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    Thread: All Day Awareness, A DILD Tutorial by KingYoshi

    1. #251
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      I try to keep this up as much as possible, but often times my mind will wander while I'm working or talking. I have to be consciously thinking about doing this all the time, and it is very hard to keep up. I just started 2 days ago, though, so hopefully it will get easier as I do it more.

    2. #252
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      Quote Originally Posted by Fedor View Post
      Do I question reality during Ada or wait until the official reality check?
      You remain aware of your surroundings. If you suspect it's a dream, reality check. But when your awareness is built up, you can usually tell whether its a dream or waking life. It feels very different.

    3. #253
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      Everyone here says it feels different to be in a dream. I don't have many lucids and therefore can't properly analyze what dreams actually feel like, but could you guys somehow point me to the right way of using this method? What should I look at, smell , touch, listen to, or so? What sensory experience changes in dreams, and how?

    4. #254
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      Quote Originally Posted by NrElAx View Post
      What's funny, is that I use to do this on my drive home from work at night. I would observe everything around me, take everything in. Then usually that night, I would have dreams of me standing somewhere and observing my surrounding. That's was only after doing it for about 2 days and then I stopped doing that. But basically I was doing ADA but not all day hahah. But at least it caused me to dream of the exact same thing I was doing before I went to be, giving me a prime chance to become lucid.
      Yeah, thats awesome stuff right there.

      Quote Originally Posted by gameoverlord345 View Post
      O_O this is really gotten me to notice stuff i haven't really noticed before.

      Who would have known that there was an air vent in my room O_O
      Lol, nice! Its pretty cool because I will notice things that none of my friends notice. I pick up on the small details that they all look passed.

      Quote Originally Posted by Fedor View Post
      Do I question reality during Ada or wait until the official reality check?
      For ADA alone, you don't have to question reality. If you perform a reality, then definitely question reality. With ADA you are just basically opening your senses to the difference in the dream world and waking life. Basically, you are really learning what it feels like to be awake compared to being asleep.

      Quote Originally Posted by celestialelixir View Post
      I try to keep this up as much as possible, but often times my mind will wander while I'm working or talking. I have to be consciously thinking about doing this all the time, and it is very hard to keep up. I just started 2 days ago, though, so hopefully it will get easier as I do it more.
      Yeah, it is a bit difficult in the beginning. Over time, you will get used to it and it will get easier and easier for you to practice. Don't try to overdo it right off the bat. Take your time and try just practicing in random sessions throughout the day to start off.

      Quote Originally Posted by JussiKala View Post
      Everyone here says it feels different to be in a dream. I don't have many lucids and therefore can't properly analyze what dreams actually feel like, but could you guys somehow point me to the right way of using this method? What should I look at, smell , touch, listen to, or so? What sensory experience changes in dreams, and how?
      That is quite alright, because you have been feeling what its like to be in a dream all your life. In a non-lucid dream you are feeling the dream state. All ADA does, is open your conscious mind and subconscious mind to the difference in the two states. So, you don't have to compare and contrast senses to the dream state, just work on applying all of your senses during waking life. Just try to hear, smell, see, and feel everything. Every single thing around you, on you, near you, within you, etc.

    5. #255
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      Quick question. Should I consciously be saying in my mind everything I'm feeling, seeing, tasting ect. Like in my head should I be like I feel my cloths on my body, the wind blowing against my hair, the taste of skittles in my mouth. Or should I just use my senses to feel, taste, hear, smell everything around me by just using those senses. Kind of hard to explain. You get what I'm trying to say?
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    6. #256
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      I don't know if it's because of the ADA, but lately, I've gotten many short LD's, most of them consist of nothing else than "I'm Dreaming!" and everything turning black,
      but this night, I got it some time longer, and I felt the ground. I was amazed at how real it felt, really like the floor in my kitchen ( that is were I was in my dream).

      So I'm extending my LD's bit by bit and I like it, and because all of this came after I started to do ADA, I like to tell you thank you for this tutorial
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    7. #257
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      9 lucids in 21 days thanks to this technique, 1 lucid every night in the past 3 nights! Epic awesomeness When i get the stabilization right, my life will be that much richer Talking about stabilization: can anyone plz give me some advice about it? I read both the tutorial in the Wiki and a famous one in the Dream Control forum (' my stabilization technique, hours of LD' or something), but it just doesnt work.

    8. #258
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      Quote Originally Posted by Spyguy View Post
      9 lucids in 21 days thanks to this technique, 1 lucid every night in the past 3 nights! Epic awesomeness When i get the stabilization right, my life will be that much richer Talking about stabilization: can anyone plz give me some advice about it? I read both the tutorial in the Wiki and a famous one in the Dream Control forum (' my stabilization technique, hours of LD' or something), but it just doesnt work.
      The 'hours of LD' one should definitely work, to have a stable LD, you need to totally immerse yourself in the dream world, if you engage all your dream senses you should notice a dramatic increase in the vividity, clarity and realism. I've never come out of a lucid dream using that technique, whereas only hand-rubbing and spinning has resulted in me losing lucidity or waking up. (Then again I've only had 8 so I'm not the best to ask )
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    9. #259
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      Had another ld this morning and used passive control similar to one of you tutorials in the dream control class. I think I got to involved with the plot and lost it.
      I have another question about awareness.

      How do I go about being a skeptic about the waking life?

      I ask myself if I am dreaming out loud and in my head and ask myself how did I get here?
      But how do I put myself in the mindset that at any point I could be dreaming?

    10. #260
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      Quote Originally Posted by Fedor View Post
      Had another ld this morning and used passive control similar to one of you tutorials in the dream control class. I think I got to involved with the plot and lost it.
      I have another question about awareness.

      How do I go about being a skeptic about the waking life?

      I ask myself if I am dreaming out loud and in my head and ask myself how did I get here?
      But how do I put myself in the mindset that at any point I could be dreaming?
      Well for example; just now despite revising I was aware enough of my surroundings to hear a bizarre conversation taking place in the street outside my window. This is where the skepticism comes in; despite being fully certain I was awake, I thought to myself, 'hang on I could be dreaming right now', I took notice and applied logic to their conversation and surroundings and finished off with a reality check.

      I also did this in class when a light flickered a went out in the corridor outside (clearly I didn't go all the way with nose-pinch etc. )

      tldr; be aware that your reality could at any time be a dream, when anything seems out of order, apply your skepticism and question reality, and reality check.
      Last edited by Ctharlhie; 05-22-2011 at 05:11 PM.

    11. #261
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      Quote Originally Posted by NrElAx View Post
      Quick question. Should I consciously be saying in my mind everything I'm feeling, seeing, tasting ect. Like in my head should I be like I feel my cloths on my body, the wind blowing against my hair, the taste of skittles in my mouth. Or should I just use my senses to feel, taste, hear, smell everything around me by just using those senses. Kind of hard to explain. You get what I'm trying to say?
      Yeah, I understand. You don't have to narrate everything you are doing (in your head). You can just apply the senses and leave it at that. Narrating makes it harder in my opinion. It takes a while to list off all the applied senses when really, you just need to be experiencing them.

      Quote Originally Posted by BloodyHell View Post
      I don't know if it's because of the ADA, but lately, I've gotten many short LD's, most of them consist of nothing else than "I'm Dreaming!" and everything turning black,
      but this night, I got it some time longer, and I felt the ground. I was amazed at how real it felt, really like the floor in my kitchen ( that is were I was in my dream).

      So I'm extending my LD's bit by bit and I like it, and because all of this came after I started to do ADA, I like to tell you thank you for this tutorial
      No problem at all and I'm glad it is helping you. Just keep practicing and try to extend your lucids a little more with each dream. Good luck to you and congrats on your progress!

      Quote Originally Posted by Spyguy View Post
      9 lucids in 21 days thanks to this technique, 1 lucid every night in the past 3 nights! Epic awesomeness When i get the stabilization right, my life will be that much richer Talking about stabilization: can anyone plz give me some advice about it? I read both the tutorial in the Wiki and a famous one in the Dream Control forum (' my stabilization technique, hours of LD' or something), but it just doesnt work.
      When it comes to stabilization, you need to find a technique that works for you. The idea is to fully immerse yourself within the dream. You want to be as disconnected from your actual body as possible. It really just takes some practice. Try out a bunch of different techniques and stick to the ones that work best for you.

      Quote Originally Posted by Fedor View Post
      Had another ld this morning and used passive control similar to one of you tutorials in the dream control class. I think I got to involved with the plot and lost it.
      I have another question about awareness.

      How do I go about being a skeptic about the waking life?

      I ask myself if I am dreaming out loud and in my head and ask myself how did I get here?
      But how do I put myself in the mindset that at any point I could be dreaming?
      You could simply look around at your environment and pretend that everything around you is actually a dream. You don't have to believe it, just act like you do. Now, question your reality and then perform the reality check.

      Yeah, passive control is awesome, but it takes some practice to learn to hang onto lucidity. Passive control plays along with the dream and it really immerses deep within it. The main problem with this is, it makes it easier to lose lucidity. Just remind yourself throughout the dream that you are dreaming. Performing a reality check every so often will help keep the lucidity going as well.

      Congrats on your success thus far and just keep practicing!

    12. #262
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      within the first day of practicing this technique, i had myself a lucid dream, granted it wasn't the clearest, and i lost some lucidity, i knew i was dreaming because i WILD'd into using a CAT. (you should use this technique b/c it's beast) but thank you, it helped a lot.
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    13. #263
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      Quote Originally Posted by Spyguy View Post
      9 lucids in 21 days thanks to this technique, 1 lucid every night in the past 3 nights! Epic awesomeness When i get the stabilization right, my life will be that much richer Talking about stabilization: can anyone plz give me some advice about it? I read both the tutorial in the Wiki and a famous one in the Dream Control forum (' my stabilization technique, hours of LD' or something), but it just doesnt work.
      I've never LDed and therefore, have never stabilized a dream, but from what I've read, you want to engage your senses. LaBerge was the first to come up with "dreamspinning" which I'm sure you're familiar with (if not, it's what it sounds like). Other stabilization techniques I've heard of include hand-rubbing, touching everything inside the dream once you get into it, and even getting on your hands and knees and licking the ground.
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    14. #264
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      Quote Originally Posted by celestialelixir View Post
      I've never LDed and therefore, have never stabilized a dream, but from what I've read, you want to engage your senses. LaBerge was the first to come up with "dreamspinning" which I'm sure you're familiar with (if not, it's what it sounds like). Other stabilization techniques I've heard of include hand-rubbing, touching everything inside the dream once you get into it, and even getting on your hands and knees and licking the ground.
      You are very correct. Just like ADA, you want to use all or as many of your senses that you can in the dream once you realize your dreaming. Just use as many senses as possible once your lucid, this should help immensely.
      Last edited by NrElAx; 05-23-2011 at 06:52 PM.
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    15. #265
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      Quote Originally Posted by iliketoshred View Post
      within the first day of practicing this technique, i had myself a lucid dream, granted it wasn't the clearest, and i lost some lucidity, i knew i was dreaming because i WILD'd into using a CAT. (you should use this technique b/c it's beast) but thank you, it helped a lot.
      Awesome! Congrats on your success and just keep practicing. You got lucid, that is the main goal. Now simply work on enhancing your lucid experience. Just keep at it and I'm sure this will be the first of many more to come !

      Quote Originally Posted by celestialelixir View Post
      I've never LDed and therefore, have never stabilized a dream, but from what I've read, you want to engage your senses. LaBerge was the first to come up with "dreamspinning" which I'm sure you're familiar with (if not, it's what it sounds like). Other stabilization techniques I've heard of include hand-rubbing, touching everything inside the dream once you get into it, and even getting on your hands and knees and licking the ground.
      NrElax is exactly right. The deeper you can engage yourself in the dream environment, the more stable it will become. When you are in a non-lucid dream, you stay in it just fine until it ends (mostly). This is because you don't know it is a dream and you are fully engaged in this dream environment (completely separated from your waking body). This is the idea that can keep you within a lucid dream for an extended period of time.

    16. #266
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      Quote Originally Posted by KingYoshi View Post
      Awesome! Congrats on your success and just keep practicing. You got lucid, that is the main goal. Now simply work on enhancing your lucid experience. Just keep at it and I'm sure this will be the first of many more to come !

      NrElax is exactly right. The deeper you can engage yourself in the dream environment, the more stable it will become. When you are in a non-lucid dream, you stay in it just fine until it ends (mostly). This is because you don't know it is a dream and you are fully engaged in this dream environment (completely separated from your waking body). This is the idea that can keep you within a lucid dream for an extended period of time.
      Basically what some people do is go along with the dream that they were just in before they became lucid. But you dont want to become to involved or else you will find yourself just non lucid. Am I correct here KingYoshi?
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    17. #267
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      Well, it is fine to become involved with the dream. Just keep in mind that when you follow dream plot/play along with the dream, it is easier to lose lucidity. I play along with the dream plot very often actually. You just have to be sure to keep the "I am dreaming" thought, active. An easy way to do this is to perform reality checks every so often during your dream. It really just takes some practice and getting used to when you play along with the dream plot. It can be quite interesting though.

    18. #268
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      I think this may have helped me have my first lucid in about 2 months since I quit smoking cigarettes. I was attentive enough in the dream to notice that the windows on a dome ceiling had changed from one scene to another and this triggered lucidity. I will continue ADA and am working to increase the number of periods in the day where I increase awareness.

    19. #269
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      Awesome anderj! Congrats on breaking that dry spell. Keep working at it and I'm sure you will have many more lucids in your near future.

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      Quote Originally Posted by KingYoshi View Post
      Congrats on breaking that dry spell.
      It was a tough one, but I am glad that I was able to break it without using the nicotine patch or anything like that. I was beginning to wonder if I would ever dream again!


    21. #271
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      Quote Originally Posted by KingYoshi View Post
      Well, it is fine to become involved with the dream. Just keep in mind that when you follow dream plot/play along with the dream, it is easier to lose lucidity. I play along with the dream plot very often actually. You just have to be sure to keep the "I am dreaming" thought, active. An easy way to do this is to perform reality checks every so often during your dream. It really just takes some practice and getting used to when you play along with the dream plot. It can be quite interesting though.
      yeah i went along with the plot and i lost lucidity, but i don't care much, as long as i got lucid, i'm content.

    22. #272
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      It sounds great..Thanks man for the idea..

    23. #273
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      Quote Originally Posted by iliketoshred View Post
      yeah i went along with the plot and i lost lucidity, but i don't care much, as long as i got lucid, i'm content.
      If your going along with the plot of the dream, just remember to do some reality checks or keep tabs just so that you dont lose lucidity. You just want to make sure you keep your awareness going so you dont get sucked back into a non lucid state.
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    24. #274
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      Quote Originally Posted by anderj101 View Post
      It was a tough one, but I am glad that I was able to break it without using the nicotine patch or anything like that. I was beginning to wonder if I would ever dream again!

      Ah, yeah it seems your body took a bit to adjust. Well, I am glad you were able to breakthrough !

      Quote Originally Posted by iliketoshred View Post
      yeah i went along with the plot and i lost lucidity, but i don't care much, as long as i got lucid, i'm content.
      Yeah, it just takes some practice when going along with the dream plot. Try to perform some RCs throughout the dream, so you can keep up your lucidity.

      Quote Originally Posted by lopsarong View Post
      It sounds great..Thanks man for the idea..
      No problem at all. Good luck to you and if you decided to practice ADA, be sure to report any progress.

      Quote Originally Posted by NrElAx View Post
      If your going along with the plot of the dream, just remember to do some reality checks or keep tabs just so that you dont lose lucidity. You just want to make sure you keep your awareness going so you dont get sucked back into a non lucid state.
      Exactly! NrElax, you have nailed it !

    25. #275
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      I have a question, and would love it if you would comment.

      A few days ago I discovered that my attention/awareness is disappearing when I play videogames. Here's a more detailed post: http://www.dreamviews.com/f11/attent...cidity-116535/ To summarize, the attention/observer attitude/awareness completely vanish and are replaced by in-game pre-learned tactics. I tried several ways to maintain awareness, yet it completely vanishes when I'm swept up in the game's events.

      Are you able to maintain the all day awareness in a very intense situations? Like videogames, social interactions, maybe intensive work? If so, what kinds of techniques do you employ? Does your awareness change its properties in such encounters?

      Thank you very much!

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