I'm wondering if where I sleep exactly on my bed help me get lucid.Just hear me out.A couple of weeks ago,I was about to go to sleep when I decided to sleep the opposite side of where I normally sleep (my head was where my feet are when i sleep).So that's when I had my first near-lucid dream.I was dreaming about having dinner with a family I don't even know of,when a little thought in my head said "hey,im dreaming" when I realized this,I guess I wasn't focused,because soon,I slipped back into the dream.Now,weeks later,I decided to try again.So yesterday I slept on the opposite side again.I did not have a lucid dream,but I did have a very wacky dream,it was different then my normal dreams.Thats why im thinking,that if I sleep on the opposite side of my bed,will i get a lucid dream?
When i had the dream yesterday,i think the dream was trying to give me clues that I was dreaming because I would repedeatly take my phone out to check the time.but the time didnt show on the phone,just the picture of a very pretty sky,but nevertheless,I did take my phone out.
Another question.How can you tell that you are dreaming,even if the dream is giving you cues,like my dream?Because when i dream sometimes I see cues that I know that are out of the ordinary in my mind,but i don't put two and two together,even with ques.how can i learn to recognize the cues completely?