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2/20/16 Nothing to eat / little water. Shirt only. Living room alone. Aiden next to me. Fell asleep early, maybe 11. Super tired. Think I started affirmations but so tired I may have fallen asleep. It occurred after alarm went off at 5am. Stayed up maybe 10 minutes the listened to my binaural beats, then did affirmations and began body relaxation.
I appeared in my room at my old house where I lived 20 years ago. My right hand and arm were buzzing and I realized I was close to exiting. My legs and arms floated up like a balloon underwater but for the life of me I couldn't separate my shoulders. I played with this for a LONG time it seemed. I remember playing with the thought of looking at my sleeping body. I also remember trying to focus on the sensations and vibrations to see if that would help me get out. Next I tried focusing on the letter "A" in my mind. (not sure why) This didn't help either. My legs and limbs floated up and down a few more times. What happened next was just strange. I felt a pair of hands grab onto my ankles. This didn't scare me but I couldn't believe what was happening. It was so strange because this was in a house I lived in when I was a kid. This all was so weird!
The hands were there for just a short period when I instinctively sat up and grabbed them. I remember being on the floor at this point and trying to pull the person up through the floor. There arms were bent over my thighs as I was trying to get enough leverage to pull them up before they got away.
The experience now took me outside of my old house in front of the grocery store that was close by. This girl was moving away from me and I was closing in on her. She seemed to be the one that grabbed my ankles. I could sense it. Next, we are in what seems to be a police station. Maybe we got arrested? We arrive in a classroom with a bunch of other people and I remember trying to take a seat. It was crowded. I looked over at her and could sense this was bad and we were in trouble. The two agents in front of the room started to talk about OBE. It was as if they were trying to find out how much we knew or were capable of. Some people naively gave information and I felt these were people the agents were looking for. When I looked over at the girl, who now I felt like I had a connection with as if we were friends, I could sense we needed to play dumb. I did feel in imminent danger as if we were going to be taken against our will to possibly help with some sort of government experiment.
At some point I was back in the house with my wife who didn't even know me back then. She told me she felt an evil presence. My dad was there who looked a lot younger. I told him about the experience and he seemed intrigued. When I got to the part about my ankles being grabbed he sort of lost interest. We walked into the room where it actually happened and my wife was leaning against the wall looking out the window. I could tell she had to leave because of how uncomfortable she felt.
This was all I remembered. Very strange..... I know when I have an obe without any doubts. But this one I just don't know about. So weird.
Before the OBE - No food, bit of water. Sweat pants and shirt. Fell asleep on couch prior to laying down to doing routine for about 40 minutes. Went to lay down about hour later. Was VERY sleepy. Slept in living room with Aiden next to me. Listening to Paul Collier binaural music (30 minute segment). Went through affirmations and fell asleep before I got to systematic relaxation of body.
Okay, so while I was going through my affirmations and listening to my beats I think I fell asleep for a few minutes. Next is while I was sleeping my subconscious went to begin relaxing my right hand and arm. (In an actual dream or hypnogogic state) I believe the repetition of my routine was so ingrained that it began even though I fell asleep. As soon as I began this relaxation technique my body began to go into the vibrational state and I instantly began to float out. Surprisingly I floated down and had immense physical sensations while spinning and floating almost uncontrollably. I kept repeating clarity now and all remained black while I floated what seemed forever down through this dark void. I tried many things to get vision, but nothing. Eventually it took me back to my body. Even though I didn't get vision it was still very clear and vivid. I could hear my binaural beats the entire time.
Again, I could feel my right side hand and arm buzzing and immediately got out again. This time without even thinking about it. I began to roll out on the right side of my body. Funny thing is that this roll continued indefinitely for what seemed to be minutes. I was in awe of the highly sensitive sensations it was sending to my body. From here I popped back into my body. Again I could hear my binaural beats the entire time.
Like a broken disk, I could feel my right again buzzing. Out again. Third time, then forth. My body was in a perpetual spin into the darkness whenever I got out. At this point I could not hear the binaural beats. Most likely they had got to the end of the 30 minute video from youtube.
The next of time I got out I remember walking around my living room with the feeling of my eyes twitching in an almost blinding fashion. At the same time I could feel my right arm buzzing and I knew I could get out again. The separation process was beginning but I was on my feet. I felt as if I needed to lay down because I was actually kind of in shock that this was occurring. (This part of it seemed almost like a dream to me but I had a unclear 3d sense of my surroundings) As soon as I remember again I was laying down and floating out of my body spinning about. Down, sideways and backwards.
The last time I got out I remember walking around my living room again towards the kitchen. This time my wife was there and I remember explaining to her that I just had a bunch of OBE's and my body was humming with energy again so strong that I could feel myself trying to separate. My eyes were barely open but I VIVIDLY remember this. I was walking as slow as a sloth handicapped by the sensations. Then I layed down and it happened again. (This was the last one that I remember and again it felt dreamlike while I was walking around but I still had the 3d sense.. just very foggy though.)
Okay, now the kind of crazy thing. Today when I woke up I told my wife about it. She just kinda rolled her eyes like she usually does and that was that. The only interest in it was that I told her I had like 5 or 6 of them. But then she said that I was talking really loud in my sleep last night. And that she could hear it all the was from the bedroom with her door partially closed. She said she got up and stood at the door for a second to see if it would continue, which it did. She actually thought I was talking to my son who was sleeping next to me and came out to investigate. She came out to the kitchen and watched but by this point I was silent. This is the spot that I remembered her being at when I was talking to her in my dream state or obe state. Very weird.
Was at a camp site with some friends. Was looking around at how some people had built like miniature houses as like cabins on the camping lots. I was contemplating how much it would cost to build one. Thought maybe like 30k ish. One of the sites across from me had an older couple with a young live in maid. I was explaining to someone at the picnic bench about the experience we had this last summer camping in the rain. At some point we were holding up an inner part of a wall which almost seemed like a trailer home.
(Kept trying to go back to sleep so I forgot the other 3 dreams I semi remembered. Shame on me!)
(Almost OOB last night. Felt the vibrations come on after I looked back at my door in a dreamy state.)
(Listened to drumming beats for a few hours it seemed.. had vision of alligator... saw stars for a moment while eyes were closed. Tried to travel forward as I heard the drum beats.)
Went back to visit my old job at the Radisson. Was in the lobby in my boxers. Decided to go back to where my clothes were all laying on the floor and put some clothes on. Was by the elevator.
Was in a huge garage on a lot we were working on. Had my old Malibu in there and there was a GTO in there as well. Broom attachment was there too. Was talking about fixing up the old Malibu. There was a sink hole in the lot. The guy was asking me if we would finish the lot because there was rain on the way.
Was in my old hotel. Joe and I were doing dishes. Almost felt like there was a party going on where I didn't give a shit because I was older than everyone. I went outside and people were in the parking lot. I was blowing bubbles, but instead of 1 at a time I was blowing like thousands all at once. It was crazy. I went back into the house and Joe blew one when he was at the sink and I came over to him and blew like hundreds on him at once.
In hotel, using elevator. Old couple budges in front of me and I get pissed but instead tell them to have a happy holiday. We end up in a smaller arena with a wrestling ring in the middle surrounded by immediate seating that continuously goes up like steps. Watched a match where this crippled wrestler was beating on another guy. Went out to the ocean and then kinda forgot where this dream all went.
Another one I remember being in a house where my friend Todd was there. I was really distracted and he was talking with the lady who owned the house about remodeling. There were various colors on the walls and even some makeshift wallpaper. What he told her was nice I thought was too bold.
Went to Costco 3 minutes till closing. (can't believe I didn't have a reality check when looking at this clock!) I found it strange that all the lights were already turned off. A man was at the door like he was a guard almost. None the less, they let me in. Originally I was there to find a folding chair. I ended up looking through their fruit produce. I couldn't find any grapes. I went to the cashier and saw an old friend of mine there, Lisa. We ended up driving through the country. It was a super tiny car. I was cruising up and down these hills. Over time, my vision started to go as if I had glasses on that were fogging up. I got scared and pulled over eventually when I couldn't see anything at all. When my vision came back, I was at an intersection with a semi right behind me.