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    1. #1
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      Ravemaster7's DILD-1 workbook

      Here's my first entry. dreams from last night.

      library - I'm looking for a book on logic at the library where my friend Sara is apparently working. (should have RCd). I'm with Alphonse Elric, the giant suit of armor from Fullmetal Alchemist (should have RCd). We are antagonized by some strange robot, and I perform alchemy with a set of steel marbles. They go flying across the room at my will. I can recollect them with another action.

      sammich race - I'm playing a videogame against a group of boys to win a delicious, delicious hoagie. I win and only have to pay tax.

      Devil went down to Shaler - I'm a street near my house, and a vicious mentor is mediating a trumpet battle between me and a friend from high school. I am determined to show her that although we're both good, she's better than me at trumpet. She is convinced that I think I'm the best at everything, which makes us both mad.

      South Park - I have a dream where I am sort of watching an episode of South Park from within the episode. Me and three other kids are playing some sort of game that Cartman is trying to ruin. Later, we try to take a kid to the dentist to have a strange robot removed from between his teeth. He doesn't want to go through with it, so we have to force him.

      last one - I am driving to the pharmacy at which I used to work with my old boss and his son, who, for some reason, is acting quite rude and spoiled. I try to help him look for his prescription when we get there, but it's not ready yet.

      On reflection, the version of the pharmacy is totally different in my dreams from real life. I should probably RC every time I go there or think about it.

      My Dream Journal
      Dream is destiny.
      Dreams so far: MILD: [1] WILD: [0] DILD: [1] WBTB [2]
      Dream Goals: Rub hands together [X] Fly [ ] Kamehameha [ ] Telekinesis [ ] Task of the Month [ ] Talk to a DC about dreams/myself [ ]

    2. #2
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      Looks like you have great recall! You remembered a lot of dreams.

      Do you dream of robots often?

    3. #3
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      1 I feel as if I am living in the Digimon world. There is a little girl who can summon/control monsters by turning words into a numerical code - each letter represented by the alphabetic ordered number, minus the vowels. There is an evil lady who tries to take this power from her. At the foot of a mountain, I find a weird subway station where I play a weird game that reminds me of YuGiOh. It is my turn, and I am able to turn the game to my favor. After the game, I board the subway cars and sit with 3 other people - little kids, 2 girls and a boy. One girl is tomboyish and has a huge crush on the boy. The other girl starts hinting that SHE likes the boy as well, which makes the first girl incensed. She yells a lot, and she is annoying.

      2 I forget how, but by some weird magic, I have created a soulless puppet whose head is made of a pop bottle, I think. He creeps me right the hell out, so I decide to put him near danger so he will die quickly. I challenge this biker gang leader lady to a fight, and she whips out her two swords. The puppet gets stabbed in the head and dies eventually. The biker lady really tries to wound me hard! I see her attacks in a sort of comic-book format. After she calms down, she starts deciding where we will go next.

      3 Sciulli and some old man and I are walking around a strange neighborhood. Sciulli and I talk a lot about philosophy. I try to run ahead, but never make it that far. We step into a small house momentarily and check it out. There are weird paintings and old furniture.

      Naiya - I find that often, I don't dream of the same things. There's never quite been something I've been able to classify as 'recurrent' in my dreams. I feel that this is one of my major problems when it comes to becoming lucid - in my dreams, I usually just go with the flow and never question weird things (probably because I wish they would happen in real life). I try to do an honest-to-goodness reality check every so often, and I think about my state of consciousness with sincerity, but it never seems to carry over. :/

      My Dream Journal
      Dream is destiny.
      Dreams so far: MILD: [1] WILD: [0] DILD: [1] WBTB [2]
      Dream Goals: Rub hands together [X] Fly [ ] Kamehameha [ ] Telekinesis [ ] Task of the Month [ ] Talk to a DC about dreams/myself [ ]

    4. #4
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      Well, it's all right if you don't have any specific dreamsigns. They are only one way to get lucid. The most important thing is recall, which you already have.

      BTW, so far it does seem like you have a lot of cartoon and anime themed dreams, but it's early for me to tell.

    5. #5
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      I woke up a few times during this, but it felt very interconnected, even though it definitely wasn't.

      Sciulli and I are driving around a neighborhood that reminds me of my great-grandma's old street. We go into a house and play ping pong with two really weird guys in the basement. It's my house's basement, but it's not my house that we're at. At first, we just play some regular games while watching some weird radio-tv-monitor thing. The guys say they're going to step it up, and we start playing with two people on both of the long sides of the table instead of the receiving sides. Each of us has half a paddle, and we're playing with what seems like four balls. Sciulli and I are terrible at it; he wants to get better, I am frustrated because we suck. I go to leave and it's suddenly my house. My dad gives me a game called Revolution 2046 or something. He said it was one of his favorites. I believe I woke up after this part.

      Next, I'm playing (or I am?) Super Mario (kart?). Peach was mad at Mario for being bad? or something? It seemed like he was trying to figure out a mystery or problem or something and had to keep his motives secret. I tried to talk to my friend Emily McN. on 'Nintendo chat' by pressing a blue X button (uh, that's Xbox, silly), but I never responded to her fast enough and it glitched out a lot. Then a different Emily called me on my cell phone and cried because she made a nice dinner but couldn't find her boyfriend. I told her I would join her and whoever else was coming to the dinner. I think I woke up again.

      My girlfriend's father arranges to meet me in a room at his workplace. He shows me a yellow paper that proclaims to be the HOHO document, something about getting ink for their company (they actually make turbines...). When I look back, it's the WOWO document, and back again reveals it as the SOHO document. Should have recognized it. He tells me he's leaving, but suddenly the room fills with undergraduate business students who want to work for his company, and he tells me that I should socialize with them. I feel like he's trying to keep me away from his daughter by catching me in infidelity, so I just make nice and awkwardly start talking to a few people around me. There's a really tall guy and a short-ish red-haired girl wearing grey business clothes. I am very nervous introducing myself to them, and I offer a handshake.

      A short one - not sure where it fits in - I am in a big room with my friend Steve and (a person whom I believe to be) his roommate Ben. He is showing me, on a huge TV screen, a new racing game by the makers of Katamari Damacy, starring the Prince. He rides over the other drivers, and the speed boost panels are black ovals with red outlines. I get a call, and I have to go.

      I'm driving around a nighttime Pitt campus. I think Sciulli or someone is in the passenger seat. I come to a bridge that has two-way traffic, but there's a large construction vehicle in my lane, spinning some strange wheel into the bridge. I try to go around it, but I notice that the ground under the car has become very sandlike. Up ahead, the road has become a dune of gritty, damp, red sand. There are people at the end of the bridge. It's hard to explain, but the latter half of the bridge has been dug out while my car is stuck on the first half. I get out of the car and slide down to the ground where Emily T and her boyfriend Tyler are waiting. Suddenly, Emily lights a stick of dynamite, which turns out to be a bundle of dynamite! She doesn't really know what to do with it, and she's scared, so Tyler grabs it from her, waits for the right moment, and tosses the dynamite into the sand bank. It explodes, making a sandslide. I rush back to my car and steer it to safety at the end of the bridge. I get out, and my band director, Jack, tells me to "park it on Blue Street." I'm confused, because I've never heard of such a street, but he assures me that it's right off of "Red Street." Suddenly, my girlfriend is there, and she helps me navigate to the place where I am to park, which turns out to be right around the corner.

      Is that enough recall for you, Naiya? Sometimes, after I woke up, it felt like I was just making things up, but as I'm sure you've experienced, it's all there in my memory distinctly. The first time I had a lucid dream was after a bout of good recall, so hopefully this will lead me to another lucid experience if I keep it up. And yes, a lot of my dreams have cartoon/anime/videogame themes

      My Dream Journal
      Dream is destiny.
      Dreams so far: MILD: [1] WILD: [0] DILD: [1] WBTB [2]
      Dream Goals: Rub hands together [X] Fly [ ] Kamehameha [ ] Telekinesis [ ] Task of the Month [ ] Talk to a DC about dreams/myself [ ]

    6. #6
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      Wow, I'd say that's a lot. Very nice, keep up the good journaling!

      Also, I'd definitely try to pause games and RC every once in a while when you're playing them. And you can RC when reading things by checking to see if they're the same every time you read them, which you mentioned missing.

    7. #7
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      I went to bed last night stating my intention: I will have a lucid dream because I will recognize the dream state.

      It worked!

      I am taking a test about Star Wars, or something. I put my test in a book and put it aside while the teacher talks. Then, I take it back out, and the answers are filled in and it's graded with a B! I am distraught by this so I call the teacher over. She doesn't understand either. Later, I am outside a house on the opposite side of my block, talking with my girlfriend. She tells me about her 'neighbor,' a girl whom I went to high school with. Following that, I go to some weird dinner party where a bunch of my friends are sitting at long tables. I see my friend Jeremy, and he tells me that this is a dream. I am ecstatic! I jump up and thank him profusely for telling me that I am dreaming, for I am now lucid. I try to spin around, but I forget to close my eyes, so it doesn't work; I'm still in the banquet hall. I look up at the ceiling and try to float through it, but I notice my mother and float over to her. I start dancing with her, and she says something like "Don't you think this is a little inappropriate?" "No, mom, I'm dreaming!" I respond. I spin her around and kiss her cheek, telling her I love her and I'm so happy about this. I rub my hands together and the dream feels more intense. Then, I look up to the ceiling, and determined to fly through it, I wake up laughing. It's a false awakening, though I fail to realize it. I was impressed, though (with myself), because my first thought was at least to write the dream down. So, I woke up downstairs, which should have clued me in, but I turned off a bunch of lamps because they were too bright, which did not serve to alert me to my state. I grabbed a weird notebook which happened to be full of drawings of 3 guys doing goofy stuff, and I wrote like a damn 3-year-old (should have recognized that, too; I wrote the word 'dream' as 'dreem'). I then 'went back to sleep' and had another dream.
      I'm walking through some strange caverns that lead to my old high school. I see the Avatar and other strange floating characters; I observe that each of them has some weird spirit guide floating next to him/her, but Aang's is a copy of his own foot. Weird! I meet some people from work out in the lobby and we go sit down at some tables and eat vegetables. But then it feels as if I am driving and I'm at a dark intersection; I see 'French' to the left and 'British' to the right; I head left and run into some strange spy-sniffer person, but I'm not a spy and have nothing to fear.

      wake up, try to MILD WBTB, no success

      I'm in my neighbor's back yard, and they're setting up for dinner. I don't know why I'm there; these people hardly ever talk to me. It's even weirder when they all say hi. I start petting a dog that they don't have. I let him off the leash because he's whiney. The father wants me to put the leash back on, so I do. They invite me to sit at the table with them. There is a lot of random food, and I don't really remember eating anything. A belligerent grandpa figure comes to the table (he's not there IRL) and tells us about a movie he played the villain in recently. It looks like it's going to rain, so we go inside, and I help them put the food away; specifically, I clear some vegetable scraps from the counter, and then I put some pizza in a box to go in the fridge.
      Last edited by Ravemaster7; 07-30-2010 at 11:26 AM. Reason: to color text

      My Dream Journal
      Dream is destiny.
      Dreams so far: MILD: [1] WILD: [0] DILD: [1] WBTB [2]
      Dream Goals: Rub hands together [X] Fly [ ] Kamehameha [ ] Telekinesis [ ] Task of the Month [ ] Talk to a DC about dreams/myself [ ]

    8. #8
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      Wooo congrats on getting lucid!

      You'll have to thank your DC if you ever see him again! Maybe he'll help you get lucid again.

    9. #9
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      For the first half of the night, I was drunk, so I did not recall much of anything. I woke up around 6:30, went to bed about an hour later, and dreamed.

      I'm with my girlfriend, Angela. We're in a weird house where people are having a party or something. There's a movie playing. I can't remember what it was about, but it stirred up some passionate conversation among the people watching it. I feel like at some point I was watching it, but like I said, I gots no memories of it. At one point, I'm sitting at a table of Pitt Trumpets, telling them how I really like everyone in the trumpet section and I want them to get along. Later, Angela and I wind up at the apartment of two of my former roommates. Ange keeps telling me how she doesn't like the one and doesn't want to be there. I tell her that I know, I'm sorry, and we'll leave soon. We eventually go to her house, where I watch her mom and her make lasagna. Her mom leaves, but then my puppy is there! He learned how to open doors (in my dream only ) and he opens the door for my dad, who brought us spaghetti and meatballs 'as a snack.'

      I saw my helpful DC at the table of trumpet players, but no lucid trigger. cue the sad trumpet *wah wah wahh*

      My Dream Journal
      Dream is destiny.
      Dreams so far: MILD: [1] WILD: [0] DILD: [1] WBTB [2]
      Dream Goals: Rub hands together [X] Fly [ ] Kamehameha [ ] Telekinesis [ ] Task of the Month [ ] Talk to a DC about dreams/myself [ ]

    10. #10
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      Drinking definitely isn't good for recall, yeah.

      At least your DC appeared again. Let's hope she keeps trying.

    11. #11
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      Ughhhhh, sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I've been moving into my new apartment at college and I don't have the Internet there. So I'm updating at work now

      Had vaguely disturbing dream(s) about being in a very large hospital during winter. I run into a lady I work with, but she backs away from me as if I'm approaching her inappropriately. Later, I am in a department store and run into my old friend Patty, who lives in Arizona now. In the dream, she came back to PA for some reason.

      Remembered some dreams, I believe, but forgot to write them down

      No recall from last night, way too hot in my apt and did not sleep straight through the night. Also did not sleep alone.

      My Dream Journal
      Dream is destiny.
      Dreams so far: MILD: [1] WILD: [0] DILD: [1] WBTB [2]
      Dream Goals: Rub hands together [X] Fly [ ] Kamehameha [ ] Telekinesis [ ] Task of the Month [ ] Talk to a DC about dreams/myself [ ]

    12. #12
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      Hmm yeah, I can see the stress from moving to college hurting recall a little. Hopefully it will bounce back once you're settled in.

    13. #13
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      No recall from last night, either. Tomorrow morning at 8:45, I'll be having my wisdom teeth removed. I've never had surgery of any kind before, let alone had an IV inserted. Needless to say, I'm experiencing a lot of anxiety. I'll be recovering this weekend, and I doubt I'll remember any dreams until after :/

      My Dream Journal
      Dream is destiny.
      Dreams so far: MILD: [1] WILD: [0] DILD: [1] WBTB [2]
      Dream Goals: Rub hands together [X] Fly [ ] Kamehameha [ ] Telekinesis [ ] Task of the Month [ ] Talk to a DC about dreams/myself [ ]

    14. #14
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      I wouldn't be able to sleep much either with that to look forward to. Hope it all goes well.

    15. #15
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      had dreams about my procedure scheduled for this morning.

      I am going with my mom to the oral surgeon. We meet him at a strange hospital, and when I first talk to him, he whispers Japanese to me, although I can't hear it well enough to understand. He leads me to the back room where I see several of my friends laying on beds, getting ready for their procedures. I lay on a bed. The idea is that you get tired and then he gives you the sedation medication for the procedure. I never get tired enough, though, and eventually I think I have enough time to go with a friend from the room to see my dad in a nearby hospital. We get there with some difficulty, and when we get to the elevator that's supposed to take us there, everyone is incredulous about my inability to comprehend the floor system. Eventually I get lost in the second hospital and have to go back. My dad gets ahold of me and tells me everything is ok and which direction to head in. On my way back, I see a landmark from earlier in the dream and I let my mom know where I am. I get back to the waiting room and wait some more.

      For some reason, I am Ben 10. I am on my way to find some bad guys or aliens to fight or something, but the next thing I know, I'm coming out of my wisdom tooth removal. I tongue the sockets, and they feel like small holes. I am sort of okay with it, though in other dreams (and real life) the thought of losing my teeth makes me upset. I am waiting in some house with people I don't recognize for some ceremony at the end of a street... it's becoming hazy now. I can't remember more.

      I hope my surgery will go well, because three of my wisdom teeth are already fully erupted, and the one that isn't is impacted close to the surface of my gums. Sigh... I just ... I don't like how everyone tries to tell me 'oh everyone has to do it' or 'it will be ok because it was for me.' I'm not YOU. I'm ME. I'm not going to have YOUR experience, I'm going to have my own. Strangely enough, this is the reason I don't want to watch Titanic. I don't want or need that experience. Sorry for the off-topic dialogue.

      My Dream Journal
      Dream is destiny.
      Dreams so far: MILD: [1] WILD: [0] DILD: [1] WBTB [2]
      Dream Goals: Rub hands together [X] Fly [ ] Kamehameha [ ] Telekinesis [ ] Task of the Month [ ] Talk to a DC about dreams/myself [ ]

    16. #16
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      Tooth removal went well. No swelling at all, minimal bleeding, some pain of course, but they DID rip bones out of my face..
      Vicodin + pain + sleep = no recall. Sowry

      My Dream Journal
      Dream is destiny.
      Dreams so far: MILD: [1] WILD: [0] DILD: [1] WBTB [2]
      Dream Goals: Rub hands together [X] Fly [ ] Kamehameha [ ] Telekinesis [ ] Task of the Month [ ] Talk to a DC about dreams/myself [ ]

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