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    1. #1
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      I had a dream about some lizards and one of them turned into an alligator; can someone interpret?

      For years, I have had dreams about alligators. Most of the dreams, I run away from them and few when I fought and kill some.

      This morning when I was talking a nap on the couch, I had a dish pan full of small green lizards. They eventually started threatening and I went outside. I killed the most of the green lizards while three of them started getting bigger. The bigger ones stated laughing at me and I killed them.

      After I killed the three big lizards, one of the other lizards turned into an alligator and it got away. I tried to find the alligator and the search for it failed.

    2. #2
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      Hmm, usually when someone dreams of running away from something,it means they are stressed and avoiding a certain issue. Lizards,in dreams,symbolise danger. It might be a warning of an upcoming danger in your life. That aside, dreams about lizards can be a good and bad omen depending on the circumstances in your life. They symbolise that person's relationship with others. But they can also be a good omen. It could mean you are becoming a better person. In some traditions,they also symbolise protection and healing.

    3. #3
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      If it is a recurring symbol it must be very important! what do you associate with alligators and reptiles in your life? do you have any memories involving them?

      without more context it is hard to interpret, but here is what i think:

      since the lizards are a plural group rather than a single character, they may represent a concept or something recurring. In the dream, they kept growing if you didnt kill them while they were small. maybe you feel overwhelmed in real life constantly stomping out small fires before they consume you. or maybe its more abstract and you have to constantly 'kill' certain subconscious thoughts or desires that keep springing up. The last one getting away may show that youre not able to stay on top of this issue and you feel it slips out of your hands.

      once you figure out what the alligators represent i think youll have an easier time interpreting this dream.

    4. #4
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      These alligators in my dreams usually represent some members of my family.

    5. #5
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      how did you come to that conclusion? is it just a feeling or do you have a specific memory or association tying the alligators to your family?
      since the symbol is recurring, im wondering if it could be more archetypal or more abstract.

      And now that i've looked at it again, i think the dish may also have some significance. the small lizards were on the plate, so it could signify that they are being metaphorically consumed by you, or maybe being offered to you for consumption.

      -- follow these steps. you dont have to post here if you dont want to, but associations may help out with the interpretation.

      1. write down all the symbols from your dream and write your associations for each symbol in a cloud around the word. eg if I dreamed about the sun, I would write out 'Sun' and in a cloud around the word would write what I associate with the sun (warmth, fire, Apollo, summer, daytime, light, time)

      2. interpret the setting- Represents what the dream is about or what part of your mind the conflict is taking part in.

      3, interpret the objects/characters- using your associations, try to determine what each character or object represents. sometimes this step comes easily, but sometimes it takes days or weeks to develop this enough. some symbols are very unique to you and tied to a certain memory, but some symbols are archetypal and are cultural. For example, an angel in a dream would mean similar things to most people who are christian or living in mostly christian countries, but dreaming about a specific object you own or person you know will have a very unique meaning to you. Some symbols are both archetypal and individual: maybe if your friend appears as an angel in your dream, both of those symbols become mixed.

      4. interpret the story- This step may start forming as you do steps 2 & 3. Now that you understand the setting and its characters as symbols, what are the symbols doing and what does that say about the situation?

    6. #6
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      This is how I would look at it.

      Dreams where you are chased by threatening creatures/ animals are common. Perhaps it’s a primal fear most of us have or it could be that we learn in early childhood about the danger of man eating animals from movies and nature documentaries we watch and naturally become fearful. Why is it specifically alligators for you? It could be that they scared you as a child even if you can’t remember them doing so. Why does this fear persist in your dreams? It’s likely because you associate this strong fear in dreams with previous dreams about alligators, making the likelihood of them recurring stronger.

      It’s important to remember dreams can be created from very brief and fleeting moments from our waking lives. You may have recently seen a lizard on TV or heard someone talk about one. This theme/ schema then lingered in the mind and was brought up in your dream. They likely attacked you because this is something you expect in your dreams because of your previous alligator attack dreams. It’s then no surprise the lizard became an alligator because of the strong association between the two due to their similarities.

      Why did you have this scary experience? As mentioned it could simply be that the brief mention of a lizard during the day fabricated this series of scary events, or it may be linked to some feelings of stress and anxiety in waking life that aroused nightmarish thoughts during sleep.

    7. #7
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      I guess reading this caused me to dream about having a pet alligator.

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    8. #8
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      I always knew the alligators are associated some members of my family sometimes, I'm not saying which ones.

    9. #9
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      It is unlikely that this dream is meant to be taken literally; therefore, we should look for a symbolic interpretation.

      OK now, what could be the possible meaning of these alligators that were lizards?
      When I see animals, colors etc. in a dream, I check to see if they are, in some way, related to chakras.

      • The alligator is a common symbol of the second chakra.

      • From https://www.chakras.info/sacral-chakra-symbol/
      According to Hindu tradition, the sacral chakra is governed by the alligator. Revered as an elder of the animal kingdom, the alligator is represents [sic] the duality of strength and weakness in all living creatures — including humans.
      The alligator offers lessons in what it means to be patient and wise when it comes to making decisions. Its clear, sharp vision is a nice metaphor for the necessity of venturing forth with confidence beyond the comfort of self-imposed boundaries to pursue dreams and embrace change in order to grow.

      Symbol of the Maiden, Mother, Wise Woman [My Comment – the three-in-one goddess may be related to the three alligators in the dream.]

      The sacral chakra is governed by the Hindu goddess, Parvati. As represented by her devotion to her husband, the Lord Shiva, Parvati is the goddess of power, fertility, and fidelity.

      From young maiden and sexual being to nurturing mother and wise woman, the image of the goddess figure embodies the sacral chakra’s attributes of creativity, sexuality

      • From https://www.healthline.com/health/mi.../sacral-chakra
      o The second of these main chakras is the sacral chakra, also known by some as the “sex chakra.”
      o The sacral chakra is believed to be located below the navel, where the perineum is. It’s said to be associated with the sex organs and the kidneys, though this isn’t supported by scientific research.
      o According to some traditions, the sacral chakra is linked to pleasure, sexuality, and joy.

      Putting this all together –
      I believe that this dream is saying that the dreamer is not using/embracing the power and strength of the second charka.

      Hope this helps,

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