So, I don't know about you guys, but I feel that dreams have a certain "aura" that makes them feel like a dream and not reality. I think that this can be one reason why you get lucid-because after time you recognize this aura, especially when you get LD's. Of course RC's account for it, or just knowing that something isn't right, but maybe this explains why you can become lucid for "no" reason at all. You can more easily pick up this "aura" because you are consious in this dream...and it can just feel a bit off. I bring this up because I don't see this subject EVER being brought up. I was talking to Kaos about this in another thread and he agrees with me that this aura isn't ever brought up and never had a term for it-until now. I often tell noobs A LOT, as I'm sure you have seen , that you will recognize this aura after time, and it can lead to lucids. The best part about this is you don't have to DIRECTLY work hard to get this aura-you just have to have LD's, which may take some hard work.

So, what are your thoughts on this "aura"? Do you know what I'm even talking about?