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    Thread: Twoshadows' Dream Journal

    1. #251
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Lucid Dream&#33;&#33;</span>

      It&#39;s about time&#33;

      I had thought I had missed out on having a good dream last night. I had awakened at 3:30. The only dream I had had to that point that I remembered was one about a guy I knew in high school (G R). And I was seeing him while visiting. (I think I am anticipating this coming weekend in CA.)

      So I laid in bed for the next few hours trying to get back to sleep so I would have not only a good night&#39;s sleep but something far more interesting to put down in my dream journal.

      Well, I got my wish. My alarm had actually gone off. I had pushed snooze...

      I was talking to Jeff about a car accident--supposedly about one he/I/we (?) had. At this moment he was in the car, and I was standing on the sidewalk about two blocks from home. It was night or very early morning...fairly dark. I was about to ask him to give me a ride home, but he took off.

      I decided to run home. I was running very fast. But as I look back on it I didn&#39;t have very good control. There was this building I was going to have to pass. I wanted to veer away from it a little so didn&#39;t come blindly around one of its corners (you know, in case someone was standing there waiting to mug me). But I ended up almost running into that corner. Luckily no one was waiting there to mug me.

      I got to where I thought my street should be, but I realized I had gone a block too far. I turned around to go back. I still couldn&#39;t find my street. Suddenly I had that feeling I had in a dream a couple of months ago where I was also trying to find my house/apartment, but couldn&#39;t find it.

      <span style="color:#000099">I questioned this feeling. Could I possibly be dreaming??

      I was still on the move. But I was riding my bike now. I was heading to a place in the road where there was a very steep hill that came back up to another hill. I decided that this would be a good place to give dream control a try. I decided that when the hill dipped down I would remain going (flying) straight across.

      I remember thinking that I was pretty sure I was in a dream, but that things seemed so real. This was going to be quite the test.

      The road started to slope down. I concentrated on not going down. Yes.....I was doing it&#33;. I was definitely in a dream. I flew across toward the other hill. I remember music playing. It might have been Africa by Toto.... LOL. I remember thinking that there was something significant about that choice in music...something that Tito would have appreciated [in retrospect, I have no idea what I was thinking]. I do remember thinking that I rather enjoyed music in my LDs, and that I would make an effort to always create it.

      Suddenly I was in a store. I don&#39;t know how that transition came about.

      I walked passed an aisle and caught a glimpse of Carl. I almost walked past because I seemed to be in a hurry to get someplace, then thought that would be terriblely rude not to stop and say "Hi". So I went back. He had seen me. We said "Hi" and hugged. Suddenly I realized that he was very very tall. I looked up at him again and realized that he wasn&#39;t Carl anymore, but Daniel.

      I thought, "Hey, this is cool. Who else can I make this person be?" I gave him another hug and concentrated on him turning into someone else.
      I think it was working, but my alarm went off.

      All this had happened in the ten minutes between alarms.


      I&#39;m so glad this happened. I was starting to wonder what my problem was....why I couldn&#39;t LD anymore. But I have really been trying hard to think about it lately and I guess it paid off&#33;&#33;

    2. #252
      Member CoLd BlooDed's Avatar
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      About time&#33; Congratulations&#33;

      I can honestly say I&#39;m jealous.

      Starry starry night, paint your pallet blue and gray,
      Look out on a summers day,
      with eyes that know the darkness of my soul.

    3. #253
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by CoLd View Post
      About time&#33; Congratulations&#33;

      I can honestly say I&#39;m jealous.
      Good. Stay that way.


      If you still feel that way as you drift off to sleep tonight it may increase the chances that you will have it on your mind as you dream and maybe you will become lucid.

      (It&#39;s worth a try.... )

    4. #254
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      No lucids.....

      Dream 1:

      I was with my grandma. SHe was ina wheel chair eating. And the wheel chair fell over.

      Dream 2:

      Then I was in a store. The door to my apartment was inside the store. I accidentally closed the door on the fingers of a little Native American girl. I couldn&#39;t find her parents.

      Dream 3:

      I had this newborn baby with me that I was taking care of.

      Dream 4:

      Um...this was a sex-related dream. I don&#39;t feel comfortable sharing the details. Sorry. But I will say this...well...no...actually...I don&#39;t feel comfortable even saying that....

    5. #255
      Member Jess's Avatar
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      Congrats on the lucid dream Twoshadows&#33;&#33;

      I&#39;m jealous too I guess keeping my DJ up to date would help

    6. #256
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Congrats on the lucid dream Twoshadows&#33;&#33; [/b]
      Thank you, Jess&#33;

    7. #257
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      Hey twoshadows.

      i had bad recall again last night. then i remembered that you had a lucid. so i hoped i&#39;d have one. but i didn&#39;t.
      Thanks for the inspiration nonetheless. I hope i have more lucids soon&#33;
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    8. #258
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ranma187 View Post
      Hey twoshadows.

      i had bad recall again last night. then i remembered that you had a lucid. so i hoped i&#39;d have one. but i didn&#39;t.
      Thanks for the inspiration nonetheless. I hope i have more lucids soon&#33;
      Hey, thank you. It would be nice if I could inspire you to LD

      I&#39;ve been inspried by plenty of people here. This site has made all the difference. I&#39;m of the opinion that if we talk about it enough, it will happen.

      (That&#39;s all of us having lucid dreams.)

    9. #259
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twoshadows View Post
      Hey, thank you. It would be nice if I could inspire you to LD

      I&#39;ve been inspried by plenty of people here. This site has made all the difference. I&#39;m of the opinion that if we talk about it enough, it will happen.

      (That&#39;s all of us having lucid dreams.)

      because you do have good dreams (i&#39;ve been reading through your DJ) and because you are a VERRRY nice person. i finally gave this thread the rating it deserves&#33;
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    10. #260
      "O" will suffice. Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twoshadows View Post
      Lucid Dream&#33;&#33;
      Niiiiiiiiiicely done, TS.
      Yeah, a little theme music is always nice, in dreams.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    11. #261
      Member CoLd BlooDed's Avatar
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      Well, I didn&#39;t have a lucid yesterday, but my recall did shoot through the roof. I remembered at least five different dreams. I have you to thank for that.

      How do you give ratings, anyways?

      EDIT: Ah, nevermind. Five stars for you. I would&#39;ve done it sooner if I could.

      Starry starry night, paint your pallet blue and gray,
      Look out on a summers day,
      with eyes that know the darkness of my soul.

    12. #262
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by CoLd View Post
      Well, I didn&#39;t have a lucid yesterday, but my recall did shoot through the roof. I remembered at least five different dreams. I have you to thank for that.

      How do you give ratings, anyways?

      top of the thread on the blue bar and to the right&#33;
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    13. #263
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Wow.....what a nice bunch of posts.

      Thanks CB, O, Jess, and Ranma. It&#39;s because of people like you I have enjoyed this board so much. Thanks so much for the support.

      Edit: Now that I have named names there are so many more. Thanks to everyone who has commented in my dream journal: Pyrox, TweaK, casualtie, Vex Kitten....

      Oh, this is sounding funny now...like someone just handed me an Oscar or something....

    14. #264
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      Okay...enough of all that mushy stuff.

      While I am running the face recognition program to see which celebrity I look the most like (See The Lounge), I will try to remember all my dreams.

      A lot of my dreams run together in my mind, so I will list the separate images I remember, and not try to separate them into separate dreams.

      Image 1:

      Oh no...

      I am with a friend that just had a baby. I am asking her if I can hold him and take care of him.

      Image 2:

      Oh no....(again)....

      I am at my grandma&#39;s house, and I am waiting for my sister to come home from the hospital with her....newborn baby.

      [Note: For whatever reason, newborn babies are one of my biggest dreams signs right now. I have to drill it into my head that newborn baby = dream&#33;&#33;&#33; Also my Grandma&#39;s house. How many dreams have I had in the last month that take place there??]

      Image 3:

      I am with a group of people, and we are having to climb this wall. It&#39;s like we&#39;ve had to do this regularly for a while. The part that I always climb is steep and has very little handholds. But I struggle up it anyway. Then later in the dream I find this other place on the wall that all the other people have been climbing. One of the leaders had pushed this stuff against the wall so everyone else climbed it like steps. I thought, "Oh...so that&#39;s why everyone else was beating me up the wall."

      Image 4:

      I was looking at myself in a mirror. My hair was a lot longer and I felt I looked really beautiful. I remember pulling my hair back in a clip. I felt very beautiful for the rest of my dreams.

      I think my dreams are all out of order...I think this was my second dream.


      I am still playing around with the Face recognition thing. I&#39;m not sure I like the results. I can&#39;t see that they are very accurate.

      I&#39;ve done it 3 times and my top matches each time have been:

      1. Faith Hill.......Good, okay I&#39;ll take this one. I think she&#39;s pretty.

      2. Dustin Hoffman.....Good heavens....Very scary....I guess they can match you will someone of the opposite gender. All I can say is that must have been one ugly picture of myself I submited.

      3. Owen Wilson....Oh please tell me it&#39;s the hair and not the nose......

      Edit 2:

      These are the celebrities that I am supposed to look like (The first 4 are the top matches. Notice how 3 of the 4 are men? I guess I have a very manly look ):

      At first I was like "No way, how can I look like all these different celebrities when none of then looks at all like each other." But as I look at them, I do see a similar look. Hmmm...

    15. #265
      The 'stache TweaK's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twoshadows View Post
      Wow.....what a nice bunch of posts.

      Thanks CB, O, Jess, and Ranma. It&#39;s because of people like you I have enjoyed this board so much. Thanks so much for the support.

      Edit: Now that I have named names there are so many more. Thanks to everyone who has commented in my dream journal: Pyrox, TweaK, casualtie, Vex Kitten....
      Oh, this is sounding funny now...like someone just handed me an Oscar or something....
      First of all, I&#39;d like to thank my mom for making me go through with this. Then there&#39;s Kaniaz and MSG who have been supporting me the entire way - it was a long trip, but I finally got the award I deserve. Thank you to everyone who has made this possible for me.

    16. #266
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      I&#39;d like to thank Me, Myself and I..

      hehe jk. thanks to Twoshadows for being so nice. and..... i&#39;m forgetting someone.......
      .... damn it&#39;s on the Tip of my tounge.... ok VEX&#33; thanks for being the GREATEST inspiration to be a good LD&#39;r. and also for NOT being an inspiration

      you both deserve a big from ME.

      also would like to thank Amythest Star and Burns for helping me out when i was brand new&#33; Oh and Oneironaut. for being so cool&#33;
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    17. #267
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      You guys are funny. But I suppose I asked for it.

      (And don&#39;t ask me why I chose to use the "fro" smiley. Just kind of jumped out at me. )

    18. #268
      Member Pyrox's Avatar
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      Hey twoshadows&#33;

      Congrads on the LD&#33;

      Sorry I&#39;m a little late, I&#39;ve been so busy.
      [spam link removed] - Clothing Company
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    19. #269
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twoshadows View Post
      I guess I have a very manly look [/b]
      Pshht, rubbish. I&#39;d turn my head

    20. #270
      The 'stache TweaK's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Twoshadows View Post
      You guys are funny. But I suppose I asked for it.

      (And don&#39;t ask me why I chose to use the "fro" smiley. Just kind of jumped out at me. )
      Why did you use the fro smiley?

    21. #271
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      Quote Originally Posted by Pyrox View Post
      Hey twoshadows&#33;

      Congrads on the LD&#33;

      Sorry I&#39;m a little late, I&#39;ve been so busy.
      Hey thanks, Pyrox, glad you stopped by. And good luck on whatever is keeping you so busy.

      Quote Originally Posted by Pyrox View Post
      Pshht, rubbish. I&#39;d turn my head
      Well, thank you....

      Quote Originally Posted by Pyrox View Post
      Why did you use the fro smiley?


      For the same reason I used that one.

    22. #272
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      I need to write my dreams. I only remember two.

      Dream 1:

      I was talking to some guy friends when we saw a helicopter fly by really fast. We didn&#39;t think much of it but then a few mintues later we noticed some smoke in the distance. We travelled a few blocks closer and could see a tower of smoke billowing out of some buildings in the airport. As we got closer we could see that almost the whole airport was on fire.

      I don&#39;t remember much after that. I am wondering if I had this dream because I will be flying out of an airport tomorrow afternoon. Anxiety, maybe?

      Dream 2:

      I was in the front yard of the house I grew up in in LA. I heard this music. Neil Diamond. [Note: I really need a better dream soundtrack]. But as I followed the music, I noticed that our neighbors across the back were all gathered in their family room. In the dream I could see right in though a big glass window and watch them. They had gotten a new electric guitar and were all having fun taking turns playing it. There are four children in that family.

    23. #273
      Jesus of DV Achievements:
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      ahh where you flyin to?

      don&#39;t mean to scare you but remember the movie "Final Destination". where the kid sees the plane crash before it happens. i hope your dream is nothing like that, &#39;cause then i wouldn&#39;t have you around to cheer me up on those shitty recall days&#33;
      The Best of my dream journal
      MoSh: How about you stop trying to define everything, and just accept what you experience, and explore it.
      - From the DJ of Waking Nomad!
      Quote Originally Posted by The Cusp View Post
      I'm guessing those intergalactic storm cloud monster bugs come out of sacred energy vortex angel gate medicine wheels.

    24. #274
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      Quote Originally Posted by ranma187 View Post
      ahh where you flyin to?

      don&#39;t mean to scare you but remember the movie "Final Destination". where the kid sees the plane crash before it happens. i hope your dream is nothing like that, &#39;cause then i wouldn&#39;t have you around to cheer me up on those shitty recall days&#33;
      I&#39;m flying into LAX (Los Angeles). Going to spend the weekend with an old friend. I&#39;m hoping to have a really good time.

      I doubt that I&#39;ll have problems at the airport. I seem to have airplane disaster dreams enough to not take them too seriously.

      I hope....

      But I&#39;m glad I would be missed if I did die for any reason.

    25. #275
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      Hey--I didn&#39;t think I would have a chance to get on the computer for a while. I am here in Los Angeles. My friend and I changed our plans for me to stay at a hotel, and I am now at his guest house...which has a computer. It has been so nice so far, as if no time passed since we were in high school together.

      So just a bit of advice for those still in high school: Keep in touch with those good friends. Later you will be so glad you did.

      Anyway, I had a great flight and took many pictures out of the window. There were lots of clouds, and as we flew over them and through them I imagined what it would be like to be a giant and suck in one of those clouds (lucid task for this month....see, this site is never that far from my mind. )

      I also imagined that I was outside and actually flying though those clouds. The wisps were so close to the window that I felt I could reach out and touch them. It was so easy to imagine myself actually flying. I kept telling my brain, "Remember this, so I can have more realistic flying dreams".

      All my life I have enjoyed laying on the grass and looking at the clouds and wondering what it would be like to fly up to them....and through them. I feel like I got close today.

      Okay...back to business. I had two dreams last night.

      Ranma, you will like the first one.

      Dream 1:

      There is no detail, unfortunately, but I remember I was talking to Ranma187 and we were looking through the eye of a needle. Don&#39;t ask, I have no idea what that was about.

      Dream 2:

      I had a seminar that I had to go to. For some reason I got there in the middle of the night. The building was closed. Instead of finding a hotel to stay at, I found a cot and blanket and slept right there by the door. I didn&#39;t wake up early like planned. But I awoke to the voices of many people coming into the building. I felt so embarrassed to be there on the cot that I pulled the balnket over my head and hoped no one would notice me.

      Boy, there is something about that dream that reminds me of the "no clothes" dreams. I probably had this dream because I was feeling a little nervous and insecure about meeting up with my old friend again.

      I&#39;m glad that all has gone well.

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