Last night, I had 6 consecutive lucid dreams. They were all one after the other, triggered by the nose plug RC, my remee, and simply recognizing that I was dreaming. I mean I thought I was literally in the movie "Waking Life" which I had seen a few weeks ago, constantly having false awakenings and telling my dream figures "This is the # lucid dream I've had tonight!" It was truly amazing but also had a few moments of being scared about not being able to wake up (or at least getting so confused about waking up). I had mostly full control. I ended up having sexual adventures, talking to dream figures and god (which I don't believe in), exploring the dream scape, and purely being in awe all night. It took up 3 pages of my dream journal, and I have bumped my LD count from 40+ to 50+ Has anyone else ever experienced multiple LDs in one night? This was my first time having more than one in one night, and I hope to do it again