If you wouldn't mind, I would like to request some tips. I looked around at the tutorials and found nothing that could re-spark my quickly dimensioning hope. I've had a few lucid dreams. I achieved them by using MILD before going to bed every night. My main questions are this:

1. What reality checks work best for YOU? (I know they are more personal based on mentality and your dream world)
2. How many do you do every day?
3. How many lucid dreams do you typically have?
4. WBTB, what do you do when you're awake? (I read Exploring the world of Lucid dreaming by Stephen LeBarge, no luck btw)
5. HOW do you conduct reality checks in a manner that crosses over into the dream?

By the way, I am new here. So, pleased to meet you and I look forward to many conversations with this community.