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    "Man is an intellectual animal, and therefore an everlasting contradiction to himself. His senses centre in himself, his ideas reach the end of the universe; so that he is torn in pieces between the two ... "
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    "Man is a gregarious animal and much more so in his mind than in his body. A Golden rule; judge men not by their opinions; but, by what their opinions have made of them."
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    The Day 'Out'

    by Aristocles on 09-15-2015 at 08:40 PM
    #3 ["Silly Teases"] ["The Other Glass"] ~Non-Lucid~ (My dream came true -excuse the pun)

    Uptown of a City - My brother and I were strolling in a misshapen city, occupied by 'enough' people. It was possibly between the hours of 12:00 P.M and 5:00 P.M, clouds were clearly present. My brother was engaging in discourse, but oddly with no one. I thought that rather strange, but suddenly I felt the heat on my face from the sun, distracting me from the thought. A skip in recall occurs here.

    Upscale Restaurant - Me and my brother were now in a well-to-do resturant, dress rather appropriate for the decorum. He was ordering two large glasses of high-quality fruit juice - this was well within the normal behavior of my brother. He proceed to taste the juice and it was to his liking - very much so that he urged me to try it. I recall him uttering: "This juice is top-notch, one the best".
    Now I was giddy at the thought on tasting it. However, no waiter was in sight. After much time, I was desperate to try it. So I got up and as I had done so I glimpsed upon a waiter near the doors of which entering, brings you into the kitchen.
    I began walking in that direction, but stupidly the waiter began walking toward the kitchen doors. So I ran after him even going so far as to shout "Stop!" perhaps annoying every bourgeois elitist bastard there. I needed to taste that juice, however rather unfortunate the waiter crossed into the kitchen. And as I opened the kitchen doors my recall ends, though I didn't wake in actual life.

    (I used expressive language, but I believed I stayed true to my recall. This dream was irritating.)

    The Muddled Night

    by Aristocles on 09-15-2015 at 02:13 AM
    #2 ["Who was it?"] ~Non-Lucid~

    Uptown - It was night, and lights surrounded me wherever I looked. I am presuming I was deep within the labyrinth of an modernized city. As I could not recall the complexity, so I'm going to not look past the forest for the trees. I most certainly recall riding on a motorcycle, it was dark -possibly black.
    I had gloves on and a sensation of freedom was all I thought of as I zipped pass slowly moving vehicles. I came to a 'red light' and immediately I took notice to destitutes, prostitutes and all kinds of social dross. A dark-tinted black vehicle pulled up next to me. I felt intimidated and fearful when the operator of the vehicle began lowering his window.
    It was cracked, it was most possibly a middle-aged man, someone you wouldn't want to be alone with. He winked and smiled - a skip in recall occurs here.

    Nowhere - I was 'still' on my motorcycle moving -'flying'- down the open roads. It remained night and I can clearly and vividly recall the clouds, which were of various odd shapes. As I was staring at the left side of the road and scenery I was hit in the head with an object. I turned to discover where and who had thrown it, but no one was there -recall ends.

    [I used expressive language, however I believed I stayed true to my recall. Also ever since I made the decision to 'do this' my dreams have been quite devoid of happiness. My prior dream -before I started doing this- was bright and cheerful I hope I can record a more pleasant dream.]

    Updated 09-15-2015 at 03:07 AM by Aristocles


    He Who Couldn't Read

    by Aristocles on 09-14-2015 at 02:54 AM
    #1 [A Strange Child] ~Non-Lucid~

    I awoke within the dream on bedraggled pavement - I faintly recall the feel of and emanating odor of the grass. A young adolescent, no older than 25 I think, is what triggered my awakening. He stopped and stared at me asking me if I was going to join them. I responded: "Join what?"
    He did not answer me and interestingly I was incredibly preoccupied with why I couldn't remember this man's face or name. I preceded to stand upright - immediately I felt a strong pain in my legs forcing me to genuflect. Just as fast as the pain came on I shoved it - almost as if I didn't feel anything. Seemingly disremembering the pain I took notice to my surroundings.
    I faintly recall a large quantity of old boxes, scattered about pipes and such giving me the impression of a dilapidated warehouse not used in decades. A skip in my recall occurs here. I recall being outside, possibly mid-day, I believe there was a breeze. A different man, possibly no older than 25 as well, put his hand on my shoulder and shouted.
    Initially I was annoyed, however I discovered there was a pack of wolves retaining selter within a run-down school bus. Now contemplating the atmosphere was somewhat apocalyptic, but that's besides the point. I thought upon glancing at the wolves we would be in serious trouble so to speak. But 'my friend' successfully intimidated them.
    Another skip in recall. Now 3 individuals, the same two from before. The one who place his hand on my shoulder was smashing a tipped over trash can with a bludgeoning object, maybe a bat. The other -from the beginning- was reading which I thought was out of the ordinary.
    The last one, was much younger, a child, perhaps no older than 10 and he was staring at me. A frightening force saturated me, I could not budge it. As I was panicking my 'background' changed, almost resembling the pages of a book with words spinning about. I began taking notice to the spinning words to discern what they were. Disremembering the earlier feeling of panic I became occupied with the words of which I don't recall being able to decipher.
    Then suddenly I began fading and it happened entirely too quickly to feel it's effects - awakening me in actual life.

    [I used very expressive language, but I believe I remained true to my recall. It was my first Dream Journal so I am little out of my element.]

    Updated 09-15-2015 at 01:51 AM by Aristocles

    non-lucid , memorable