The Theory

Subliminal messages are messages that are embedded into a person’s subconscious while bypassing the conscious filters. The subconscious is like a background program that is constantly running through data that you are unaware of. Here is an example that I’ve used before:

Say you are trying to remember the actresses name who played Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, but for the life of you you can’t. You know it’s in the back of your head somewhere, but you just can’t get the information. You decide that it’s not important and go about your day. Maybe an hour later, you have completely forgotten about it and Judy Garland! pops into your head out of the blue.

This was your subconscious working out the problem. You were completely unaware of the work being done, but somehow it recalled the name correctly. We have all had this happen to us, I’m sure.

Subliminal messages work on the same principal. They are recorded sub-audibly. If the music weren’t playing we would hear them as clear as day and recognize them immediately. But they are quieter than the music so we miss them entirely, like trying to say something to your girlfriend at a rock concert. They are obviously heard, they are in the audible decibel range, but our conscious mind doesn’t catch them. You may hear whispers occasionally, but not any recognizable words. Now the subconscious mind goes to work, analyzing everything that we are taking in. It will, eventually, figure out the messages, hopefully, in the middle of your dream.