• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #176
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      June 10th 06

      1- In Court
      Basically, spectated someone's trial. The defendant's lawyer pulled down a huge screen and projected a bunch of documents onto it for the entire courtroom to see. She informed the court that her client had been set up, and the altered documents proved it.
      After sitting through slide after slide of evidence, the judge ruled that the defendant had indeed been framed and was free to go.

      Mood - bored
      Influence - dont know

      2- Family Reunion
      In a huge pavillion with entire family, aunts uncles, cousins, etc. I couldn't stand being there. Too many loud people and kids. Ended up becoming nothing more than a candy holder for some brat.
      All the children went outside and dove into a huge rectangular swimming hole. Felt uneasy about that. Knew something bad was going to happen. And it did. One by one, the kids' heads disappeared under the water, never to resurface.
      Found out there were giant snapping turtles under water and the parents sent their kids swimming there to be rid of them.

      Mood - Worry
      Influence - no clue

      3- Bev's
      Was at my aunt Bev's old house. My cousin and I were dancing to 90's rock music. Looked out the window into the dark and saw a row of old tree trunks. The limbs had been hacked away. The trees were underlit by landscape lighting. The shadows cast made the trees seem as if they had contorted faces. Really creepy.
      Tried to look through lower windows. They were filthy, caked with dust. I traced out designs in the dust, wholly content just doing that. Was afraid to look at the trees again. Had the feeling they were watching me.

      Mood - wary
      Influence - ?

      4- Fighting Kids
      Back behind my grandmother's in her dump, 3 kids were fighting. I knew one, so went out and told the others to get the fuck off the property. They left through the bush.
      Talked to the remaing kid. He said they got fighting over a school project. They couldn't agree on a single topic.
      The boy was in tears, upset becasue he now wasn't going to get an A on the project. I tried to console him but he wouldn't be consoled.

      Mood -concerned
      Influence - ?

    2. #177
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      June 11th 06

      1- KR Attack
      I was a Niv, a Jedi character, in middle of a massive battle. Held my own until a huge Mech suit wearing Sith dropped from Sky, crushed Sith and Jedi alike. Mech went after my master and blasted her to shreds.
      He then chased me, laughed, trampled all in his path. A missle hit near to me and I fell. KR jumped out of Mech and stood over me. Ripped my lightsaber from me and crushed it with his bare hand.
      Someone blasted him from behind. I escaped but knew he'd find me again.

      Mood - frantic for escape
      Influence - Something I read before bed

      2- KKK Storm School
      In phys. ed class, at my first highschool. All the sudden the gym doors burst open. A bunch of fully outfitted KKK members poured in. Said the school was theirs. Told everyone who wasn't pure 'white' to get out or suffer the consequences.
      Many left, white and nonwhite. I stayed to defy them. A friend tried to drag me out of the school. Told him I wasn't going anywhere. I had just as much a right to an education as 'they' did.
      We stayed, waiting for the consequences to come.

      Mood - defiant/angry
      Influence - watched A Time to Kill last night

      3- Singing/Cleaning
      Cleaning my room. It was messy. Looked as if a tornado ripped through it. As I cleaned, I was singing various country songs. Funny because I don't particularly like or know any country songs.
      Started singing the song, "Listen to the Radio', by a local singer who's voice I despise. As I was singing away, J happened past my room. He looked in and laughed at me. I realized what I was doing and quit, horribly embarassed. I tried to change the radio station but it was stuck on one channel. Continued cleaning with country music playing in background.

      Mood - horrendous embarassment
      Influence - Radio station I left on overnight switched from rock to country

      Job Shopping w/ Granny
      With Granny on Town line. Found a small smoke shop for sale. Told her to buy it so I'd have somewhere to work. She got out, peeked in windows, tried to break in to see what it looked like.
      Her kid got out and on a four wheeler. Rode it. I followed him to the road. He spun around raising dust.
      A huge truck pulled in the drive. The shop owners.
      They confronted my aunt who was still trying to B&E the shop. Someone else rushed and tackled the kid on the fourwheeler.

      Mood - embarassed by my aunt and cousin's actions
      Influence - no idea

      ((woke up at 5am recalled 2 dreams but didn't log them. now can't remember them))

    3. #178
      Mega Baller jjm121's Avatar
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      yeah. i've been sort of busy w/ end of the year projects and tests.

      I bought EWLD and interpretation of dreams by Freud.

    4. #179
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      June 12th 06

      1- Captured Cardinal
      Watched and listened to a variety of birds in a tree outside my dining room window. On set of birds had just finished a nest. The noticed me watching and ripped the nest apart.
      Several other birds scattered. Some baby birds fell from the branches. A huge robin hopped down the tree trunk. It had a cardinal hanging out of it's mouth. I went outside, the robin dropped the cardinal. I snatched it up to save it but it kept biting and scratching me.

      Mood - inquisitive
      Influence -?

      2- Pink Cure All
      A small girl was very sick in bed. The bed was encircled by a bunch of stern looking old women. They merely watched her roll about and whine and cry.
      I hopped onto the bed and laid with the girl. She turned to me and told me she needed the pink ointment. I got up and rummaged about the room. Found a jar of what looked like pink lotion. Opened it. It smelled sweet, like a blending of fresh strawberries and vanilla?
      The girl rubbed the lotion on herself and her swollen red skin turned back to normal.

      Mood - sympathetic
      Influence - ha... like i know

      3- Leaving it all Behind
      Jumped into D's truck. Was simply going to leave and not look back. Got around to Moccasin Trail and suddenly noticed there were a bunch of people gathered outside my house. I demanded we go back.
      As we did, I watched the ditch. Saw an intact pelt of cat fur. Someone had mutilated the cat. I knew it and wanted to scoop up the skin to find evidence but D wouldn't let me.
      Got back to my house. It was full of people. So i had to stay. No way in hell I was leaving my house at the mercy of a bunch of freeloaders.

      Mood - aggitated
      Influence - desire to move out of this place?

      4- Drowning
      Me and a guy in a business suit were trapped underwater. He clung to a thin rope to keep sinking. I floated in place, told him not to move as huge red fish with sharp beaks surrounded him. The fish clung to the guy's clothes. He freaked out, moved, lost his grip. The fish attacked him, ripped him to pieces as she sank, screaming.
      I tried to swim to the ice? covered surface. A huge rectange through which light shone was my target. Half way there I ran out of breath, inhaled and could breath underwater! No need to rush.

      Mood - worried
      Influence - ?

    5. #180
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Originally posted by jjm121
      yeah. i've been sort of busy w/ end of the year projects and tests.

      I bought EWLD and interpretation of dreams by Freud.
      Hey JJM.. glad to see you back.

      Sounds like you've got yourself some good reading material. Especially ol Sigmund. I cringe to think of how he'd analyse and interpret my dreams.

      If they're good, please tell me so and I'll have to check them out.
      I'm currently reading a book on meditation and dreamwork, considering trying the techiniques out. And re reading a book on Iroquois Dreamwork. There were some interesting concepts in that one I'm going to attempt some time in the near future.

      The more I learn about dreams, the more there is to learn. There are so many different takes on what dreams may and may not be. So much to delve into.

    6. #181
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      ~grr~ hate playing catch up, been busy

      June 15 05

      1- Talking Fox
      Dont recall much more than being in a pine forest strolling along a path. A fox was sitting in the path. He began yapping non stop, even smiling. But I can't remember anything he said.

      Mood - amazement
      Influence - ?

      2- Messing w/ my Hair
      Was obsessed with my hair. It was long, tangly, thick and my scalp itched. I was hurting to get it cut shorter and thinned but had no money. Considered taking the scissors to it myself.

      Mood- frustration
      Influence- need to get my hair thinned

    7. #182
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      June 16th

      1- Colos?
      Was chatting to someone online. He seemed very familiar but I couldn't place who he was. He was hilariously funny and just all around a great guy. Upon awakening I think I know who it was because of a couple of things he said.

      Mood - friendly
      Influence - someone I met online recently

      2- Laundry
      Done piles of laundry. After I finished the last load I started folding them. All the clothes were horribly staticy. Realized I'd have to do them all over again.

      Mood - Bored/frustrated
      Influcence - Sorting through my clothes?

      3- Drenced at Doc's
      Caught in a thunderstorm. Only place to find shelter was a doctor's office. I walked in, soaked. Everyone looked at me, disgust apparent on their faces. I sat by an old man and he began chatting to me despite my scruffy apearance.

      Mood- Out of place
      Influence- thoughts of going to doc's

    8. #183
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      June 17th

      1- Limo Chase
      In a white stretch limo being chased. As we left city limits I stood up and looked out the sun roof window. I ended up on top of the limo holding onto what looked like a round white chimeny.
      The limo driver informed me to hang on tight, was going to hit 'hyperspace'. I wrapped around the chimeny. Small spoilers protruded out from all over the car and suddenly it jerked ahead, driving at an impossible speed. The entire world was only a blur as we sped along. Got away from our pursuers.

      Mood - anxious
      Influence - no idea

      <<< 325th DREAM >>>
      2- Quadruped People
      Walked along a road that looked like the area near to Cockshutt Rd and 2nd line. Newly sprouted corn crops were on either side of the road.
      After a bit felt as if I were being hunted. Looked behind and saw a pack of people running through the fields on all fours, laughing. It was a very creepy sight. They vaguely reminded me of hyeneas. I ran hoping to get to the nearest house before the quatruped people got me.

      Mood - afraid
      Influence - ??

    9. #184
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      June 18th

      1- Mist Ghost
      Strolled along aroad taking pix. Mist rolled up behind D and me. It continually shifted and shimmered. Sometimes it took nearly recognisable forms. It shifted so quickly that it was hard to make out the shapes.
      Took a bunch of pics. Checked the display screen and saw that there was ahuman form at the head the mist.
      We rushed home, locked up. Outside the windows that same mist swirled against the windows, trying to get in.

      Mood - Fear
      Influence - don't know

      2- Psychopath Chat
      In a stark white room. Reminded me of a lab. Two guys in white suits were asking me a bunch of questions about an escaped psychopath. I didn't know who they were asking about though they acted as if I knew the person closely.
      Eventually the guy called in. I was put on the telephone to try talk him back. The guy had an eerily soft, calm voice. Reminded me of Hannibal Lector. Despite not knowing who the crazy bastard was, I felt incredibly attatched to the guy and wanted to help him.

      Mood- Confused
      Influence- No clue

    10. #185
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      June 19th 06

      1- Dagon
      I was in a huge dark hall. Others were there but I paid no attention to them. I was busy trying to piece together what looked like some sort of explosive.
      A hulking form of a creature stalked into the room. He passed everyone and went to talk to someone in the back. A few seconds later the huge guy left. Just before he exited the room he turned and said, "Welcome newcomers. You're loyalty here well be greatly rewarded."
      The guy then left. I had no idea wtf he was talking about.

      2- Karith
      On a train with, I want to say jedi or sith but not sure what they were. The train fell under attack. I escorted a girl called karith and her friend to the very last car. I opened the door and shoved them out of the train to relative safety.
      Ended up shooting a couple of the the invaders then leapt from the train myself. Found Karith but the other was gone.
      The train crashed but a few escaped and contiued to persue us.

      Mood- frantic for escape
      Influence- too much of one website most likely.

    11. #186
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      June 21st 06

      1- Rabid Squirrel
      Simply recall opening my back door and a black squirrel popped out of the hole in the hickory nut tree right behind my house. It had fangs and growled. Sounded like a cat growling.

      Mood- bewildered
      Influence- A squirrel moved into the tree out back

      2- Posting Online
      Dreamed I was making posts on another site I frequent. Posting with Nivvy.

      Mood- pissed off
      Influence- last site i was on before bed

      3- T&J
      Was at my cousin T's house. Too many people there so I went outside and watched her boyfriend as he was fixing his car. We got chatting about old times.
      T came out and said she had to leave and demanded I go with her. She looked really miserable, had the feeling she thought I was trying to swipe her man.

      Mood- partly confused
      Innfluence- She actually came over on the weekend and asked what i've been up to lately, offered to take me out for coffee. Been suspicious ever since.

    12. #187
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      June 22nd 06

      1- Cleaning Gram's
      Was at my grandmother's house. It was sickeningly messy. People walked through the filth as if it wasn't there.
      I started cleaning. Everyone else sat around watching tv or simply threw more trash on the floor after I'd just swept it all up.
      Eventually went to the fuse box and shut off all power to the house. Everyone got up and left. I finished cleaning in peace then locked everyone out.

      Mood- severe frustration
      Influence- Watched part of a show about chronic slobs on tv last night

      2- Coffee with Bocelli
      Was sitting waaaay in the back row of a concert. The last act was Andrea Bocelli singing Con Te Partiro with Sarah Brightman. Could hear it clearly but was too far back to make out who was who.
      After the concert, I was outside bitching about my lousey seats. A hand came down on my shoulder. Turned, it was Andrea Bocelli. He took me aside and we sat. Had coffee. He apologised for the awful seats, as if it were his fault I was in the last row.
      He had the greatest accent too. Hehe

      Mood- frustration to elation
      Influence- listen to a classical music station while I sleep, Con Te Partiro most likely played at some point during the night.

      3- Attacked in Bed
      In bed, heard sounds like someone tip toeing through the hall. I lay perfectly still prayed it was only my imagination.
      Suddenly a shadowy form was standing at my bedroom door. I tried to get up and attack but he was too quick. He instantly had me pinned down. Tried to have his way with me but I wouldn't let him. Upon discovering I wouldn't be an easy victim, he gave up and fled.
      I was so angry I ran out side after him with the intention of ripping his genetals off and shoving them up his ass.

      Mood- murderously angry
      Influence- heard 'creeping' out in the hallway while I was trying to get to sleep

      [u][b]4- Chatham St Apt/Lucid
      Living in my old apt. I'd rearranged the furniture and went into the kitchen. When I came back out there were about 6 or so people lounging about the place like they were home. I started yelling, told them all to get the fuck out and never come back.
      Some tried to convince me to let them stay. I just kept saying, 'get the FUCK out! NOW!'
      When the last intruder exited, I slammed the door shut and slammed it on the tips of my fingers on my left hand.
      I stared at it a few seconds, thinking it should be hurting like a bitch. It didn't hurt at all. Then I realized that my door was 'backwards'. Instead of opening from right to left, it was left to right.
      "I'm dreaming." I said out loud.
      I moved to and plopped onto the couch. My mind instantly raced with a billion things to try. I decided to try this month's lucid task.
      I laid on the couch and closed my eyes. I imagined myself as a catepillar, an odd tingling coursed through my body and I felt it shrinking. I was a little green inch worm. Felt so odd.
      Anyway, inched off the couch and crawled up the leg of my coffee table and eased into one of the corners under the table top. My hind legs gripped onto the surface as the rest of me dangled. Don't recall weaving a cocoon. Think I was just instantly enveloped in one. It felt so comfortable, like being cuddled up in silk sheets.
      At this point, the dream kept switching from catepillar point of view to an outside point of view. Had the feeling I was gong to loose lucidity.
      Quickly burst out of the cocoon. As I did, the view switched and I watched myself 'hatch'. The thing that came out of the cocoon was a huge shiney black scarey looking scorpion. After a few moments I/it surried to the center of the table underside. Scrunched up wet looking wings twitched at either of my/it's sides.
      I was impatient for the wings to dry. Wanted so desperately to fly. I'd shake them every so often, trying to speed the drying process.
      From the outer view, my wings were monarch-like, but violet and black instead of orange and black.
      In my excitement to fly, I felt lucidity slipping away. I tried like a maniac to hand onto it but eventually lost it. Woke up immediately.

      Mood- happy
      Influence- lucid task

      5- The Spanking Match
      Slipped immediately into another lucid after waking from the last.
      Was lying in a field on my stomach. Struggled up and looked about. Knew I was dreaming. I wondered what to do with my lucidity.
      After some thought, I remembered an im convo I had just before bed about a 'spanking match', wherein the winner of said match is the one who throws his/her opponent over their knees and spanks them.
      Considered conjouring up both Josh and Drew but decided on just Josh.
      He appeared behind me, I turned and said, "This is it smart ass. Bring it on bitchboy."
      He laughed his evil little laugh and we started wrestling in the field. His pant leg ripped. I grabbed it and somehow ripped the pants right off of him and laughed as he stood in his boxers. Took advantage of his momentary shock to throw him over my knee and spank him hard.
      He laughed between ow's. It only encouraged me to hit him harder. Eventually I shoved him off of me and sat atop him. Pinned him on the ground.
      "We're in a dream Joshua." I informed him. "I can do anything I want. I'm God here."
      He responded with, "Maybe this is my dream. Consider that one." then laughed again.
      I did consider it and instantly felt my dream control slipping away.
      "You little bitch!" I said bitterly.
      I struggled to regain control.
      I felt it coming back to me but then D got home and woke me out of the dream.

      Mood- Playful
      Influence- yet another before bed convo

      6- Crucified Child

      Two groups of people were divided and yelling obscenities at each other . A kid, maybe 14 walked into thier midst. Said he would sacrifice his life to fix things.
      I grabbed my cameras and ran over to him. Tried to talk him out of it. He said it was what he was meant to do. He asked me to take B&W pix of him before his end. I agreed.
      Asked his name. I thought he said Ezekiel. I asked him to spell it. He did....A-z-e-k-i-e-l. I smiled and repronounced his name correctly. Azekiel.
      Took his pix. The poor kid was crucified shortly there after. I cried for him.

      Mood- Unbelievable sorrow
      Influence- No idea.

    13. #188
      Mega Baller jjm121's Avatar
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      May 2006


      i dont know.
      yours are pretty interesting too.

      spanking match...

    14. #189
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Nov 2005
      Hey JJM. Spanking match was great. You should give it a try sometime. I'd like to do it again.

      June 23rd 06

      1- Unsettled Class
      In school, History of Photography class. Just got settled in when the instructor told us we had to switch rooms.
      Got to the new room and everyone scrambled for seats. I got stuck beside a wall. Was about to just up and leave when the wall slid away to reveal an adjoining room. We spread out. But this room was too big.
      We all left for another room. Finally found one that fit and had to sit through a movie which I couldn't see or hear.

      Mood- mild aggitation

      2- Aboortion Clinic
      Was in a crampy waiting room filling out forms so that I could have an abortion. I went to hand the forms in and it suddenly dawned on me that I wasn't pregnant. I wondered why I even bothered to set foot in the clinic. I ripped up my forms and tossed them on the desk.
      Didn't stike me as odd in the dream,. but there were several guys in the clinic too filling out forms and waiting in line to have the procedure done.

      Mood- just numb
      Influence- Talk of someone who'd had one not too long ago.

      3- Rodent Infestation

      My house was infested by rodents of all shapes and sizes. Rats, mice, hampsters, little rabbit type creatures, squirrels, chinchillas.
      I set my Jack Russel Terrier, Mojo, loose on them. He rampaged through the house tearing the intrusive little critters to shreds.

      Mood- annoyed
      Influence- think it was because of the baby squirrel we found by my back porch yesterday

    15. #190
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      June 24th 06

      1- Mother Scared
      Was in a banquet hall or something with my mother. We were sitting as far from each other as we could get. Well, I was striving to stay away from her anyway.
      Eventually she came over and begged me to go with her while she drove to pick up someone. She wanted me to go because she was scared to drive alone in the dark.
      I finally agreed just to put an end to her pathetic pleading.

      Mood- incredibly annoyed
      Influence- no clue

      2- Jailbirds

      Was at my aunt's house talking to one of my cousin's who just got out of jail. I asked him a variety of stupid questions. The final question was.. You used to know your mug shot number by heart, do you still?
      He shook his head.
      This made me feel incredibly depressed and I don't know why. We then switched to talking about my sister, the one who's in jail at least once a year. I couldn't shake the depression that I felt.

      Mood- inquisitive/depressed
      Influence- dont know

      3- Hospital Maze

      In a hospital. It was like a huge maze. Couldn't find my way through even with directions.
      Eventually I was being chased through the place. Found a narrow door and slipped into the room. A steep narrow set of stairs lead several stories up. I ascended and came out onto the top floor. I walked out and looked down. Floors were like glass. Could see down to all the super busy levels below.
      There was another door at the end of the hallway, like a Star Trek door. Tried to get in but it wouldn't unlock.

      Mood- confused/nervous
      Influence- no clue

      4- Collared

      Walked through a park. A tall long haired guy caught my attention. I grabbed him by the hair and forced him to his knees.
      'You're mine.' was all I said.
      Had a belt, wrapped it around his neck as a makeshift collar, used the still dangling piece of belt as a leash. Pulled the guy along.
      Ended up in my back yard. Proceeded to torture the guy lightly and in various ways. Only enough to make him weep for me to stop each time. I didn't derive any thrill from it. I was detatched and sort of clinical.

      Mood- a wee bit on the sadisitic side
      Influence- several, a story I read, an IM convo before bed, the 'bitch on a chain' topic in sensless banter, and the fact that I haven't been able to sink my claws into someone in such a way for a while now.

    16. #191
      Mega Baller jjm121's Avatar
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      duh.duh-duh-duh. duh-duhduhduh, pfft,pfft,pfft.
      VEEXX KITTEN!!!!
      duh.duh-duh-duh. duh-duhduhduh, pfft,pfft,pfft!

    17. #192
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      That was so great to wake up to JJM.

      June 25th 06

      1- &#39;New&#39; Car
      Tried to start a car that I guess I&#39;d bought. It was an older model vehicle, an odd shade of blue. On the outside it looked perfectly fine. Under the hood it was severely rusty, oily, dirty.
      Got it started and drove slowly away. Got to my lane way, it was long, unpaved and had many puddles in it. As I inched up the drive, my car stalled right in the middle of a big puddle. I got out and kicked the car. Just left it and continued home on foot.

      Mood- frustration
      Influence-not sure

      2- Romeo & Juliet
      I just recall watching television and heard a disturbance across the street. Looked out the front window and saw a magnificent pillard mansion across the way. There were 2 moons, one on each side of the house.
      There was a guy standing below the balcony spouting off a bunch of romantic-type things to the girl standing on the balcony. I watched for a while, half sicked and half intrigued by the scene.

      Mood- ?
      Influence- Probably heard a Romeo and Juliet inspired piece of music on the radio as I slept.

      3- Grooming
      Tried to fix my hair. It wouldn&#39;t do anything so I took scissors and hacked it off till the strands were only about a couple of inches long all around my head.
      Noticed one of my ears was way bigger than the other. Looked as if it had been stretched down. I actually touched down onto my shoulder.
      On top of that, I had a bunch of pimples. Popped them and multi legged larva like creatures squirmed out from them. The fell into the sink. I turned on the hot water and tried to drown them but the wouldn&#39;t die.

      Mood- freaked out
      Influence- dying to get my hair cut.?

      4- Buttterflies & Fireflies
      Just recall being in a field and watching fireflies and butterflies. The fireflies were huge. The butterflies were small and white and they too bioluminescent. I stumbled around in the dark trying to catch one of the &#39;fire butterflies&#39; because I&#39;d never seen anything like them before.

      Mood- wonderment
      Influence- saw swarms of fireflies a couple of nights ago while out for a drive.

      <<< 350th DREAM >>>
      5- In Bed With Bud
      Was lying in a bed with two others. I was on the edge, turned to talk to the person in the middle and saw that he was Bud Bundy from Married with Children. It struck me as odd, but I just chatted anyway. Don&#39;t recall what i was talking about.

      Mood- Overly talkative, inquisitive
      Influence- no effin&#39; clue

    18. #193
      Member PantsParty's Avatar
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      Your dreams are extremely funny. The whole thing about the car stalling was just.... so random and funny.

    19. #194
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Hey ya PantsParty.
      Yes, my dreams are sort of funny and usually feel pointless. I'd love to have one deep and meaningfull dream a night as opposed to several small, seemingly shallow dreams.
      But I'm not complaining. I'll take what Im given.

      June 26th 06

      1- Man Made Hurricane
      My sister, her friend and I walked through a brushy field. We pushed our way through prickly bushes and through a fence. Came into a city.
      A magician had a gigantic fan set up to preform a trick. I wasn't interested. Walked away. Later the fan was activated and it got out of control. Created hurricane like winds. Trees, cars, even houses were blown apart or away. I slipped into a manhole in the street and was was kept safe. Don't know what happened to my sister and her friend.

      Mood- a bit afraid
      Influence- ?

      2- Clue Hunt
      People assembled in an old mansion to root through ti for clues that might help find a missing girl.
      I was paired with Andrea?, completely useless. Ended up in a massive dining room with aa long table surrounded by hundreds of chairs.
      We searched but couldn't find the final clue. I noticed the rough wood beams that stretched across the room. There were engravings and writing on them. Climbed on the table and tried to make sense of the hyroglyphs? and senseless words. Couldn't, but had the feeling that the clue had something to do with stability or structure or support.

      Mood- desperation
      Influence- ?

      3- The Lord Andon (the manwhore savior)
      In a huge crowd of miserable people. Atop a high hill a figure appeared, he was backlit by the sunset... or sunrise... not sure which. He was wearing what looked like a billowing robe and he held out his arms to us all.
      To me, he seemed Jesus-like. Like he was there to save us all.
      Upon closer inspection, I recognised the guy. He looked like Andon. I tried to push and shove my way to him but the others wouldn't allow me through.
      I called out to him and he saw me but I couldn't get to him.

      Influence- a quick chat with him last night?

      4- Me?
      I was a guy. It was very dark, I was lying in bed with someone.
      Rolled over and felt the person. It was a woman. Don't know who. Ran my hands over her body and watched her squirming under my touch. Needless to say, this aroused me and.. well... I just had to get me some.

      Mood- aroused but unemotional
      Influence- no idea...haha

    20. #195
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      June 27th 06

      1- The Crumbling Bridge
      Chased by a huge crowd. I ran up a steep hill and watched my hunters from above. Got spotted. I ran and came to a grassy cliff. A river far below offered no escape.
      Ran along cliff edge and came to an old crumbling wooden bridge. I immediately crossed, trusting it would support me. Got to the other side and hid.
      My hunters found the bridge and tried to cross but it fell apart and they plunged to their deaths.
      I continued on into a lovely eden type forest where I felt safe.

      Mood- Afraid/Relief
      Influence- ??

      2- Lightless School
      In school, the only hallway that was lit was the main entrance. I wandered through near pitch black trying to find my classroom. Couldn't.
      Tired of roaming in the dark I went into the bathroom and switched on the light. It turned out to be the men's bathroom so I slipped out and found the ladies bathroom. Went in and turned on the lights, and the entire bathroom was filthy. Looked like it should have been condemned.
      Though the bathroom was a disaster area, I prefered to stay in it than stumble aimlessly in the dark.

      Mood- Lost
      Influence- no clue right now

      3- 3rd Floor
      Was in an apartment on the third floor. Felt trapped there though I don't recall there being any valid reason to feel that way.
      Had my face pressed against the window screen trying to get a good view of outside. The scenery sucked. Nothing but buildings, streets clogged with cars.
      Eventually went to bath. Filled the tub right up and slipped in. Slid under the water with the intention of drowning myself to escape.

      Mood- trapped
      Influence- way i feel atm

    21. #196
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      June 28th

      1- Stalking Tornadoes
      In a small town. Clouds turned black. Tornadoes exploded down from them. The tornadoes viciously stabbed down into the earth, causing small explosions.
      I was in a car with others. Every way we went the twisters followed. They were stalking us. Well, me. Knew they were after me.
      We became surrounded. Instead of waiting for the end I told the driver drive straight into one. He did. To my surprise we weren't sucked up. We drove through the tornado with barely a scratch. We then hightailed it outta there.

      Mood- border terror
      Influence- weather that day?

      June 29th

      1- Were Watercress?
      In a house that had a long couch that stretched from wall to wall. A swamp was pressed up behind it, the couch dammed the water back.
      I jumped into the swamp to swim with others. Submerged, wondered if I could morph into the tiny watercress like vegitation that floated atop the pond. Somehow, I did it. Felt my body structure change and then split into a billion tiny pieces. The pieces drifted apart and I spread across the swamp. Felt so peaceful.
      Eventually changed back to human form and tried to convince others to change but they wouldn't. They were afraid. So I submerged and switched back & forth just for the hell of it.

      Mood- heh strange

      June 30th

      1- Lasagna
      Spent a lot of time preparing a huge pan of lasagna. Don't remember cooking it, but it was done all the sudden. I sat it on thedining room table, got out 3 plates and the appropriate amt of cutlery to go with them.
      Took great care arranging the table. Placed the lasagna in the middle of it and waited for dinner company to arrive. (dont' know who I was waiting for)
      No one showed up. Disappointed, I looked over at the pasta masterpiece I'd created only to see that it was crawling with flies. Those big shiney green assed flies I despise. Didn't bother to shoo them away. Too disappointed to care.

      Mood- severe disappointment
      Influence- talked with someone about lasagna last night

      2- Happy Girl
      Don't remember much more than watching a little kid, maybe about 5 yrs old. She was twirling and dancing around on a shaggy looking lawn. She seemed deleriously happy and it annoyed me. I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out how anyone could be that damned happy over what appeared to be nothing.

      Mood- annoyed
      Influence- /

    22. #197
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      Trying to post my dreams from last night and all I can't.

      I get the following message...

      You don't have permission to access /forum/posting.php on this server.

      Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

      Apache/1.3.33 Server at www.dreamviews.com Port 80

      Don't know what the hell that means.

      It won't let me post one of my dreams. Went through and typed in each dream individually and it won't let me post the one dream. Don't know why. So I'll post the 4 that it will allow.

      July 1st

      1- Flooded Well/Missing Girl
      My grandmother's front lawn was flooded. The well had overflowed and created a swamp of knee high water. A little girl was playing in the water. She waded far into it and suddenly she disappeared under.
      I ran in, reached around and felt her for a second, but then lost contact. Seconds passed. Kept searching. Couldn't find her. I paniced and yelled for help.
      Somehow the water was all drained away. There was no trace of the little girl. She'd simply vanished. I was the only one who seemed to care. Everyone else just went about their business.

      Mood- worry

      2- the one that gets the message above ^^^ dream 1.

      3- Lopsided Room
      Was trying to clean a room that had a severely slanted floor. It was littered with muliti colored shards of glass and what looked like tiny jewels.
      I was barefoot so had to be very careful as to where I stepped. For some reason I was sweeping everything up the slant. It'd spill back down toward me and I'd have to sweep it up again.
      Eventually made my way to the top of the slant and swept everything down. Much easier. Could have kicked myself in the ass for trying to sweep up it.

      Mood- frustrated
      Influence- thoughts of sweeping up a mess before bed.

      4- Camera-less
      Walked down a road. Approached a little dirt road that broke off from the main one. Ice coated the barren twisted trees lining the little road, although summertime.
      The sun was setting. I neared the ice covered trees, orangish light of the sun backlit the ice and bathed the entire area in shifting tiny straight rainbows. The ice seemed to be acting like prisms.
      Gotta get a picture of this... I thought. Reached for my camera bag. It wasn't there. Pissed the hell off, I had to retrace my steps to find my camera bag. By the time I got back the sun had set and the rainbow effect was gone.

      Mood- amazed/angry
      Influence- ha... don't know

      5- Grand Party

      In a huge lavishly decorated dining hall. Guest of honor was my grandmother. She wore a light blue gown with frilly lace around the neckline. Reminded me of a 1700's dress.
      Anyway, entertainment arrived. Tina Turner and James Brown. I went to greet them but they were too busy to be bothered.
      Made my way to gram. Didn't say anything, Just smiled. She placed her palm on the table, lifted it and large blue & white cameo was there. I picked it up. She told me it was mine. Keep it and remember her every time I looked at it. I pinned it on my shirt. Happy to have a momento from her.

      Mood- sort of happy
      Influence- D brought me a cameo home a couple of days ago. I collect them, they remind me of my grandmother. She used to collect them too.

    23. #198
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      July 2nd 06

      1- Attempted Reclaim of Muttface
      A skinny older man was on my doorstep, wanted to see my dog, whom I affectionately refer to as Muttface.
      The man said she was his dog. I let him in and he tried to call to her. The dog went to him, sniffed, then trotted back to me. I told the man Id found her, yes, but that she was rail thin and unkempt. No one responded to the lost dog ads posted, so she was mine now.
      The guy left, said he would get her back somehow.

      Mood- Anxious
      Influence- ?

      2- Fleeing Randy
      Walked to my sister's house. She was shocked to realize the door was unlocked. She and her man rushed in to investigate. I remained outside in case anyone tried to sneak out.
      Randy did. He leapt out the front window and ran. I called my sister. We persued him. Lost him down a narrow alley.
      I went right to his house and accused him. He denied. I began to say things like, I know what I saw. What are the chances that some other fat ass, gimping child molester would look exactly like you and break into my sister's house.... and assorted other insults.
      He got mad and 'accidentally' admitted to it.

      Mood- infuriated
      Influence- someone I know broke into my house last night to use the bathroom?

      3- Trampoline Sleeping
      I was a guy, trying to sleep on a trampoline. Had my sketchbook over my face to block out the light. There was a kitten sleeping on my lower left shin.
      Could not get to sleep because there was the constant click, click, click, click of a woman's high heeled shoes on cement.
      I had the horrible feeling that she was coming for me. Sometimes the clicking was soft and far away, sometimes loud and near. Forever, the clicking went on. It drove me mad. All I wanted to do is sleep. To Lucid dream. I knew I would if only I could sleep.

      Mood- Lazily frustrated
      Influence- Attempting to LD last night. The eternal clicking was the sound of the fan in my room. It makes a quiet clicking sometimes. Sound must have crept into my dream.

      4- Pool Mermaid
      Was at a Rob Shnieder-ish looking guy's mansion. He had a pet girl in his pool. He dove in and swam with her. Had a white rose, traced it down the girls spine.
      Someone arrived at the house. 'Rob' fled. I jumped into the pool and chatted with the girl.
      Twin fat men in white suits came near. The girl tried to submerge to hide. I told her she'd drown. She said no she wouldn't.
      The guys stayed for a long time. I was sure the girl had drowned. Submerged and saw that she was a mermaid.
      I instantly thought... a mermaid would't be able to breath in chlorinated water! She'd suffocate or get poisoned.

      Mood- many moods
      Influence- no idea. Thought it was funny that a seeing a mermaid seemed perfectly normal to me. It was the thought of one breathing in chlorinated water that seemed implausable.

      5- Chasedown

      6- B&E School

    24. #199
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Aug 3rd

      Been a while since I posted here but the same thing has happened that has happened with all previous dream journals of mine. It&#39;s becoming quite the hassle to record my dreams. Especiallly so in regards to shortening them to post here. My dream reacall has jumped a bit, from an average 3 dreams a night to remembering 5-8 dreams a night. Had two LD&#39;s last month that have yet to be recorded here. Thinking perhaps I&#39;ll only record my LD&#39;s in this journal since LD&#39;ing is my main goal here. That way I won&#39;t be rushing to record in 2 dream journals every day.

      Hmm. I have to figure something out. I do love it here.

    25. #200
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      Noting the 2 LD&#39;s from last month:

      1- Aliens
      Completely lucid but unable to move. Space aliens surrounded, seemed to hold me in place with some sort of mind power.

      2- Crazy Old Lady
      Locked in basement. Realize dreaming and turn into a mouse to squeeze out from under door. Change back to myself and the Crazy Lady chased, saying my escape wasn&#39;t fair, I wasn&#39;t supposed to realize I was dreaming. She changed to a man. Her comment solidified my lucidity and dream control. Felt like a god. Beat the hell of her/him and escaped.

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