Reality Checks:
- Nose plug
- Finger push through
- Trying to change something
Dream Signs:
- Being at home
- I often encounter beings inspired or entirely taken from Subnautica and areas inspired or taken from Subnautica
- I often encounter various creatures, which are neither animal nor human. Often demons.
- Supercell thunderstorms appear somewhat often.
Short-Term Goals:
- Getting at least a bit more aware in my dreams
- Managing to consistently practice all day awareness
- Getting over my fear of being alone.
- Explore the dreamscape.
- Once I can get okay-ish long lucid dreams, I will start practicing transformation.
Long-Term Goals:
- Having multiple lucid dreams every day
- Having very long lucid dreams
- Mastering the art of dream control
- Specifically, I'd like to master the art of transformation.
Lucid/Dream Recall History:
- I had a single lucid dream I could confirm was a lucid dream. Sadly, it was a nightmare and the first thing I did, nearly instinctively, was to wake myself up.
It was also many years ago. Since then I had dreams that might have been lucid, but something felt off with them, so I regard them as non-lucids.
- I barely ever remembered any dream before I started with lucid dream practice. But now I very often remember dreams. I had a 7 day recall streak,
sometimes even remembering more than one dream per day, once 3 in a single day, 2 of which I recalled nearly entirely that day.
Current Technique:
- All day awareness
I don't have a specific time I always go to sleep to, and it's only at unhealthy times from 2-5 AM so I am doing the first steps to change that. I will change that, hopefully already tomorrow.
I hope I did everything right. I'm excited to start.