Yes, so can i. When i'm happy i don't really have anyone to share it with. When i'm sad or angry, i just want to be left alone. I also have very little to complain about. But if i look hard enough i'm sure i can find something to complain about. :p |
Oh no!!! I double posted again! Day ruined. Might as well go perform seppuku |
Last edited by LighrkVader; 11-28-2017 at 03:03 PM.
Half of the time we're gone and we don't know where...
Yes, so can i. When i'm happy i don't really have anyone to share it with. When i'm sad or angry, i just want to be left alone. I also have very little to complain about. But if i look hard enough i'm sure i can find something to complain about. :p |
Finished watching Mob Psycho season 1. It wasn't what i expected it to be. A fusion of one punch man and bo bo bo bo. I loved it and it made me pretty happy when i cried and laughed at certain parts. |
"Be the best You, you can be...Relax...Listen...Imagine...*Silence*...Zzzzz"
Taking a short break from training to enjoy spring. |
I am have because I am alive! |
I love the warm weather of Spring & Summer! |
Not surprising this thread hasn't seen a reply in nearly a year. Not many people seem happy these days and instead seek popularity, acceptance from others. |
For me, I didn't think that people would want to know about my happy successes, either big or small. Compare to 4-5 years ago, though, I'm the goth bird of happiness. |
I am observing my happiness from within this dream where I am also well positioned to observe my fears, sadness and insecurities. |
The more I gaze....the more I crave to see
When you next stand at cliff's edge....will you finally learn to fly?
I don't know! I just figured there would be no point for me to tell people that I was happy to be happy, That's all. Happy ST. Patty's Day!! |
Last edited by Lang; 03-17-2019 at 09:27 PM.
I agree there is no point. Sometimes its just good to have some outlet of expression without worrying too much about what others want to hear or not. Hence the forums but even in that i'm rather quiet and reserved. |
Be less, live more. |
I was happy to finally see whole wheat Aunt Jemima pancakes at the supermarket. They always had the other brands but not the whole wheat brand since the virus. Pancakes are essential to my well being. |
I'm happy that all my time and hard work into the goals that I have been working on are working out very well! |
I'm happy. My gaming group got together last night in real life (rather than playing online) for the first time since March. We wore masks. It was a lot of fun. We played Bang!, Space Base, and Ethnos. |
Yesterday was a beautiful outgoing day for me. Today has been a restful relaxing day. |
Its nice to see people be creative with their Halloween decorations. Still keeping up with the spirit of it. |
Weather warming up. Happy about that. I can be outdoors more. |
Last edited by tropicalbreeze; 11-04-2020 at 07:15 PM.
Just happy listening to my music. |
New year’s surge of happiness! |
Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.
Felt good to go back to warmth, having water, and eating a home cooked meal again. Yesterday i was walking downtown. The weather was nice, almost everything was open, and everyone seemed pretty happy. That's the overall vibe i felt. |
Getting back to work on some projects. |
With Dreaming you need to start small and work hard grow your lucid dreaming lifestyle...
I'm not just a lucid dream, I'm a Somnonauts!!
“It’s... your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days.”
about as happy as i can be ... |