a DC to focus on their hand (what i do to begin my stabilization routine), more attention is brought to the dream being lucid, that i need to complete this routine, and the scene clears up.
if you can change the actions of dream characters from obstacles to something supportive, it should be easier to get past the crucial first minute or so and move onto what you can only do when fully lucid.