Hi guys.

I just ordered a Gymboss Minimax programmable and Vibrating (or/and Beeping) Alarm, I should receive it in less than a Month.
Basically it is a small vibrating Alarm that you can program and customize virtually at will.

this is a pic of the stuff :

you can wear it on your peg or your wrist, if you buy the additional wrist.
It is auto-snooze, the vibration (or/and beep) goes off for 1, 2, 5 or 9 seconds, you don't have to stop it manually.
you can program a series of intervals, each interval can be different from the previous and can last from 2 seconds to 99 minutes.
your programmed series can contain until 99 intervals in a row, and you can use 25 different intervals.
Each program can be stocked in a user preset, and you can have until 20 user presets memorized.

So, I plan to use this tool for my WILD and DEILD practice.

For WILD, I am thinking to use it as an automatic anchor, to replace any mental anchor, and to give me a temporal mark while I cross the different sleep stages.
I have several ideas to test, each one after a WBTB.

1) going with a fixed interval, for example a 1sec vibration every 10 minutes for a certain amount of sets.
2) going with a increasing intervals, starting from 10 min for example, then 15 min, then 20, etc...
3) The contrary of 2), going with shorter and shorter intervals as I approach the effective WILD window, and then longer interval for the next hours.
4) something else

For DEILD, the vibrations will have to be long enough to wake me up (you can not customize the power of vibrations, but only the duration, 1, 2, 5 or 9 sec and you can add light or strong beep) but not too long as I want to be able to DEILD so I don't want it to stress me and engage norepinephrine production that will ruin my DEILD attempt.

So After a WBTB, I can test:

1)The same interval repeated itself for a certain amount of time.
2)Something close to Random, but targeted to hit REM stage. the Random-like interval is to avoid any expectation from the brain.
3) something else.

If you guys have got any ideas to suggest, or want to try it on your side, or just participate to the discussion, you're welcome.

My tries will start as soon as I receive the stuff, that could mean in something like 3 weeks, I hope sooner.