- Date of Birth
- May 26, 1994 (30)
About NickSeagull
- LD Count:
- 7
- Country Flag:
- Spain
- Location:
- Canarias, Spain
- Interests:
- Lucid Dreaming, Software Craftmanship, Machine Learning, Music Production
- Occupation:
- Software Craftsman
- Gender:
- Male
- How you found us:
- Googling how to get motivated for LDs
Waking up every day with a beam of the moonlight in my eye
Stimulate my consciousness with the focus of my mind
I've got to take myself back to the feeling of eternally breaking free
Knowing that my body's motionless and still asleep
- Fly with me, DubFX
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- 46
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- Last Activity
- 06-04-2018 01:32 PM
- Join Date
- 02-10-2015
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View NickSeagull's Dream Journal
NickSeagull on 03-17-2018 at 12:38 PM
I'm near my grandma's house, in the street behind it. It's a cloudy day. I already appeared lucid.
- Ok, another lucid dream, I have to make sure that I don't forget this one
(For some reason, I have lots of lucid dreams but don't remember most of them all)
I rub my palms together to stabilize myself, but I'm really stable at this moment, everything is super vivid.
I start walking down the street.
I don't remember anything else
NickSeagull on 01-14-2017 at 12:50 PM
I did a WBTB, went to the toilet, drank water downstairs, contemplated if that was a dream or not for a long time, then went again to bed. (My WBTBs duration are generally aprox between 10 and 15 mins.)
When I was falling asleep, a mosquito woke me up. I covered myself with the blanket and started performing an SSILD.
(FA) I'm sitting on my bed, there's no desk in my room, that's weird. Right, this is a dream. I instantly wake up.
I immediatly perform a DEILD.
Now I'm laying on my bed, over the blanket. Got it, I'm in the dream again. I wake up.
DEILD again...
I'm sitting on my bed again. I try to stand up, I wake up.
Try to chain again, but don't remember anything more.
(Fragment 1)
I'm stuck inside something like a tube with my GF and my two nieces.
(Fragment 2)
I'm in a room with an asian guy, he looks like my DG. On a crystal desk he has a Nintendo 3DS connected to a DJ mixer and a keyboard.
NickSeagull on 01-08-2016 at 11:26 AM
I don't know why, I'm lucid since first moment. I did a WBTB (without the back to bed part, I woke up and stayed awake in my bed) and attempted an SSILD. I'm lucid since the first time.
I'm at the same square as in the last DJ entry, except that this time there is grass on the floor, with beautiful paths made of cobblestone. Kids are playing, some of them are running, some of them just playing with some toy cars on the grass. There are some benches around this park-square, kids' parents are sitting on those. As in nearly all of my dreams, it is dawn time. Really beautiful sunrays are irradiated from the sky. I decide to go for a walk
- Whoa, this is really vivid and beautiful, the grass, the paths...
I decide to levitate a bit, instead of walking I go levitating to another "patch" of grass, like those fairies in the films. I crouch on this grass and try to stabilize, I rub my palms and then I start touching the grass, which really wasn't grass, but really small round leafs of some herb, the touch is kinda "cold" like some dew
, I also smell it, smells like grass (what a coincidence!). I think:
- With this I should feel more my dream body and not my waking one.
Wait, my waking one, I shouldn't have said that. My dream starts to fade away. I'm in the void now.
- Quick, I got to think about something before I leave the dream.
I start feeling my body.
- This is it
I wake up.
Well, at least the dream was longer than the other ones and I could stabilize, at least for a while.
NickSeagull on 01-04-2016 at 03:18 PM
Before going to sleep I've read Naiya's MILD guide, and relaxed a bit. I didn't really recall this first dream until I got up in the next morning, although it was the first one:
Starts with a FA
I wake up and I stand up, go to my wardrobe's mirror and look at how well trimmed my beard is.
I don't remember trimming my beard
I look around a bit and I realize another thing:
We took off the mirror years ago, I must be dreaming!
I go out of my room and I decide, for the sake of curiosity go into my grandma's room, she wakes up (it's nighttime in my dream) and she stares. She asks:
-How much is 110 x 4?-
I got really scared here, because I thought that doing math in my dream could destabilize my dream, but I test it.
I think about the answer, which I thought it would be more difficult in the dreams and I reply:
-Ok - She answers, turns around and goes to sleep
Suddenly, my alarm sounds and I wake up
I stand up, turn on my laptop, and start skype to chat with SammyTheSnake, we talked about that maybe I shouldn't drop SSILD only after 22 days, so I thought, alright tonight I'll try SSILDing again. We hang up, or my internet hang up, and I went to the toilet saying this mantra "I wake up, I do a RC". Went to sleep and SSILD'd:
I hear my dad shouting:
My dog has been sick for these days and had a lot of diarrhea, so my dad was a little nervous about that
I hear him going upstairs and he opens my door, the light is really bright, like a blinding one
Yes, I'm dreaming, no need to RC!
He closes the door, but I can't stand up, I force myself but I wakeup
I stay still, and do a DEILD
Again, I hear noises, the door opens and a shadow goes inside my room, and instead of getting scared I kiss the shadow. There's the same problem, I can't stand up. But I roll out of my bed. I stand up.
- Whew, I'm lucid, this feels great.
As soon as I think about stabilization I wake up.
I DEILD again.
I'm standing in front of my toilet opening the door, but that doesn't make sense. As soon as I let go of the door handle I wake up.
There is a lot of noise now in the street due to the cleaning machines, so I cannot DEILD again, I try to SSILD again.
Im standing in front of the Las Palmas' St. Ann cathedral, the dream is really vivid, I think about going to explore but something better happens:
- Hey, follow me! We got to take our powers - Says my dad as he passes running beside me
This seems a good idea, so I follow him running.
We arrive at the entrance of the cathedral, there are 4 little statues: One yellow with a flame in the hand, one white with a blue flame in the hand, the other one green with a lime flame in the hand and the other one is black, with a purple flame in the hand.
My dad takes the flame from the yellow one and a yellow aura starts surrounding him.
- Look! This is awesome! - He says while shooting fire balls into the air
I was about to take the flame from the white one, but then I changed my mind and took the one from the black statue.
Some purple aura started to surround me and I was a bit shocked actually.
- Try your new powers! - Says my dad
I make a little purple flame in my palm, but instead of shooting it, I grab it and I absorb it, and I turn invisible.
- Wow, thats cool! - Says my dad
Now I get out of invisibility and I shoot a purple flame to the floor, but nothing happens.
Suddenly the dream starts to fade out, to disappear, and I really want to grab something so I can stabilize, but Im in the middle of a square so I just try to "hug" the floor. I wake up.
I DEILD again.
I'm in my bed, and I'm about to write down my dream
Oh no, I just DEILD'd, I cannot be awake. Crap! I didn't write the "superpowers dream" down! I can forget it. I gotta wake up! I wake up
I write the superpowers dream and this one, then I fell asleep, and I don't remember anything more :^)