I have ran into a bit of a problem recently, the problem is not attaining lucidity because for the past 3 weeks I've had at least 1 each week. The problem is, in my most recent LD's, stabilization seems to end the LD for no reason at all. I had a LD this morning where I wanted to start flying but instead i stopped what I was doing, looked around, touched the fence beside me and started doing RC's but the dream still lost itself, first visually. I remember right after I was lying in a different bed so it was a FA but when I realized that, I actually did wake up. In my longest WILD to date, all i did was spin around and it was enough to keep me lucid for the next 8-10 minutes but then when I tried spinning again, I think I closed my eyes very slightly and still woke up in my bed.
Anyone else experience this, and know how to get over it?