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    I enjoy exploring the possibilities of the mind. Right now, I want to practice lucid dreaming for enjoyment and practicing real-life situations and skills.
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    1. OpheliaBlue
      OpheliaBlue liked post by quietness On thread : Intro Class Daily Dream Snippets
      I took a woman out on a date in my latest dream (http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/quietness/waiter-assassin-41789/). :shock: I was really cheap though, coz we ended up in KFC when I realized how...
      Liked On: 12-28-2012, 09:26 PM
    2. Xanous
      Xanous liked post by quietness On thread : Quietness's Workbook
      I forgot I was supposed to do zhine breathing still, and changed to focusing. My ADA immediately improved. I guess my change to breathing was the culprit. Will go back to focusing now. I wasn't able...
      Liked On: 12-27-2012, 02:39 AM
    3. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by quietness On thread : Quietness's Workbook
      I was able to do 9 purification breathing and dream recall quite okay. The zhine breathing meditation was tricky, and my mind tends to jump around. I had better experience with focusing on the...
      Liked On: 12-26-2012, 05:47 AM
    4. Alyzarin
      Alyzarin liked post by quietness On thread : Have you ever been caught/caught (somebody) masturbating?
      Wow. This is an old thread. (>_
      Liked On: 12-20-2012, 09:52 PM
    5. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by quietness On thread : Quietness's Workbook
      I will not consciously attempt LDs this week until Monday. I will focus on fixing my dream recall. I will still practice Triple Gem (morning and night), zhine breathing (morning and night), 9...
      Liked On: 12-20-2012, 04:28 PM
    6. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by quietness On thread : Intro Class Daily Dream Snippets
      I took a woman out on a date in my latest dream (http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/quietness/waiter-assassin-41789/). :shock: I was really cheap though, coz we ended up in KFC when I realized how...
      Liked On: 12-19-2012, 04:56 PM
    7. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by quietness On thread : Intro Class Daily Dream Snippets
      Had another lucid and completed two basic TOTM!
      Liked On: 12-19-2012, 04:56 PM
    8. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by quietness On thread : Quietness's Workbook
      Thank you, Ophelia! (^_^) It's a FANTASTIC idea! Rather than losing lucidity, the TOTM gave me a certain focus for the LD. I think that was the longest LD I ever had, because I had a goal. No, I...
      Liked On: 12-19-2012, 03:23 PM
    9. Chimpertainment
      Chimpertainment liked post by quietness On thread : Quietness's Workbook
      Thank you, Ophelia! (^_^) It's a FANTASTIC idea! Rather than losing lucidity, the TOTM gave me a certain focus for the LD. I think that was the longest LD I ever had, because I had a goal. No, I...
      Liked On: 12-19-2012, 07:33 AM
    10. Chimpertainment
      Chimpertainment liked post by quietness On thread : Quietness's Workbook
      I made it SNOW!
      Liked On: 12-19-2012, 07:32 AM
    11. OpheliaBlue
      OpheliaBlue liked post by quietness On thread : Quietness's Workbook
      Thank you, Ophelia! (^_^) It's a FANTASTIC idea! Rather than losing lucidity, the TOTM gave me a certain focus for the LD. I think that was the longest LD I ever had, because I had a goal. No, I...
      Liked On: 12-19-2012, 04:05 AM
    12. OpheliaBlue
      OpheliaBlue liked post by quietness On thread : Quietness's Workbook
      I made it SNOW!
      Liked On: 12-18-2012, 11:31 PM
    13. OpheliaBlue
      OpheliaBlue liked post by quietness On thread : Intro Class Daily Dream Snippets
      Had another lucid and completed two basic TOTM!
      Liked On: 12-18-2012, 11:18 PM
    14. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by quietness On thread : Task of the Month for December 2012
      I completed the two basic tasks!
      Liked On: 12-18-2012, 10:01 PM
    15. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked post by quietness On thread : Quietness's Workbook
      I made it SNOW!
      Liked On: 12-18-2012, 09:31 PM
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    View quietness's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Drowning At Shore

    by quietness on 10-16-2017 at 12:50 PM
    Morning: (somewhere along 5am-7am)

    I was staying in a mansion of sorts. Reminds me somehow of Victorias. There was very white pug that wants to be scratched on the belly. I was waiting for someone or some people. There were cars. The place feels familiar from another dream.

    Afternoon-Evenng: (around 5pm-7pm)

    I was looking for something. I ended up near or on the old place I was renting (doesn't look like it IRL). Some people are renting the place. I needed to get something there or do something. A massage? I went in. Lico was there? It wasn't him at first. There are two other rooms. One room was for business. I asked for the price. I got an answer but forgot it immediately. It was a decent, big office but mostly empty. I thought it'd be great to have the center there. It's in Mandaluyong.

    I went in. It was dark but not blinding dark. Just no light but I can see a bit. The landlady(?) handed me the papers but gave it to Lico first for checking. I asked again about the rent. I think I mentioned 18k, but I think she scoffed. I told Lico I'll just ask her when she's not busy since she seems to be going about. I left along with the others. I thought about how nice would be to stay in that place. Then I realized everybody left, and the place would be empty. I wondered if it's for rent now, and if I can get a discount. That would be nice: a place all for me.

    We walked down the stairs and along the street. It was evening, and it felt more like a medieval evening with its cobblestone sidewalk, not the light-filled evening of Metro Manila. It's reminiscent of a 3 a.m. Manila. Mostly quiet, few people about. A hint of danger.

    We kind of got separated, some of us walking with others. I was kind of in the middle. In the back, I saw two of ours (a male and a female) approach another (a couple of males). The approached male reminds me of a BL actor. They were all wearing black suit/pants/dress. We continued walking.

    We somehow ended up near the shore. And then I noticed that some of our group that went ahead are walking and almost drowning in the water. They just kept walking. Some of us realized and helped them. However, an old man and an old woman are already dead, and somehow both naked.

    Somehow it seems that some of us were possessed or pretended to be possessed and killed them. One guy in particular was walking and I felt like kicking him in the face. Not sure if he was lying. It was daytime then.

    Unknown Spirits

    by quietness on 01-31-2017 at 03:55 PM
    I was in a village of some sort. I went inside the ruins of a nearby castle. I think I exploded something by accident.

    The residents "woke up." They're something like spirits but can manifest into physical matter. They have different abilities and talents. They're definitely human-like. The rest are starting to get hazy, but one in particular looks like a count. He's calmer than the rest but I could also feel his power. I think I had an ability to "pause" or push them away but the count is largely unaffected. Instead, he proceeded with a calm and confident presence towards me. They were also kind of floating which made them seem like ghost, but not exactly.

    It took a while for me to get familiar with their presence. They became a part of me, sort of. Not possession. Kinda parasitic except they don't get anything from me; they were simply attached to me because I woke them up. They're capable of independent actions and have their own sets of skills and their own personalities.

    A lot of things happened but I forgot most of it when I woke up. What I do remember is me comparing them to "functions" and parallel programming.

    Reclaiming: Possession and Destruction

    by quietness on 11-06-2016 at 04:04 PM
    I was in a cabin of sorts. I was with friends. I baked/cooked a cake for another friend whose birthday won't be on till after a few months. I thought of putting it in the fridge. For some reason, they had some reasons not to put it in some fridge located somewhere. One was in that cabin but for some reason, we had to move. Something about disturbing the spirits. We also thought of putting in the house fridge but won't the person find it easily?

    We "went out" of the place using a special key and a special door. We traveled through the spirit realm (why?). And we walked and avoided and escaped the malevolent spirits of the realm. There were two particular spirits we avoided: one was a male shadowy figure that follows us and one white ragged woman who screams and chases us. I remember hiding behind some crates and avoiding her. There were also some "puppy spirits." At least they looked like puppies. They were used by a teacher and some children to practice escaping from. There "attack" in swarms. I was going through a door when a swarm rained in. I led them out the door with difficulty but without any negative emotions whatsoever.

    Somehow, I was caught and I felt my physical body turn to the left. I was told in the dream it's wrong and somehow spirits can enter that way.

    This part happened somewhere in between. There's no linearity in the dream (like in some dreams). I was with a family flying through space. We went through zero space, and we've "heard" about some delays in such a travel but thought they were rare occurrences and don't have any serious repercussions. There was a boy (third-person) in this family who seems to have such a delay and asked where the others were and what took them so long. For the rest, it was an almost instant flight. I was that boy (first person).

    We were being chased by other space fighters (I don't know the name of the small space ships used to harass bigger ships without causing a lot of damage due to the energy shielding). I had a hard time with the controls. I turn too fast so instead of arcing back, I end up facing the enemy almost face-to-face with our ship. The rest were away. I was eventually able to control it enough so I see... stars and space and space stuff instead of a poorly modeled image of the fighter or the nearby planets and moons. I felt elated.

    My ship was destroyed. I was possessed.

    I was in a familiar place. I think it's the place in the "first" part of the story. I was kept in a room, and I felt different. I felt like I was glowing and there's a tingle throughout my "skin." I overheard that a woman (a friend?) was partially possessed. I went out/through the walls and doors and approached her in a room. I "absorbed" whatever was possessing her and I left. I felt stronger.

    I think this is a separate story but somehow still connected to the possession dream. I was at home. It was evening and very dark. We went home and closed the gate, but somehow, someone forgot to close one of the two gates. There's like another perimeter around the house, and there are two boys/guys just outside the inner perimeter, which means the outer one was open. A child was talking but I could barely understand. Mom was saying something too complaining about the other gate not being locked.

    I was outside the house. It was morning, or at least daytime. Someone was teaching me how to fly properly. I was able to "jump" on the first level with his help and then jumped the next two after. I looked up and saw the clouds. I was elated. I wanted to fly about the clouds and stay there. I was partially lucid and happy to be able to experience that.

    Everything was falling apart. Buildings were crumbling down. Alien attack? It was like a game in 3D. I used my possession skills to hold back falling buildings and debris. I felt powerful.

    I woke up feeling powerful and in control.



    - I went to sleep feeling down. After a few days of anxiety due to an overwhelming addition to my required subjects to take to finish school, I had my previous dream that really brought me down. I could barely do anything so I went to sleep. That was around 7:30 pm. I woke up around 10:00 pm. I thought the dream was so long I could swear I woke up around 3 or 4 am.
    - I felt powerless these several months, from failing to finish some courses I need to proceed with my long-term plan to being unable to complete Inktober or start NaNoWrimo (again). I think I was trying to regain control by putting an enforced structure (school).
    - There were a lot of mental chats that had no image. I was talking to myself about the meaning of the dream within the dream. A short while after(?) waking up but still lying down, I thought about how I reclaimed a part of myself (through possession and self-destruction) and it made me (feel?) stronger.

    Questions: How do I know this feeling of control is not as illusory as the feeling of lack of control? Both have real-life repercussions if wrong, and even if right, how do I distinguish what's within and without my control? How do I know I'm making the right decisions if my senses and mind betray me?

    For now, back to basics: simplify.
    lucid , non-lucid


    by quietness on 11-06-2016 at 12:23 PM
    I dreamed of a guy I dated but who ultimately rejected me. We were talking in a cafe or some place. It was a lighthearted talk about what happened and about how he was already dating the other guy and me asking why we dated (or tried to date...?) anyway. It was really light, and I forgot most of it when I woke up, thanks to a raging headache and asthma attack threat.

    Now, it just hit me full force and I can barely write this down.

    Other details: It was evening. It was in some familiar place but can't remember exactly where. There was a train and bus station. Somehow I got lost going home or at least going away from that place.

    Book Chaser

    by quietness on 10-16-2016 at 07:17 AM
    I was in a story. I was looking for a book or a series of books. It slowly slips away as I type. But I was on some sort of small island, but it's developed. There were buildings, houses, towers. Even a mansion I think. But there were still a lot of trees. I was traveling from one area to another looking for something. Or avoiding something. The mood was mysterious but not scary.

    Inside a house/building, I talked to a woman and a man (a butler?). I forgot our conversation but it's about the "mission." I think of gathering books.

    I remember mentioning I was in the part "The Tower."

    I roused myself from the story and "woke up." I was walking and a dog was jumping about nipping me by the hem of my shorts or by the legs. It wasn't painful except for the feeling of anticipation that it's supposed to feel at least painful.