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      ^^ Sweet Name, eh? ^^

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    1. Cloudinsane
      Cloudinsane liked post by Oneironaut Zero On thread : last movie you saw - and what did you think of it?
      Had a bit of a DC marathon the other night, after a friend had recommended Superman vs. the Elite: http://i.imgur.com/a6JbN.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Hb8Ly.jpg It was pretty awesome. I loved the...
      Liked On: 07-05-2012, 01:52 PM
    2. Cloudinsane
      Cloudinsane liked post by Oneironaut Zero On thread : last movie you saw - and what did you think of it?
      Lol. I enjoyed it. Those guys knew how to party. :chuckle: Just watched Batman: Under the Red Hood http://i.imgur.com/Mv7Xxl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/p12CNl.jpg And God Lord, is it bad ass....
      Liked On: 07-05-2012, 01:52 PM
    3. Cloudinsane
      Cloudinsane liked post by Man of Shred On thread : last movie you saw - and what did you think of it?
      The Hunger Games. while it was kind of fun to watch... no one looked hungry.
      Liked On: 07-05-2012, 01:51 PM
    4. Cloudinsane
      Cloudinsane liked post by ThePreserver On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      I had a bowl of raisin bran crunch for breakfast today, but since I had nothing for dinner, I had two more bowls this evening. MISTAKE! My intestines are trying to escape my body right now. FIBER...
      Liked On: 07-04-2012, 01:24 PM
    5. Cloudinsane
      Cloudinsane liked post by dutchraptor On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      Haha I know the feeling. My parents are extremely paranoid when the internet stops working. My dad will cut down trees, open windows, restart his laptop, clean his wardrobe and probably even move the...
      Liked On: 07-04-2012, 01:23 PM
    6. Cloudinsane
      Cloudinsane liked post by Komisoft On thread : write a poem that expresses your thoughts and feelings
      Roses are red Violets are blue Poetry is hard Boobs.
      Liked On: 06-07-2012, 09:13 PM
    7. Cloudinsane
      Cloudinsane liked post by Dreams4free On thread : Should humanity have an end goal?
      The "end goal" for humanity is to achieve ultimate survival. Ultimate survival defined as the longest possible age we can live too, and the conditions that occupy the state at any given moment, like...
      Liked On: 05-23-2012, 01:25 AM
    8. Cloudinsane
      Cloudinsane liked post by Seroquel On thread : If animal cruelty laws prohibit bestiality, why don't they prohibit factory farming?
      I'm eating chicken atm. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/000/142/feelsgood.jpg Brb raping a dog.
      Liked On: 05-21-2012, 09:38 PM
    9. Cloudinsane
      Cloudinsane liked post by Oneironaut Zero On thread : Marvel Movie News
      Things are looking mighty fine, after the premier. :thumbup: According to First Twitter Reviews, ‘The Avengers’ Is #totallyawesome – | NextMovie...
      Liked On: 04-12-2012, 10:32 PM
    10. Cloudinsane
      Cloudinsane liked post by Carrot On thread : My dreams are too weird to write down
      I understand. But in my case, the dream was so good when it was in my head, that when I turned them to words they just look less than pleasant. If you're keen on remembering your dreams in the...
      Liked On: 04-12-2012, 12:31 PM
    11. Cloudinsane
      Cloudinsane liked post by Darkborne On thread : On the edge of failure.
      Seems to me like you're loading up with everything and getting nowhere. Who's a better fighter, the guy with an axe, sword, spear, club, slingshot, shield, and gun and no skill, or one really...
      Liked On: 04-12-2012, 02:13 AM
    12. Cloudinsane
      Cloudinsane liked post by HawkeyeTy On thread : Photography Thread
      Sorry had to put links instead of pictures. 193135_1931855301320_1390384622_32251773_1707918_o | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://flic.kr/p/bKUfyk) On my way to the Biltmore Gardens ...
      Liked On: 04-09-2012, 11:40 PM
    13. Cloudinsane
      Cloudinsane liked post by Marvo On thread : What does it feel like to be...straight?
      Try thinking of it another way; how would it feel like to not be attracted to women? I can find it hard to understand why people aren't attracted to both genders. Everyone is beautiful and lovable. I...
      Liked On: 04-09-2012, 10:37 AM
    14. Cloudinsane
      Cloudinsane liked post by anderj101 On thread : Photography Thread
      Busy busy bee http://www.xjimx.com/dreamviews/Photography/FWS_2012-04-01_04b.jpg "Come any closer and I'll pinch your nose off!" ...
      Liked On: 04-09-2012, 03:03 AM
    15. Cloudinsane
      Cloudinsane liked post by Mancon On thread : last movie you saw - and what did you think of it?
      "Weekend" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmlNgKlHViY' I found this trailer last night and decided to look it up on Netflix. It was available for streaming so I watched it. It was brilliant. I...
      Liked On: 04-09-2012, 02:52 AM
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    3 LDs...well, 2 and a half!

    by Cloudinsane on 05-17-2012 at 12:43 PM
    I can officially join the LD club. W00t!

    My laptop has died and I have been internetless for a while now, but since I've been gone, I've had 2.5 LD's. My first ever experience was too short for it to really count -- I became very aware that I was dreaming but then almost instantly began to wake up -- although it was still pretty awesome to become aware in a dreamspace.

    If anything, I really need to brush up on recalling dreams. I am pretty good at it, but the LD I had last night proved that maybe I'm not as good as I thought. Still! Last night I watched Avatar and had very Avatar-esq related dreams. I quickly became lucid. I started shouting aloud that I was dreaming and immediately took to the sky, heh. I started flying over the ocean, I was low enough that I could see my reflection, my entire body. I started to feel a bit weird and could kind of feel my body on my bed, too, but then I started saying fuck it, I know it's wrong to think of your phsyical body, but I'm gonna do it. I glided along the ocean for ages, like a smooth criminal and then like a rocket, it was such a rush. This is where it gets a little...blurry. I remember talking to people about the flying and such, and I said hello to this guy I had never met, but I still remembered our secret handshake? I wish I could recall more. Pity.

    The second one I had was this long-ass dream that seemed to go on forever, and then as I went outside of the mayhem (it was one of those explody action dreams) I suddenly realised I had no idea where I was or how I got there. Then I looked at my hands and started flipping out: ''omg, is this a dream? am i dreaming! omg, I'm dreaming!!!'' I flew like a crazy person in that one too! I tested just how fast I could go in that one. Our survey says: REALLY fast.

    The best part of each dream, where I sort of felt the adrenaline in my phsyical body, is when I realise that I'm dreaming. It's such a weird, exciting feeling. Then, of course, there's the flying.

    So I really need to brush up on recalling dreams.

    Cool Dream, braw!

    by Cloudinsane on 04-13-2012 at 02:59 PM
    I didn't have an LD, as far as I am aware, but I do recall a particularly long dream in quite a lot of detail!

    As with most dreams, I have no clue how I got there, but I was at a party. A work party of some sort and Sarah Michelle Gellar was my boss. Because, why not. It was at this huge elaborate hotel. At one point I walk over to Sarah and she accuses me of being too drunk, and she says that she hopes I'm not as twisted when I take the exam (sub-con powwow as I actually have an exam 2moro!). I flip out and tell all of my workmates and then storm off. I settle down the near the kitchen and look at my reflection from the surface of a steel thingymabob, and this other guy catches my eye and we decide to get out of there.

    When we leave and go outside, we're suddenly in some kind of ancient, Uncharted-esq territory, and I'm not bothered by any of it cos im with this guy and i fancy him a hell of a lot! I wait on a long set of stone steps while he takes a piss around the corner, and these tourists suddenly appear and i jokingly scare them off but then call them back cos i felt bad.

    We decided to leave-leave and so we hop on a bus. The terrain has changed and everything is completely covered in snow and there's a giant iceberg across the road. I remember breaking away from my concentration of the guy to stare in awe of the ginormous iceberg but then he pulls me back by telling me his backstory. OH AND I JUST REMEMBERED, before we left-left the hotel, Sarah and her bodyguards checked our arms to see if we hadn't cut our wrists! WEIRD. He tells me he has fake tatoos of scares that he puts on his wrist, but he wouldn't tell me why.

    We finally arrive NEAR my house, and where the park usually is, now lies a swamp. And there was a family just lounging in the swamp, which didn't sit right with me. I noted that hippos and crocs could be in there and waddayaknow, they appeared. But the family barely flinched at the hippo and only decided to jump out when the crocs overcrowded! BUT THEN, velociraptors appear from the swamp and attack us! I get pretty cut up by a BLUE raptor!

    We finnaaally make it home, but the door is open and all of my family members are with me now. I go inside with a mop and find my aunt sitting in the kitchen with a new haircut! We all catch up and I explain that raptors had survived the meteor and simply evolved to breathe underwater. I brought in the guy and introduced him to my family - they loved him. And I'm pretty sure I did too at this stage hehe.

    And, er, the end?

    On the right track :)

    by Cloudinsane on 04-10-2012 at 02:46 PM
    Last night was the first night I went to sleep with clear intentions of having an LD. But getting to sleep, on the other hand, was not so easy considering I stayed up until 5am. I didn't LD last night, but I had many dreams that, upon waking up, my first thoughts were, ''that would have been the perfect moment to realise you were dreaming!''.

    I remember around four different dreams. One involved being trained by an old man in a town with my cousin; he sends me on a quest to learn skills from someone else and off I go...on a parachute! A good friend of mine tags along, too. We sail through a valley, and I remember thinking that there are mountain lions about...cos, eh, why not! When we pass a river we're attacked by crocs, and that's all i can recall from that.

    Another saw me visit a friend and his brother I hadn't seen in 5 years or more, in RL. The meeting was very awkward, and it started with me pointing out that their pool was in the front garden as opposed to the back. They look at me weird and although they dont say anything, I get the feeling that never had a pool to begin with. We got out to the back and enjoy a nice mean (with lots and lots of bacon, mmm); i try to chat to their mom, who kind of ignores me, and they take me inside to watch a film.

    Another brief dream, which actually started from the one above, but once I woke up and went back to sleep, had a dream focused on this: i found a smartphone, and it had a trailer for a movie on it. I clicked play and it brought me, first-person, into a bathroom where the shower curtains were pulled. When I pulled over the curtains (cos i was there now), there was a girl crying with blood on breasts and when I looked right, her brother was there with clingfilm around his face, smeared with blood, and suddenly a dark figure just appeared behind the brother wioth dried blood all over his body.

    Hmm, I'm a little foggy on the fourth one now...I think it had something to do with TV shows and my friends?

    But, anyways, when I finally woke up today, my first thought was to keep my eyes closed, because I had been reading the many various techniques to induce and LD. So my mind is clearly on the right path, my dream recall has always been rather good, and after each dream I immediately realised where the neon-THISISADREAM reality check would have worked best. I also remembered a lot of internal dialogue I had, question where the pool was thinking that there was danger in the valley, so hopefully that means something.