So I want to combine a visualization while I'm doing affirmations. I know that during WILD, WBTB or DEILD many ppl use visualizations of a previous dream to get the LD going. But I wanted something that would could anchor a MILD mantra like "I'm lucid in every dream. "

It sounds simple but how can you really visualize the fact that you're "lucid?" Is it a clear scene? Non lucids can be crystal clear. Is it when I'm flying? In non lucids I'm flying sometimes too. Is it a persistent dream world? Work in progress . Is it a mirror? It makes me lucid yeah but they don't always show up and you can't explore the ld looking at yourself in the mirror... Or can you?

Okay for example, huks gravity rc would be a tactile, vestibular kind of sensations that you could visualize the feelings of difference in gravity if you were dreaming.

So what's *always* there besides gravity?

If you were to close your eyes right now. And imagine that you're in a lucid dream, what do you sense that makes you certain you're dreaming? And what's something that's in every dream?