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    1. Alsroge
      Alsroge liked post by Darkmatters On thread : Toltec Sorcery, the Ancient Ones, the Old sorcerers, the New Sorcerers, the Seers and the New Seers.
      Excellent idea for a thread!! One thing I'm very interested in is the similarities between the Toltec and other approaches - like Buddhism for instance. I know in Castaneda Don Juan always...
      Liked On: 10-20-2011, 09:48 PM
    2. Alsroge
      Alsroge liked post by dreamerJon23 On thread : The Mental Plane
      WOW Alsroge, I really appreciate that. His description is spot on and I'm glad he's been there because he gave a better description than me lol! I have Astral Dynamics already so I'll be sure to...
      Liked On: 10-17-2011, 11:48 PM
    3. Alsroge
      Alsroge liked post by Original Poster On thread : Shot while astral traveling!
      The demon within. 99% of the time these shadow figures are manifestations of our own fear. Not real entities. This also means you have power over them, if you can face your fear. Even when they're...
      Liked On: 10-17-2011, 08:21 PM
    4. Alsroge
      Alsroge liked post by dreamerJon23 On thread : Dreamdimensions Experiences
      Thanks for the appreciation Alsroge. Btw, I'm happy to answer any questions, or elaborate. Also I'll be making more of these and adding them here.
      Liked On: 10-01-2011, 02:44 PM
    5. Alsroge
      Alsroge liked post by Dthoughts On thread : Dreamdimensions Experiences
      Really very amazing, u inspired me so much. I think ur a great speaker, very concrete and nice to listen to. I suppose getting into a galactic school is something that happens on a very personal...
      Liked On: 10-01-2011, 02:44 PM
    6. Alsroge
      Alsroge liked post by dreamerJon23 On thread : Dreamdimensions Experiences
      These videos are about many things; Galactic School, The Spiritual Realm, Hyperspace, God. Sorry for the hysteria in some of these videos, it's because I'm not comfortable talking at the level...
      Liked On: 10-01-2011, 06:49 AM
    7. Alsroge
      Alsroge liked post by IAmCoder On thread : Today I Presented Evidence of Lucid Dreaming to >20,000 People
      And have lots of answering to do tonight!
      Liked On: 09-29-2011, 07:57 AM
    8. Alsroge
      Alsroge liked post by dreamerJon23 On thread : Using Magic Spells For Dream Control (Making Complete List)
      I'm very experienced with using spells (aka word commands) to dream walk successfully. So I'm sharing my spellbook to help inspire our community to develop a complete system of dream control in this...
      Liked On: 09-28-2011, 06:50 AM
    9. Alsroge
      Alsroge liked post by dreamerJon23 On thread : Vision of a Holographic Brain
      I had just woken up from some deep dreams, I was in a trance state fully using my subconscious and I had a perfectly tangible vision of a complete holographic rendering of my brain, I intended to...
      Liked On: 09-28-2011, 06:49 AM
    10. Alsroge
      Alsroge liked post by Rawracookie On thread : The Suspension of Disbelief and How It Effects Lucidity and Dreaming
      Suspension of Disbelief is how Fiction works. Read about it here: Suspension of disbelief - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspension_of_disbelief) In a lucid dream...
      Liked On: 07-31-2011, 10:52 PM
    11. Alsroge
      Alsroge liked post by KingYoshi On thread : Welcome to the Dream World Academy!
      Come one, come all, to the brand new, Dream World Academy. This will be a fun way to get our community involved in a mass project. We hope this project can help inspire members to really get into...
      Liked On: 07-31-2011, 10:41 PM
    12. Alsroge
      Alsroge liked post by KingYoshi On thread : Welcome to Dream Views Academy!
      Welcome to the Dream Views Academy The Dream Views Academy was created to educate our community about the subjects of lucid dreaming in an online-class like environment. The Dream Guides have now...
      Liked On: 05-17-2011, 04:10 PM
    13. Alsroge
      Alsroge liked post by Baron Samedi On thread : lived physically for years in spiritual plane!!
      I found this gem of DV in this dreamer's one DJ entry. I lived physically for years in spiritual plane!! Hello! (Sorry for my bad english but I am sick which weakens my concentration.
      Liked On: 05-15-2011, 06:19 PM
    14. Alsroge
      Alsroge liked post by Dannon Oneironaut On thread : Toltec way of life (Dreaming, Stalking, etc.)
      Sorry for bumping this old thread, but it has been a great read. I felt that a few things have yet to be worked out here. Now I am no expert on Toltec Sorcery as a system, but I can relate from...
      Liked On: 05-01-2011, 09:41 PM
    15. Alsroge
      Alsroge liked post by Mayatara On thread : Waking, Sleeping, dreaming, life, death, rebirth
      Full lucidity means at least a high Bhumi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bh%C5%ABmi_%28Buddhism%29) stage if not synonym of full enlightenment... That's my aspiration to. Being reborn is not bad if...
      Liked On: 04-19-2011, 05:48 PM
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    View Alsroge's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    November 16 | Fragment

    by Alsroge on 11-16-2011 at 02:08 PM
    Sleep: 11:00pm
    Wake: 7:00am
    (Time: 8hrs |5.3cycles)


    • 2 men, 2 women lined up in a row, facing inward toward each other. The man/woman at the end of the row were reaching their arms out for each other.
    • I remember the phrase: "You only wanted to marry me for my sister!"

    -Beach dream? (Can't remember enough to collect this dreamsign. This memory could be contrived....Oh well.)

    Notes: Awaken abruptly by a bad kitty.

    Updated 11-16-2011 at 09:44 PM by Alsroge

    dream fragment

    November 15 | Fragment

    by Alsroge on 11-15-2011 at 05:23 PM
    Sleep: 11:30pm-12:30am
    Wake: 8:15am
    (Time: ~7.5-8.5hrs |5-5.75cycles)

    • Margot?
    • Movie theater?

    Notes: Abrupt awakening

    Updated 11-16-2011 at 09:44 PM by Alsroge

    dream fragment

    November 14 | 4 short dreams

    by Alsroge on 11-14-2011 at 05:46 PM
    Sleep: 12:30am-1:00am
    Wake: 10:00am
    (Time: ~8, 8.5hrs | 5.5cycles)

    Dreamsigns collected:
    1. work-related dream

    1. At my job in the stockroom. They're cracking down on the drugs in the factory. There are giant columns of products against a black shelf, and it's the only one I can see – and as my attention goes to the top of them, I am at the top of one, holding on and looking down. I realize I need to hide the drug(s), and think about hiding it in a lotion bottle near the bottom. The columns were now lotion bottles. As I try to remember the spot of where the lotion bottle would be if I hid it there, I realize it's too hard and decide against it. There is an intercom above us.

    2. -At some weird building. It's sunny outside and has bright lighting. Looks like a school building. One girl comes out of a room in a wheelchair, her mom pushing her around, and she says "I don't hurt." I shake her foot and move on.

    -Looks like a continuation of the last dream memory. I'm at the outside of a building, same setting as the school, but the route I took looks familiar (and I remember dreaming about taking a path that I saw in the dream, so this is just a remembered fragment). I start moving around oddly, jumping up and spinning like a top, and bouncing on the ground and moving faster.

    -Go up to the front of a building, two people walk out among the others. Two guys come forward, one in a wheelchair. The first guy's eyes poke out, he hands out his right hand for me to shake, and I shake it with my left hand upside down. They ask if I'm going to join in something, I say "no, I was, but I'm just more interested in hockey." (I don't like hockey).

    3. At my house. It's nighttime and dark, and I have to walk through my parents room and wake them up to talk to them for a minute, something that makes me uncomfortable.

    4. I'm at the mall, and I'm standing outside of a store. It's my job to try on different soaps. I'm rubbing it all on me, mostly shameless. Some army guys come up and ask how they can try it. I say they can't basically. It's just me. Then an older friend, Lucky, looking super gothic/'hardcore' with tattoos and frizzy hair, and her friend walk past me. Then Scrappy walks past, and laughs and shakes his head "no." He walks away, I smile and wave him off.

    Updated 11-15-2011 at 05:52 PM by Alsroge


    November 13 | Rivers, oceans, pathways, choices and sides

    by Alsroge on 11-13-2011 at 05:52 PM
    Sleep: 2:00am
    Wake: 10:00am
    (Time: 8hrs | 5.3cycles)

    Dreamsigns collected:
    1. Futuritistic city
    2. Giant buildings
    3. High school with high schoolers

    1. In a more futuristic-looking city. There are tall, metal buildings, and giant bridges in the sky that connect the buildings so cars can go across. The tracks were broken and twisted, curling off of their usual path, even looping upside down. One guy in a red car was going along the tracks of one of building, but falls off of the broken tracks, and crashes on the ground near me. I go over to him, and we talk about how those tracks need to be fixed.

    2. I am looking at what seems to be the Earth from above, seeing only water below me. I am discussing things with others, listening to them talk mostly. To my right is the Pacific Ocean, and a long waterfall or waterway is ahead of me. I am imagine a country perpendicular to the waterfall, and me and the voices are discussing about moving the country more into the waterfall or not. We talk about it being in different spots before. There is another spot/island already in the waterfall.

    3. I'm showering, and there happens to be a girl to the left of me. I'm in blue Hanes, and they're getting wet in the shower, and she grabs me and says "whoops." I tell her I'm really not interested, but I start to get a little excited, and end it.

    4. -It's a beautiful riverbank, with people on both sides. I'm on one side, sitting down and playing the guitar. People are gathered around listening, and I decide to go to the other side for a walk. I get to the other side, and see my old drama teacher with the people I was with earlier on the other side.

    -I somehow get on top of the roofs of the buildings on this side of the riverbank (or something – some way, I'm walking on something and can see both sides below me). I see lots of people on both sides. On the other side is the guitar, but I see the boat is on the other side as well, so I don't attempt to cross it. Suddenly, two people run by. It is dreamdimensions and his friend. DD has long, blonde, straight hair and is shirtless, muscular. It seems like they are out for a jog. His friend seems like a little kid, and I don't pay him much attention. As I thought of DD , I realized I needed some motivation and to improve. Another kid comes and gets me and brings me inside a building.

    5. I skiped class for my second/other high school drama teacher. I was walking through the dining room, and my friends Jenn&Haley come out and are mad at me for missing class because they had to "rap it out," which is the reason I think I skipped the class. They said "rapping it out" was in the instruction plans, so they had to do it.

    Updated 11-15-2011 at 06:13 PM by Alsroge

    non-lucid , memorable