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      Ohhhh, I feel your pain! On multiple points, too; Tenchi Universe and Tokyo are pricy.
      But do NOT lose hope about lucidity. You've been trying for two weeks. I've been trying for six months. Six. Months., aaannnnd....
      I think I had one just lately. (My recall wasn't too vivid, but I think it was legitimate. Check my DJ.)
      Journal, journal, journal! Yeah I know it's a pain, but if you don't, you won't make any progress, and you won't have motivation to keep going if you're just wanting to get your sleep schedule right. That's what I learned.
      And deadlines are a pain, as well.
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      Hey! It's Ryoko!!! (another Tenchi fan. About time!)
      And welcome to Dreamviews. I noticed that you had a very similar idea in you "About Me" section as I do, that is, to re-create dream constructs. I think more in music and buildings (well, you said songs too), but I was wondering if you'd like to share and critique ideas now and then.

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      Thought you might appreciate this.

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      Would just like to thank you... for making me listen to In Flames at last. Haha.
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    About Quietus

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    About Quietus
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    Hey there, my name is Graham, im a 21 year old student who studies Games Design and Production Management in Dundee, Scotland.

    The idea of lucid dreaming ironically came to me in a dream. I remember waking up after dreaming of having a conversation with someone about knowing that you're dreaming. Since then I've been studying and practising hard to achieve lucidity.

    My purpose for it? Namely creative reasons; writing songs, lyrics, poetry etc. But my big plan is that I wish to start up a project where I dream up video game locations, and then (much like noting dreams down in a dream journal), I map out the idea of what I had on paper when i wake up (colour palette, key features etc), Then (after a nice cup of tea) build it in various game engines that I've become accustomed to over the years of my education. It's a bit of a vague plan, but one I really want to test out, if only to post my results to others on the site.

    Quietus =]
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    Playing and Listening to music, playing and creating video games, reading, photography, Beer =D
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    1. Quietus
      Quietus liked post by ColdCrisis On thread : The What Are You Listening To Thread
      Twisted....Oh so twisted and how I love it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1pi7Dn87mY
      Liked On: 04-28-2012, 10:06 PM
    2. Quietus
      Quietus liked post by Wayfaerer On thread : The What Are You Listening To Thread
      Liked On: 04-28-2012, 10:06 PM
    3. Quietus
      Quietus liked post by ColdCrisis On thread : The Great Rock Thread!
      Why not Wintersun?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ziAsMTs9sg
      Liked On: 04-26-2012, 10:53 PM
    4. Quietus
      Quietus liked post by ColdCrisis On thread : The Great Rock Thread!
      The good kind of cheese ;) Best rock/metal song ever...in my opinion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgKHimdfNrY
      Liked On: 04-17-2012, 12:21 AM
    5. Quietus
      Quietus liked post by ColdCrisis On thread : The What Are You Listening To Thread
      *High Five for Wayfaerer* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xvqk6Oez8k&feature=related
      Liked On: 03-29-2012, 11:57 PM
    6. Quietus
      Quietus liked post by Wayfaerer On thread : The What Are You Listening To Thread
      Liked On: 03-29-2012, 11:57 PM
    7. Quietus
      Quietus liked post by Wayfaerer On thread : The What Are You Listening To Thread
      Liked On: 03-07-2012, 10:51 AM
    8. Quietus
      Quietus liked post by saltyseedog On thread : The What Are You Listening To Thread
      Liked On: 03-03-2012, 12:31 PM
    9. Quietus
      Quietus liked post by Marm On thread : The What Are You Listening To Thread
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pE8ReA5cn4&ob=av3e I get out of bed at 6.00am in the morning, start this song on itunes and do 50-100 press-ups. In my mind I have made the association that this...
      Liked On: 03-03-2012, 12:57 AM
    10. Quietus
      Quietus liked post by Oneironaut Zero On thread : last movie you saw - and what did you think of it?
      Blood: the Last Vampire: the potential was there, but was as wasted as could be expected. Enjoyed the anime much more. Battle Royale: Finally got around to seeing this movie, and it was pretty...
      Liked On: 02-01-2012, 03:26 AM
    11. Quietus
      Quietus liked post by yuppie11975 On thread : Accidentally non lucid DEILD?
      -casually promotes my deild guide like a ninja- You can read all about DEILD, and get a better understanding of it, by clicking on the link in my signature!
      Liked On: 01-20-2012, 08:57 PM
    12. Quietus
      Quietus liked post by Xaqaria On thread : Post pictures of yourself here, without discussion
      Liked On: 01-16-2012, 12:31 AM
    13. Quietus
      Quietus liked post by fOrceez On thread : How do you stay motivated to lucid dream?
      Admittedly, i'm not motivated 24/7 (then again, who is?). Throughout the day, I daydream of things I'm interested in doing- whether it be something awesome that happened in a video game, a favourite...
      Liked On: 01-13-2012, 12:55 PM
    14. Quietus
      Quietus liked post by LbV On thread : Gig, Concerts and Festivals
      Just listened to Sleep Walker by Parkway Drive and liked it immediately, that riff played just as the vocals kick in is amazing. Then listened to Born to Lose by DWP and the only thing I didn't take...
      Liked On: 01-08-2012, 03:30 PM
    15. Quietus
      Quietus liked post by Mancon On thread : Intro and a few questions
      Hey Quietus, welcome to Dreamviews! I am glad you decided to join the site, and post on the fourms :) Lucid dreaming can take some time to achieve, sure. It took me about a month to have very...
      Liked On: 01-05-2012, 11:37 AM
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    View Quietus's Dream Journal

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    I think I angered the Dream Gods (DEILD)

    by Quietus on 03-23-2012 at 12:43 PM
    As usually for an average morning, i wake up around 7ish then proceed to doze and dream 3 or 4 times till 10am (living the student life is amazing sometimes... you know when i'm not broke and having to eat toast for dinner ) Upon waking from the last dream I was in (I have absolutely no recollection of this), I remain perfectly still. It was a weird feeling. I knew i had just awoken from a dream, but I still felt half asleep. I pictured my home town and its beach, I pictured the colour of the stones and listened for the sound of the waves. I heard them (but that might very well have been the sound of a car outside my window). I felt the spray of the sea on my face, the heat of the sun. Out of nowhere i suddenly heard a voice;

    "What colour?"

    Still imagining the scene, i said "The sea is blue, the grass is green". It all felt a little silly, but as I did this, the image suddenly seemed to colour itself in as if I had commanded it to. Suddenly without realising what had just happened, the world had materialised around me.

    Upon realising this, I performed a reality check. I already knew i was in a dream, but it didn't hurt just to clarify. 7 fingers? Most I've had so far. I didn't need to recount them like in previous lucid dreams, having 7 fingers on one hand looks very obvious and out of place. Looking around, I was on the long stretch of concrete that was next to the beach. The place was bustling with people and activity, and i slowly began to walk along with promenade looking around. It was a hot and sunny afternoon, with a slight mist moving in from the ocean. In my head i suddenly heard the same male voice from before; "The boy is at the pier, go look for him" (This is probably related to the last episode of The Walking Dead the flat had watched a few days earlier ).

    I slowly walk towards the Pier before turning and looking towards the ocean. I remember thinking to myself; "Heck i'm in control, i don't want to go to the pier, I want to see what swimming is like in a dream". I turn towards the ocean and walk onto the pebble beach. The whole place has a very 60s feel to it (the dream itself has a vintage looking film filter, it was like it had been pulled over my eyes). As i walk towards the ocean, i feel the dream resit against me. It wants me to go to the pier, not the Ocean. I feel the gravity of my body changing and i suddenly begin to feel my legs leave the floor

    I loose Lucidity as my mind goes into that child like it did in my first LD. I begin randomly hovering over to a carousel. A DC looked at me in astonishment, asking "how can you do that? how can you fly?!". His eyes were bulging and he had a rather silly look on his face. I grab hold of one of the carousel's horses and hang there for a while. Other DC begin to question what I am doing. I laugh and push myself off the horse. Suddenly out of nowhere there is a crack and the dream world begins to rip apart. A huge raging wind is blowing creating a sandstorm (on a pebble beach? ). People are running around screaming, and i collapse to the floor.

    My mind snaps back into lucidity as I hear the male voice from earlier;

    "Tell me, what colour? WHAT COLOUR?!"

    I have trouble thinking, but after a couple of seconds sputter "blue, the sea is blue, the grass is green, the stones are brown". For the most part the storm eases but the winds are still pretty strong. As i get to my feet, i realise my movement is impaired. I try moving quickly, but it feels like walking into a hurricane. I proceed towards the Pier, clearly the dream wants me to do this.

    I look to my left and see an old woman, (looking back on the dream, i don't recognise her, but during it she seemed to be an old friend, which suggests i wasn't fully lucid). We greet each other, and I say to her "I must reach the pier". She says she can't let me go alone and that she must accompany me. We walk towards the pier with the storm gaining strength again. I can feel rain hitting my face, the temperature has dropped considerably since earlier. As we reach the base of the pier we are blocked by a huge crack in the road, I turn to the old woman and say; "This is where i must leave, i must reach the pier". The woman replies with, "Go my love" and suddenly I awake.

    The whole last bit of the dream feels blurry, it felt blurry at the time as well, so i'm not entire certain I was fully lucid, but i remember knowing it was a dream as the storm brewed (i was worried i was going to awake and so did my best to stabilise things.

    So real yet so wrong

    by Quietus on 03-03-2012 at 12:53 AM
    My first two lucid dreams were rather vague and didn't really last particularly long (the 2nd lasting less than 5 seconds). However the 3rd seemed to the most vivid and interesting. It was also my first successful attempt at a MILD.

    I'm standing in my room at home when i suddenly become lucid and immediately forget what previously had occurred in the dream, however this did not bother me. I had gone to bed repeating to myself that i was going to RC, and it worked! My usual RC is to look at my hands and count my fingers. 6 as per usual when i'm dreaming (even though i know instantly that its a dream, i still have to slowly count each one to make sure). My heart began to race at it previously had done in other LDs and i try to calm it by taking deep breathes and focusing on a wooden table in the corner of the room. I look at the grains the surface and follow each line. They seem to be so vibrant in contrast to the dull wood. However this seems to have no effect and my heart races even faster. My mind drifts and i collapse on the floor into bed (I sleep on a fold out bed). My eyes close and i sit there motionless for about 3 seconds. I was certain that when i opened my eyes that i would be awake, however i was not. I was lying in my bed at home in my room, yet things seemed different.

    I RC again to make sure i was still dreaming. Yup, 6 fingers on my left hand. I felt a lot calmer this time, almost euphoric and light headed. I walked over to my window and open the blinds. As i opened them, i had hoped to see something magical, but nope... just the park that my house backs onto. There were huge pot holes and gaps in the hedge fences, however i seem to just accept them and say that was how the park always was (even when im lucid I managed to stupidly accept somethings T_T haha). I hear voices in the hallway. One is my old man, the other i was not sure of. I remember looking back out the window and saying to myself "This feels so real, it looks insane!". I had never been in such a real feeling dream before. I look in the mirror and see myself with hair very similar to that of Sonny Moore. Again, i seem to just accept this as truth, even though i am dreaming.

    I walk up to the large mirror in my room and look into it intently. I decided that i want to push my way through it. I push it with both my fingers and begin to see the glass bend slightly. Suddenly i feel myself getting pulled in. My head gets sucked in and then suddenly the rest of my body. The whole experience felt extremely weird. As i come out of the other side i fall onto the floor in my hallway (just down from where the mirror was), however this time the dream had a strange blue filter over my eyes. Everything had looked very orange/brown in the previous room, so the change in colour was rather noticeable.

    I awake from the dream in my student bed (almost 2,000 miles away from home) and everything becomes clear as to what happened. It's strange that even though i knew i was in a dream, i still didn't pick up on some of the dream signs. I guess i need to work on my ADA.