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    1. Twoshadows
      Twoshadows liked post by LiLeila On thread : Task of the Month for March 2016
      It reminds me of "Rick and Morty" episode with him, is it have a connection? ;d And yay, I'm on fire! I did another TOTM, 1st Basic with train: 03/03/16 | LD - Shirokuma Station - Dream Journals -...
      Liked On: 03-06-2016, 09:20 PM
    2. NyxCC
      NyxCC liked post by LiLeila On thread : LiLeila's Workbook
      Thanks! So today I had SP (first one? or 2nd/3rd maybe; this time I paid more attantion to this so it seems like the 1st). I wasn't feeling anything else but the paralysis and awareness that I can...
      Liked On: 03-05-2016, 11:11 PM
    3. MeohMyoh
      MeohMyoh liked post by LiLeila On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      I just made a soup with oranges instead of pumpkin by mistake... And I'm wondering why I'm not aware in my dreams... Oh well...
      Liked On: 03-05-2016, 10:42 PM
    4. woblybil
      woblybil liked post by LiLeila On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      I just made a soup with oranges instead of pumpkin by mistake... And I'm wondering why I'm not aware in my dreams... Oh well...
      Liked On: 03-05-2016, 08:30 PM
    5. NateDogg
      NateDogg liked post by LiLeila On thread : If you post in this thread you will have a lucid dream tonight!
      I had a feeling that I was flying ;o But it was a dream about LD or semi-LD or I dunno. However it worked somehow! ;p Tonight I'll be more aware!
      Liked On: 03-05-2016, 08:21 PM
    6. Zhaylin
      Zhaylin liked post by LiLeila On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      I just made a soup with oranges instead of pumpkin by mistake... And I'm wondering why I'm not aware in my dreams... Oh well...
      Liked On: 03-05-2016, 06:42 PM
    7. Linkzelda
      Linkzelda liked post by LiLeila On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      I just made a soup with oranges instead of pumpkin by mistake... And I'm wondering why I'm not aware in my dreams... Oh well...
      Liked On: 03-05-2016, 06:16 PM
    8. Ginsan
      Ginsan liked post by LiLeila On thread : If you post in this thread you will have a lucid dream tonight!
      Time to fly around a bit.
      Liked On: 03-05-2016, 12:11 AM
    9. NateDogg
      NateDogg liked post by LiLeila On thread : If you post in this thread you will have a lucid dream tonight!
      Time to fly around a bit.
      Liked On: 03-04-2016, 10:38 PM
    10. Patience108
      Patience108 liked post by LiLeila On thread : Task of the Month for March 2016
      It reminds me of "Rick and Morty" episode with him, is it have a connection? ;d And yay, I'm on fire! I did another TOTM, 1st Basic with train: 03/03/16 | LD - Shirokuma Station - Dream Journals -...
      Liked On: 03-04-2016, 02:30 PM
    11. Ginsan
      Ginsan liked post by LiLeila On thread : If you post in this thread you will have a lucid dream tonight!
      I had one :P But I posted here many times before. The magic of cumulative intention! So, again: I'll have a lucid dream tonight!...
      Liked On: 03-03-2016, 06:15 PM
    12. woblybil
      woblybil liked post by LiLeila On thread : Task of the Month for March 2016
      It reminds me of "Rick and Morty" episode with him, is it have a connection? ;d And yay, I'm on fire! I did another TOTM, 1st Basic with train: 03/03/16 | LD - Shirokuma Station - Dream Journals -...
      Liked On: 03-03-2016, 02:09 PM
    13. dolphin
      dolphin liked post by LiLeila On thread : LD by WILD without previous sleep and what to do while SP
      Thanks, dolphin. So I'm just trying to make my life harder ;p However if 1 is possible, is it require more time and waiting for REM cycle? Or maybe it's a way through OBE? About your 2nd...
      Liked On: 03-03-2016, 02:52 AM
    14. OpheliaBlue
      OpheliaBlue liked blog comment by LiLeila On : "Fuck You" Got Me into Trouble, Even Though I Saved a Guard
      Omg, that's so funny! I imagined how you saying that and I was laughing a whole entry. Good one. Such bitches.
      Liked On: 03-03-2016, 02:10 AM
    15. Signet
      Signet liked post by LiLeila On thread : Stupidest Ways You've Missed Becoming Lucid
      1. I was writing my dreams... on the sand. 2. Dried bananas in my drawer. I was thinking that they are good for dreams (which I read on DV lately). 3. Someone shot me (pretty vivid) and I was...
      Liked On: 03-02-2016, 08:08 PM
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    View LiLeila's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    18/01/17 | LD - Wings and realistic vision

    by LiLeila on 01-18-2017 at 03:19 PM
    Non-lucid parts
    Lucid parts
    My comments

    #10 LD - Wings and realistic vision
    During a NLD I was high on a tree or something like that (maybe it was a bed?). I was thinking that I should be brave enough to jump down because I was sure it's safe. Then I started to be lucid. As usual I was trying to fly. This time I imagined that I have real wings instead of arms. It worked somehow because I felt them. Didn't see them tho. I'm not sure if I was able to fly with them. It started to be dark and I 'woke up' in another scenario. I was in the car, looking through the window. I was pretty sure I woke up so I tried to not moving much and I did RC with my nose. Everything was clear and realistic. Even sunlight was reflecting on cars naturally so I was surprised that it's indeed a dream. Then scenario changed again. It was night and I saw some (3?) boys on the street. For some reason I was trying to hit them with a bucket. 2 of them ran away but 1 of them was throwing something back. Like something small and sharp, maybe screws? Because of this bizarre action I'm not sure if I was lucid enough. I felt pain when he hit me. Pretty realistic. I stopped this 'fight' and went in another direction, trying to fly again and ran away (I wasn't scare much tho). I was moving my arms again like with wings but there were still my arms (I wasn't trying to make real wings). Then darkness. I don't remember if I woke up or maybe I was still dreaming. It wasn't long dream, I would say 1-2 min. Anyway that's nice because I wasn't even trying to have one!
    lucid , false awakening

    16/03/16 | LD - Low quality vision

    by LiLeila on 03-29-2016 at 09:27 PM
    #9 LD - Low quality vision
    As always my room. I was laying on my bed with my bf. I was looking at the wall and thought that I shouldn't be there (I wasn't at home in RL then). I did RC and get lucid. It was dark. I tried to make some light by commands but I only had some strange quality vision. Sth like that: [KLIK]. I didn't write it down but I think that I saw also some disco colours and I said that I didn't mean this kind of light. I wasn't calm much. I went to the shelf and took a red figure. I touched some towel. I went to my mom's room and tried to fly through the window. I heard an alarm but I knew that it's still a dream. I saw on the phone that it's 2:10AM. I flew away and on purpose I was falling down spinning. I thought that it was a bad idea. It started to be dark and my dream changed to NLD. Some bird or 2 were falling down on the hill.
    lucid , false awakening

    13/03/16 | LD - Wardrobe and TOTM attempt

    by LiLeila on 03-29-2016 at 08:38 PM
    With a slight delay...

    Non-lucid parts
    Lucid parts
    My comments

    #8 LD - Wardrobe
    During NLD. I was in my room and I saw purple flowers behind my window. It was a day. I thought that they shouldn't be there. I did RC (nose plug) and get lucid surprisingly. I flew through the window near the trees. I did a flip and I thought that it was a bad idea. It started to be dark. Fortunately I teleported to the kitchen, still lucid. I went to my room again. I opened my wardrobe (I wanted to see some magical scape). I saw a blue picture, there were some things and characters. When I started to look more carefully it was less and less pretty. The wardrobe was like computer. I skipped to the next picture and another one (with woman). I didn't draw them then and I forgot how they looked like. I started to lose lucidity I think because I was thinking about saving these pictures by screenshots. I tried to flew through the wardrobe and I stuck. I rubbed my hands (?). I went to the bathroom and thought about summoning my bf but I didn't do that. I recalled a TOTM (basic II, DC's favourite dream) so I went to my mom's room. I wanted to ask her about her fav dream but during talk I wasn't sure if this is a dream. I tried to fly but I couldn't. I think that also nose plug failed. She told me that I should go if I don't want anything. So I did. I don't remember anything else so I probably woke up.

    Updated 03-29-2016 at 09:31 PM by LiLeila

    lucid , task of the month

    09/03/16 | LD - Severe fatigue

    by LiLeila on 03-09-2016 at 09:11 PM
    It was crappy LD but I'm surprised of it anyway. I don't know why but my skills are going worse somehow. I mean... first ones were more vivid and bright, I could do more, and now I'm more often in darkness even I'm focusing on stabilization.

    Non-lucid parts
    Lucid parts
    My comments

    #7 LD - Severe fatigue
    I had FA in my bed again. I did RC casually and was surprised that I'm actually dreaming. It was dark but behind one of my windows was day. I was rubbing my hands and saying commands. My room was poorly furnished, I touched the shelf. I was trying to make it more stabilized and bright, I felt like my eyes were really tired/sleepy and almost closed. I saw a bit tho. I was only able to make a day instead of night in the 2nd window by turning away. I vanished in the darkness. I was in my bed again, FA. I knew I was dreaming somehow but my eyes were even more closed than before. I tried to open them and I opened them in RL.

    I fell asleep again and had another FA but I didn't get lucid. I was in a different house tho and it was vivid dream - that's just mean brain!
    lucid , false awakening

    08/03/16 | 2-in-1 LD - Wandering, TOTM and stuff

    by LiLeila on 03-08-2016 at 04:07 PM
    I am the most cruel person in the whole dream world. No kiddin'. But about that later.

    I slept ~5h and I woke up, tried WILD/DELID a while but nothing happened. I couldn't recall much and I couldn't sleep so I got up, played some logic games on my phone. I was awake ~1,5-2h, counting and practise awareness a bit before sleep.

    Non-lucid parts
    Lucid parts
    My comments

    #5 & 6 LD - Wandering, TOTM and stuff
    I was lying on my bed, looking at the floor. My carpet in RL looks like this: <KLIK> and in the dream one of these swirls created a word "Sen" which in Polish means "Dream". Also the floor was closer than in RL. (I don't know if I did RC, maybe the one with breath check without moving, anyway I get lucid). I got up fast, I saw a little black&white kitten which looked like he was waiting till I wake up. And what did I do? I ignore him insolently! He even run away, I went immediately out of my room. (That's why I'm so cruel - I understand flying, superpowers, dragons, aliens, fantasy castles, ANYTHING BUT THE CAT. I'll never forgive myself that! He was so tiny and cute and I just ignored him, probably because I didn't want to lose lucidity but still that's inexcusable. Only cat lovers'll understand that :c) So the dream was pretty vivid and light however I was rubbing my hands for a while. I wasn't calm, I didn't know what to do. I went to the bathroom. Before I opened the door I was hoping there will be some mountains but it didn't. I went in and tried to fly away through the window but I couldn't so I gave up. I don't know if I should try anyway but I was thinking that I don't wanna lose my time for one thing. I went to the kitchen, behind the window I saw a little snow on the ground - it was day. The door were open a bit and I saw there a bag but I ignored this a well. Now I know that I should interact more with the surroundings. I recalled a TOTM with a dream guide. I was saying "I'm ready for my dream guide" (twice I think 'cause I did a mistake). I saw that some character are passing in my room. He was tall and massive, I think he had black coat and bird's head (or sth like that). It was a bit creepy but I went in. Instead of him I saw my aunt sitting on my bed. I asked if she is my DG, I think she answered sth but I don't remember. Then, the younger version of her went through the door and there were 2 of them. The new one said sth as well but it wasn't much important (like "so so"). I lose control and wake up to another dream, as well I was on my bed. I check if this is a FA and it was so I get lucid again. This time it was dark. I get up fast, the dream was blurry and I was afraid of waking up. I was rubbing my hands and shouting commands (+ 1 request) but it didn't work. Maybe I wasn't certain enough. Once I was hearing myself and another time not. As in my previous LD I put up the blinds and it was a little brighter. On my bed was a camera. I thought about talking with my subconscious but I knew that I have lack of stabilization so I wasn't even trying. And I woke up in RL because I couldn't maintain the dream.

    Updated 03-08-2016 at 04:46 PM by LiLeila

    lucid , false awakening , task of the month