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      04-06-2024, 04:39 AM
      I am involved in a ship salvage operation. It is a large ship, easily over 1km long with a horizontal deck plan and bilateral symmetry, it looks to...
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      Here, it's not perfect, but I hope you like it. It's also on my art thread.
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      Hey, I was wondering if I could draw your avatar or a variation of it for my art thread, if that's okay with you?
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    About HypnoDestiny

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    About HypnoDestiny
    LD Count:
    No clue tbh
    INFP, Ravenclaw (not that any of that matters too much)
    LDing since 2015
    discord is mint#1127
    Country Flag:
    Idaho, U.S.
    Casual gaming (Minecraft, Splatoon, Animal Crossing, Skyrim, etc), spirituality, music + art
    How you found us:
    I always wanted to learn to control my dreams. Stumbled upon DV at age 10 and have used it occasionally ever since


    Came across LDing in 2015, been doing it on and off since then.
    As of 2021 I still LD, although rarely, and as of 6/21/2021 I've made the choice to become active again on here more consistently

    "An awakened imagination works with a purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable."
    -Neville Goddard


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    1. HypnoDestiny
      HypnoDestiny liked post by Rodrodrod On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      I am with a DC friend and another DC I don't know and we are talking about life whilst sitting around a table. I then say how we are all one and immediately turn to my friend and we simultaneously...
      Liked On: 08-10-2015, 09:46 PM
    2. HypnoDestiny
      HypnoDestiny liked post by pointofbeing On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      A dream charter randomly showed up, had a big smile on his face and said OJ did it XD
      Liked On: 08-10-2015, 09:43 PM
    3. HypnoDestiny
      HypnoDestiny liked post by imazu On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      Haha the sad thing is this just seemed so automatically rational to me, for a second I was like, "...What's so funny?" :cackle: Goats need wine too dammit!
      Liked On: 08-10-2015, 09:43 PM
    4. HypnoDestiny
      HypnoDestiny liked post by JadeGreen On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      "What is wrong with all you dreamers these days? Cut your hair and grow a pair, boy!" -Old rich buisnessman.
      Liked On: 08-10-2015, 09:43 PM
    5. HypnoDestiny
      HypnoDestiny liked post by Rodrodrod On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      Dumbledore's graffiti on the wall (green paint): "Harry, make it white"
      Liked On: 08-10-2015, 09:42 PM
    6. HypnoDestiny
      HypnoDestiny liked post by Creation On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I was a young girl and I tried to stop my sister from drinking a tea that allowed her to control space and time.
      Liked On: 08-10-2015, 12:19 AM
    7. HypnoDestiny
      HypnoDestiny liked post by OpheliaBlue On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      while I was having sex with a DC, I tried to maintain lucidity by having a conversation with him during the sexing, to which he replied "Will you please shut up?"
      Liked On: 08-09-2015, 11:57 PM
    8. HypnoDestiny
      HypnoDestiny liked post by wombing On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      this thread should definitely be a sticky...i like martinb's best... in alot of these non-lucids i'm the DC that says something wierd/dumb. #0-i am frantic, and run into 'my' dorm room, and...
      Liked On: 08-09-2015, 11:57 PM
    9. HypnoDestiny
      HypnoDestiny liked post by Morca On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      I was downtown and asked my friend Kurt "Am I in a dream?" His response: "How the hell should I know, i'm a dream character!"
      Liked On: 08-09-2015, 11:55 PM
    10. HypnoDestiny
      HypnoDestiny liked post by s0berbob On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      MartinB, I find that to be HILARIOUS! I once had a dream my friend was flying a plane, a friend shouted to him "DUDE! You cant fly things!!" To which he replied "UH HUH! I threw some pottery...
      Liked On: 08-09-2015, 11:54 PM
    11. HypnoDestiny
      HypnoDestiny liked post by MartinB On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      I was non-lucid dreaming that I was at work. My brother was there and there were two guys sat at computers in the office, overheard me and my brother talking: Me: "Did I tell you about that sick...
      Liked On: 08-09-2015, 11:53 PM
    12. HypnoDestiny
      HypnoDestiny liked post by Wildman On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      Arnold Schwarzennegger, before shooting me with a shotgun: "I'll show you reverse culture you bastard!" *Pointing to a guy flying around*: "Man, he's lucky to be having a lucid dream..." "Never...
      Liked On: 08-09-2015, 11:52 PM
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    View HypnoDestiny's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    06/23/2021 - I'm back on it! Weird houses and talk show as Anne Hathaway

    by HypnoDestiny on 06-24-2021 at 04:56 AM
    I was either looking for or already living in a new house. At one point, things looked 2-dimensional, as if I was playing a simple browser-based game (Think graphics like diep.io or world's hardest game- simple geometric lines and shapes, with a white/greyish background and black lines representing floors and walls). I didn't notice at first, but it was really tall- I was going up the stories and they were getting progressively more unstable (this seems to be a theme in my more recent dreams) to the point that I felt unsafe. There were 6 floors in total; for some reason I was accessing them from the outside via some sort of ladder? And the openings to the different floors were very short, so I would have had to slide in on my back. Obviously, I was afraid of falling six stories (but nothing occurred to me that it was out of the ordinary to be living in a six-story, rectangular house).

    Then, at one point, the setting shifted very temporarily to an RV/trailer, where I had people all around me helping me get ready for something. I realized I was a celebrity- I looked totally different, and for some reason the name Anne Hathaway was really strong in that, so I'll just assume I was her. I was a lot prettier, probably 10 years older, and I carried myself with much more confidence than I would IWL. The vibe was nice but not too formal, and I had my hair tied back. Right by the trailer, I went into a big mansion and sat on a luxurious couch, and decided to take a selfie with a few other people who were there. I did a lighthearted duck face and some sort of pose. I was working on a project- apparently, a talk show. The lighting was all natural light with sun shining from large windows behind the couch, though, and whether or not there was an audience there was pretty ambiguous; but I think I remember cameras.

    At one point, my manager(s)/agent were telling me I needed a new, sharper look. I looked at myself in the mirror; I had similar hair to IWL (About shoulder length with bangs) but my hair was sleeker with no layers- more of a bob than the shaggy style I actually have. I envisioned different ways I could change it, including a short A-line cut but quickly realized that it was a Karen cut and I didn't want that. I don't remember much after that.

    4/27/18: Runaway

    by HypnoDestiny on 04-27-2018 at 09:24 PM
    At first, I dreamt that I was in the front yard of my friend (Z)'s house. Our dads were sorting our clothes, yelling at us and getting rid of what's "inappropriate" (Basically just crop tops and shorts of any kind.) I remember there was a dark blue crop top T-shirt with three rings near the bottom, which would expose the stomach area. (Z)'s dad said, "Oh, hell no." And threw it into the "inappropriate" pile. I also feel like I remembered seeing a long sleeved crop top with a Disney character on it, like Winnie the Pooh or something. At one point, other people came, and we were all trying to sneak away from the piles of clothes. I remember it was pouring rain at this point. We were pretty successful, until I realized that someone else needed to escape.
    My American history lessons must be leaking into my dreams, because, at this point, I ended up helping a runaway slave. He was in his late teens or early 20's, with short hair and (I think) a light blue, button up shirt.
    Although the rest of the environment was modern (cars, etc.), the guy that I was helping looked and acted like he was still from the 17 or 1800's. So, my mind decided that we were in the 1700's, although there were still cars and modern streets all around. We got into a car, which had an interesting design. It was wide and rounded, reminding me of something out of The Lorax. I'm pretty sure that it was red, and on the inside, the levers and stuff were a lot longer (easy access?). The doors were also different; the hinges were around where the middle of the windshield would be, so it was... Interesting.
    He drove for a bit, quickly and recklessly, to go north quicker. After a few minutes, we realized that if someone saw him driving, they would report him as a runaway. Because of this, we switched spots (while the car was still in motion), and decided to pretend that he was my slave to avoid suspicion. I think I woke up at some point in the middle of this dream.

    I had another dream, but all I remember is that I was walking in a forest, on some kind of quest. There were patches of snow, and a path, which led into a cave. I don't remember any of what happened, but it was I nice environment.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    4/25/18- Hell and Incepted Lucidity 😂

    by HypnoDestiny on 04-26-2018 at 06:40 AM
    When it began, I was going to the regional spelling bee (which I'm doing IWL ). My nerves were shaky, but it was happening. I was excited, especially since, in the dream, it was taking place in South Korea. My father and I were at SOU, where the spelling bee is being held IWL (it was still SOU, just... In Korea) and walking around campus when we found an adorable animal. It had a huge fluffy tail, little paws, and... A human face?!
    However, we thought nothing of it. It was cute and that was all that mattered. It basically had a small, adorable, pinkish purple raccoon body- it seemed to love us, so we decided to take it home. The dream drifted away from the spelling bee, and I was sad that we had to leave Korea. So I came up with some better ideas.
    In a Coraline-esque movie, I had seen a character say a poem, and go through a painting, taking her to another world. I decided to do that, and return to South Korea, so I could meet my idols. I remembered the four-line, rhyming poem, and noticed the painting leaning against the wall behind my bed. It contained lots of dark colors and red, reminding me of hell, or Hades. After I said the poem, I took a deep breath, and stuck my hand through the painting. It sucked me in, and I began to fall from about 6 feet up on a wall. The surrounding area was dark- certainly a hellish landscape. I was in a room, though. Albeit a large one. I felt a weirdly strong connection to Kim Taehyung at this point- mainly just thinking of his name. Anyways, as I exited, random dream characters were like "wHAT'RE YOU DOING HERE?? YOU'RE FROM THE MORTAL WORLD,, YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE DOWN HERE, PLEASE GO BACK, THIS PLACE IS CURSED," but I was just like "nah fuck u, im gonna go make out with [my favorite idol]."
    This turned out to be a rather large building, but it was all comprised of the same materials, colors, and designs. I found an area which was supposedly [my favorite idol]'s room. His bed was red and black, and there were some dirty clothes scattered around it. I just... Sat there, waiting. Then I just decided to have a walk around this dimension until they kicked me out. Outside of the building, everything was pretty much normal, and I remember walking along a highway alone at night. It was kinda cool. Eventually I returned home, upset that I couldn't make out with [my favorite idol], so I decided to do it another way. A safer way. Lucid dreaming. (Pretty ironic, huh? I didn't even think to do a reality check right then and there.) I basically became lucid immediately, in a new landscape- which just so happened to be the main street of my current Town. I rubbed my hands together very frequently, amazed at how well that strengthened my hold on the dream. I decided to hunt down BTS, so I floated up, until I saw the town in a map view. In the Northeast area, rightwards of the town park, I saw a large square crowd of people with a few in front, on a stage. I assumed that it was them, holding a concert, so I flew over. However, there were NINE people in front, instead of seven. It wasn't them. My dumb ass didn't think to turn around and change them into BTS, but oh well. I don't really remember much after that. I'm happy to be having more LD's and that I used a lucidity strengthening technique, though.

    Updated 04-27-2018 at 09:28 PM by HypnoDestiny

    lucid , non-lucid


    by HypnoDestiny on 06-14-2016 at 03:46 PM
    Wellp, I'm back. Again. Yeah, I feel really bad that I've been gone for so long! I've finally decided to try to get back into LDing. It's funny, because, the other night, I was looking at HowToLucid because I just randomly wanted to get back into the subject. The next day, one of my really good friends asked me if I'd hears of Lucid dreaming and then we talked about it for the rest of the day ^^

    Aaaaannnyways, I actually recorded my dream!
    Here it is!

    My dad and I went to a school. For some reason we felt like attacking random people, and I ended up doing it. With a.... marker...? Yeah, I thought that was strange, too. But, anyways, I 'attacked' about a dozen people with an Expo Dry Erase marker. I remember attacking an older girl who I recognize from WL, and have always wanted to befriend. I felt really sorry. I also remember that, in that dream, I explored town and traveled on a public bus. Later, the dream shifted into an almost post-apocalyptic setting. I remember having to hide from my math teacher so I could steal resources/weapons from her. I collected quite a few weapons, and I stored them in a Resident Evil 4 style inventory, where I 'tetrised' things around (although I only remember storing a random sniper rifle). Then I think I woke up and attempted a WILD, but drifted into a nonlucid dream. In this dream, I remember running a shop. Well, it wasn't much of a shop, but I was in one of those barber shop-type buildings. A whole bunch of kids from my school (more specifically, boys) came in and out of the building but literally all they did was sit down. I remember recognizing a guy I share all my classes with IWL. The only thing I really did was wipe off the doorknob, but for some reason it had the same feeling as my previous dreams.
    non-lucid , side notes

    The golden trio!

    by HypnoDestiny on 10-10-2015 at 05:11 PM
    Okay. So first I was at an open house type of thing in my apartment complex. I remember in one area there was a crystal ball. When I first walked in, I saw a boy in the corner. "That looks like Harry Potter!" It was true, but he had a bit of acne. "Should I go tell him that?" I decided not to. But then I saw a red-headed boy walk by. "Oh my god, and that looks like Ron!" Once again, true. But I still thought it might've been just a couple of cosplayers. But I knew they were real when I saw Hermione, exactly the same as she looks IWL. I was excited. I was with the GOLDEN TRIO. I had to go home, though... When I was home, I discovered I had been left a note.... It told me to meet up with the golden trio at the open house. It also mentioned something about an iPod. "OH MY GOD!" I thought. How? Why would they have chosen me? Well, who cares. I was gonna meet up with wizards... So I ran to the house. I saw that everyone had left... except Harry, Ron, and Hermione! They trained me to be a wizard... Then I woke up. Dang. But I tried, and I re-entered the dream. I did a reality check... but I got the same results as I would IWL, so I thought I was IWL. I trained with them some more, and then I woke up. I tried to enter the dream again, but I guess my REM cycle was over...