Last night I had this weird dream, I wouldnt consider it a nightmare but it is a 'something is trying to kill you and you have nowhere to go' kind of dream.

started out as me and my dad planned a prank against our neighbors. we lured them in our garage then locked them in the garage. later, I let them out by opening the garage door and they came out with a forklift!
then me and my dad and sister ran to a cave. The cave was filled with thousands of spiders so we ran from that too. with a giant scary forklift that wrecked our house, it got kinda creepy. I ran inside a tree house, but it had only 1 entrance and no exit. forklift approaching, I broke the glass in the tree house but couldnt fit through. I was a goner.
Then out of nowhere, my favorite band appeared, and the guitarist used guitar sound waves to push back the forklift. Yay!

so I wake up. I feel really good. I never understood why. the guitar didnt completely eliminate the threat of the forklift, and was still scared to the bone in the dream. why would i feel so good afterwards?