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      I never had good dreams with that place, but I liked it because it was easy to turn lucid. I also wanted to obliterate some annoying dancers that showed up there every other day. For obvious reasons I did not intended in waking, so I knew it was OK in a dream
      Good luck in your job hunt
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      I quitted that one... it was a horrible place. My self employment was being more productive.

      Now, the Pata Negra store (where I used to work part time) had the other employee quitting, so now I work there full time. I am very happy at that store and I am the only employee, so I get things done properly and by my way without disturbances. I also keep doing some of my self employment stuff, but not as much. I am going to work soon with someone in collaboration the guided meditation world. She is a vocalist and told me I am very grounded and I have a perfect voice for it. I wrote a few scripts and she loved them, so that is something that I will be doing in the future, which produces a lot of income, and it is not stressful (obviously )

      How about you?
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      Indeed, long time Thanks!

      Around here, the usual, busy and pretty good How about you?
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    About BigFan

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    # of LDs so far: DILD-1, WILD-0, Awareness-5
    Max Dreams recalled in one night: 3
    Goals: Learn to fly [] - Find out more about myself [] - Explore the sea [] - Pray in an LD []
    Read my DJ: Whirlwind of Dreams
    Read my current research: CAT Research
    Read my meditation experiences: Meditation Experiences


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    02-24-2011 07:46 AM
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    02-01-2013 02:27 AM
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    1. Clyde Machine  Clyde Machine is offline


      Clyde Machine
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    3. PercyLucid  PercyLucid is offline


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    1. BigFan
      BigFan liked post by Rhapsode On thread : Music during WILDs
      I do use music for WILDS, but this music comes from my subconscious. Here's what I do. When my limbs begin to numb I'll pick a random tune to play in my head, and focus on it (that way I can let my...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    2. BigFan
      BigFan liked post by ArcanumNoctis On thread : Meditation Experiences
      Coolio, I'm about to start my project. Made a checklist with logs, want me to e-mail you a copy for when you start again?
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    3. BigFan
      BigFan liked post by PercyLucid On thread : Whirlwind of Dreams
      That is so true... My last lucid (6 days ago, last dream posted on the first page of my journal here in DV) Was the same. It was enormous.... larger than yours and I even completed one of the...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    4. BigFan
      BigFan liked post by PercyLucid On thread : Whirlwind of Dreams
      Thanks for reading it :) Feel free to comment, it's OK with me :) I like your odd dreams, is what makes dreaming interesting. Sweet tea and pokemon, sounds fun.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    5. BigFan
      BigFan liked post by Serenity On thread : Whirlwind of Dreams
      I also found unixmanga to be fairly decent, also. At mangafox, I noticed that (at least for sailor moon *cough, cough*) the scanlations get buggered up and out of order... at least at unixmanga, they...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    6. BigFan
      BigFan liked post by PercyLucid On thread : Whirlwind of Dreams
      I liked the darkness of the washroom :) Lights not working are a clean dream sign for every single dreamer :) Its an universal sign. Sorry for the shot. Not dying was another sign thought :)
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    7. BigFan
      BigFan liked post by PercyLucid On thread : Whirlwind of Dreams
      For sure fear is one of your Dreamsigns, good job! Make sure you do a RC every time you are scared :)
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    8. BigFan
      BigFan liked post by cybereality On thread : Meditation Experiences
      Very cool. I always think about getting into meditation but I never have the motivation. If you continue this I'd love to hear how it goes.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    9. BigFan
      BigFan liked post by deXtrous On thread : Meditation Experiences
      Does anyone find it really really hard to mediate when you have something on your mind? If I have something to think about, like a party tonight or something, I just can't bring myself to silence my...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    10. BigFan
      BigFan liked post by allensig3654 On thread : Meditation Experiences
      I have been meditating almost daily and documenting for a while now. Here is my latest entry. Had a great session today. Total time was around 50 minutes. I laid in cross legged position and...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    11. BigFan
      BigFan liked post by ReachingForTheDream On thread : Meditation Experiences
      I'm really interested in this thread and how your meditation ends up! I've never really been patient enough to meditate much. However, I did try chakra meditation once or twice. Ever since then I've...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    12. BigFan
      BigFan liked post by PercyLucid On thread : Whirlwind of Dreams
      I like odd dreams :) Those are the best. I know the feeling of sharing oddity and realizing that everybody will not even know what are you talking about, but we know more than you think :)
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    13. BigFan
      BigFan liked post by Reinhardt On thread : Meditation Experiences
      SO did this meditation help improve lucid dreaming more? I also started about 4 days ago and also get the spinning sensation in all directions.
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    14. BigFan
      BigFan liked post by Molder On thread : Ambience - The Ultimate Dream Sign
      Last night I attempted to WILD, and made it... twice. I decided to go for it after reading Mzzkc's topic (http://www.dreamviews.com/community/showthread.php?t=96892). I gotta say, his "Don't WILD"...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    15. BigFan
      BigFan liked post by Invader On thread : Invader's Spoils of War
      I saw something in my dreams last night that I think no one should have seen. My memory of it now is only that of an image, but there was a very strong feeling that accompanied it. I was in some...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
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    View BigFan's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    February 25, 2011

    by BigFan on 02-28-2011 at 06:37 PM
    Into the depth:
    I was in what appeared to be a dungeon, reminded of me Diablo II for anyone who has played that game. It was crazy dark, dark enough that you can't see where you're going. I can't recall the start but I was with someone and I picked up a torch as we made our way through some of the earlier levels. I make it to a safe area(surface?) and was informed that my mother has descended into the dungeon. I decide to follow her and place the torch so that its sticking out of my backpack. The idea was that monsters are attracted to the darkness and this would help me to protect my back as well as light my way. I believe that I was also using a flashlight but not positive. As I was descending deeper into the dungeon, I was noting the black with a slight greenish tint stairs which looked like they were glossy.

    We had to descend very deep to finally find my mother. She was near a very large gate, similar to those old castle gates, albeit this was a bit stretched. It has 2 large rings on it which were black and the whole gate was made of what appeared to be dark wood with a gloss. My mother beckoned us to not open the gates because she was just there and escaped, but it was too late, since, my partner automatically opened them. It was pretty dark in there, but, you can see some pillars with some things moving. Two monsters, one being a really large ogre with a hideous face appeared.

    I ran further down, my mother followed but alas it seemed like my partner meet his end after he was trapped in the left corner of the gate. I tried to do some magic, possibly to push them back and it worked slightly but they were still following us. I tried some bizzare move to use 2 pins to stop them, as in clip them to the stairs, but, that didn't work. You think? XD I decided to face them and move in landing 5 punches but his body was pretty hard. I didn't feel any pain but it was like hitting a wall. He must've pushed me because I fell back noting that "He is hard to punch" to my mother as I woke up.

    Thoughts: Had this in either my 4th or 5th REM cycle

    Updated 02-28-2011 at 06:58 PM by BigFan

    non-lucid , memorable

    February 24, 2011

    by BigFan on 02-27-2011 at 05:52 AM
    Close encounter:
    I am at the bus station. I'm trying to cross from one side to the next walking between the two white lines. As I near the other side, I see a group of people walking towards me and one person stands out. As I recall, she was wearing green, wearing glasses and had blond hair but otherwise her face was unrevealed. She looked similar to a friend of mine and I decided that it must be her, so, better to look the other way. When we meet, I realized that she was different, her hair while still blond was rather bizzare looking and other face characteristics were as well.

    Updated 02-28-2011 at 06:04 PM by BigFan


    August 23, 2010

    by BigFan on 02-25-2011 at 06:00 AM
    I'm at home and there is something about my mom ripping people's info as in she has some info on them(I think it was me actually). We needed to shred them, because I didn't want to get in trouble so I took the black book and knew I had to tell them I took it, so, maybe by write an email?

    I'm somehow at the DC. I'm in a building, in a large hall at the entrance of the DC. There are large replicas of some structures, possibly some animals as well, all different colors and there is some info panels near them explaining what they are. I wasn't able to read the text/read it but can't recall. The doors are transparent and I decide to walk through. Some people follow me into the DC. There are only two computer desks dark oak-colored, one in each of the top two corners of the room and a lot of tables in the middle like in a restaurant. The computer on the left had two chairs, some guy asked me about my name, believe his name was Mohammed.

    I start telling him when some group of girls walked in and started staring at me. I start to get confused because the room is very different from what I recall. I leave again but return twice only to find more people there the second time. They are all dressed in formal cloth and the second time, there were more of them and they were playing with
    a tennis ball. I was afraid that they were gonna break something and almost did. I believe I picked up the stray tennis ball as well. I take my coat and bag and look outside the window.

    I see a university sign right outside on the lawn below with a sidewalk facing to the west. How come the DC is in the university now? At this point, it dawned on me that I might be dreaming and I become lucid. Looking at my hands, one had cards in it, the other was invisible. I tried to make my invisibile hand visible and somewhat succeeded. I wanted to make it glow, so, I focused on it and it turned very white. It was transparent so the while glow gave it a nice outline, it looked amazing. I had a J card in my other hand and wanted it to change to Q, so, again, I focused on it, it did. I decided to change location and thought about having the building just disappear. I closed my eyes and woke up!

    Thoughts: Had this LD when I took a quick nap for maybe like 5-10 mins way back in August. Finally was able to type it up, pretty interesting that I can still recall a decent portion of it as well

    Updated 02-28-2011 at 06:04 PM by BigFan

    lucid , memorable

    July 25, 2010

    by BigFan on 07-26-2010 at 11:57 PM
    I don't recall much other than possibly getting into a fight with my brother.

    Thoughts: Being busy IRL seems to have taken my recall away, but, soon it should be back as good as new. There won't be an entry tonight since there is no sleep
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    July 24, 2010

    by BigFan on 07-26-2010 at 03:16 AM
    I was baking at my store. I just took out a large amount of rings only to discover that there is some already made.

    Thoughts: Didn't have much time to try to recall the rest
    non-lucid , dream fragment