To any American that's been paying attention, I would imagine that it's obvious we are not living in the same "Land of the Free" that we have all grown accustomed to believing that we live in. We owe a large amount of that to the 'War on Terror'. In my opinion, the great War on Terror has done more for the abolishment of civil liberties than probably anything else I can think of, throughout my 30+ years on this Earth and in this country. There are countless examples of this (and more coming to pass, daily), so I thought that we might do good to include them all in the same place.

From the NDAA; to known, warrantless drone executions; to money-laundering banks that are 'too big to fail' (and too big to jail), one would have to be blind to not at least be concerned that there could be ulterior motives in play for the circumvention of constitutional liberties that we've all, at some point, believed this country was based off of.

Let's keep the list going. Post any 'new' (or as yet discussed) examples of the erosion of 'American Liberty' (in the name of National Security or otherwise) that you find, in this thread.

Up first:
EXCLUSIVE - U.S. to let spy agencies scour Americans' finances | Reuters