Anyone else have dreams of dying, or the afterlife, where after "dying" you end up in another place and get assigned things to do, or are about to embark on another journey? This theme is apparently happening with me a lot, and am wondering if anyone else has this too.

Here's the ream I had:

Last nite I had this weird dream that I technically died in, because the Earth was destroyed. I saw myself in third person "falling" out into space from the earth very fast, then this HUGE young women in space (like a giant, except about 10 times the size of our planet, and wearing normal clothes) smacked me even further away from the planet. Then she proceeded to kick? (or hit, i can't remember) the Earth, and it sort of broke in half and disintegrated. Then I appear in this building with light blue-ish walls and some long windows, and I see one of my friends who goes to school with me. There were also a bunch of other students my age there. I'm confused, and I start to ask him what just happened, then I start to rationalize that we all just died because the Earth was wiped out by that huge giant. I start to explain that it cannot be life, and it can't be a dream, but that it wasn't the full blown afterlife either. Sort of a place in between things, and that we were there for some reason or for specific tasks or missions.