Usually, I would need about 10 minutes in bed, concentrating, focusing, until I feel these vibrations whenever I try WILDing... It takes so much time and effort just entering this vibration phase..

But! Whenever in school, where I'm usually on the verge of falling asleep but not always, I'd just simply put my head on my desk, and automatically feel these vibrations, twice it had almost gone into a real WILD when I got the chance to really fall asleep. Has anybody ever experienced something like this? Because with me, it's everyday that I'd put my head down during class.. . which is odd, in my opinion.

Also, what exactly are these 'vibrations' called, and its explanation? Is there any other term for it? As I've read here on the site, it's been connected to LDing, SP of course, and the beginning of going into OBE, or is it simply a state where we're fully conscious as we're falling asleep?

What's your opinion on it?