I find it interesting that so many people have this triggered by music and whispers. None of those videos do anything for me. The only time anything happens while I listen to music is if a particular part of the song is flat out fucking amazing, and the tingling comes due to very subtle conscious effort. I experience how good the song is, and at the same time I make it more. It's a very difficult concept to explain. The only ASMR I get as a result of an external trigger is if I am getting my hair buzzed off or sometimes if I run my hands through my hair (they're nearly the same cause). Otherwise I internally trigger it myself. Though, I do remember as a child that I experienced this phenomenon, but it was entirely at random--it was never caused by anything. I tried explaining it to people but they told me I was just having chills, but it's distinctly different. I couldn't argue with them though, I didn't even know what it was myself.