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    About Roguetta
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    Born on the cusp of Mystery and Imagination or Capricorn and Aquarius. Very few friends online and none in physical life due to location, loves cats and has 9 currently. Owns chickens, over 30 I believe, they are hard to keep track of sometimes. Has a reddit account under Roguetta and a Deviant Art account under Rogue678 where artwork is posted atleast once a year if not more, when laziness doesn't settle in.
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    Playing the sims 3, Drawing, watching movies
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    1. NyxCC
      NyxCC liked post by Roguetta On thread : Roguetta's Workbook
      That seems like a good idea, I wish I had the book as a paperback but I just download stuff on my phone. I am looking to get myself a paperback version when I get older and have more privacy. I don't...
      Liked On: 07-18-2017, 10:06 PM
    2. NyxCC
      NyxCC liked post by Roguetta On thread : Roguetta's Workbook
      Mantras are nice and easy, so I'll be sure to do that. I wonder if it might be possible to trick your brain into explaining the situation into a lucid dream. That might be more of a experiment for...
      Liked On: 07-17-2017, 08:33 PM
    3. NyxCC
      NyxCC liked post by Roguetta On thread : Roguetta's Workbook
      So I have completed my little goal of just relaxing a bit in my lucid dream. I had a lucid dream in the afternoon yesterday and it lasted a long while, but I still had the kinda blurry view. It...
      Liked On: 07-17-2017, 08:33 PM
    4. NyxCC
      NyxCC liked post by Roguetta On thread : Roguetta's Workbook
      Okay, nighttime routine is not working. I need something simpler and not so maybe steps. It's got to be normal or something easy to incorporate into my life; I've really got to start small. Actually,...
      Liked On: 07-15-2017, 01:23 PM
    5. NyxCC
      NyxCC liked post by Roguetta On thread : Roguetta's Workbook
      So I've also been on reddit and reading more, did 24 reality checks today and had a slight lucid dream. Went for a 2 hour nap, my naps are usually 2 hours, and after a bad dream I woke into a false...
      Liked On: 07-15-2017, 01:23 PM
    6. NyxCC
      NyxCC liked post by Roguetta On thread : Roguetta's Workbook
      I recently had a lucid dream, coupled with multiple false awakenings in the afternoon because I didn't remember any at night and went to sleep fast because I stayed up all night the night before that...
      Liked On: 07-04-2017, 09:22 PM
    7. Lang
      Lang liked post by Roguetta On thread : Back to the world of imagination, Hiya!
      I've read things on this site before, never created an account until now. I have had lucid dreams before but I still state my stage as novice because I haven't learned much. I'd like to get back into...
      Liked On: 07-04-2017, 05:19 AM
    8. gab
      gab liked post by Roguetta On thread : Back to the world of imagination, Hiya!
      I've read things on this site before, never created an account until now. I have had lucid dreams before but I still state my stage as novice because I haven't learned much. I'd like to get back into...
      Liked On: 07-04-2017, 12:31 AM
    9. NyxCC
      NyxCC liked post by Roguetta On thread : Roguetta's Workbook
      Reality Checks: - Reading - Looking at the time - Nose RC - Finger count RC Dream Signs: - My old neighborhood or home - Fake movies or games - Unknown places
      Liked On: 07-02-2017, 10:34 PM
    10. Jdoggad
      Jdoggad liked post by Roguetta On thread : Back to the world of imagination, Hiya!
      I've read things on this site before, never created an account until now. I have had lucid dreams before but I still state my stage as novice because I haven't learned much. I'd like to get back into...
      Liked On: 07-02-2017, 06:24 PM
    11. Dthoughts
      Dthoughts liked post by Roguetta On thread : Back to the world of imagination, Hiya!
      I've read things on this site before, never created an account until now. I have had lucid dreams before but I still state my stage as novice because I haven't learned much. I'd like to get back into...
      Liked On: 07-02-2017, 02:24 PM
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    View Roguetta's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Oct. 23 Helping out a friend

    by Roguetta on 10-23-2017 at 05:34 PM
    David and I had been in the kitchen to our current home, just getting some food when he saw something on the computer. Mom was on the news giving an interview, not sure for what but we were just excited she was on the news. I got my drink of water and went back to my computer, messaging a friend who said he was at the study area. He was being kinda negative so I asked him where it was, logged into the chat room from my computer and was transported to the door of the study room. Inside there were people sitting around on their phones or tablets, the room was all white and the desks were also white. The place had very few windows and one person had already taken advantage of a stool by the one of maybe two windows in the rooms. My friend had a desktop set up on one computer and I quickly walked around behind him to give him a hug, he seemed surprised but calm and I helped myself into a seat next to him. He had a big textbook open and a notebook next to it where he was writing, he was studying Japanese and I knew I probably couldn't help with that but I wanted to try anyway, so he showed me some stuff he wrote. It was a bunch of cursive letters, pretty good penmanship as well and I was quick to compliment him on it. He seemed to approve and continued working, pointing out things in the seemingly blank text book from my view and writing more cursive which although beautiful, I couldn't seem to understand or grasp what was written. I merely nodded my head and watched, it was many minutes before I felt a cool breeze flow in and I got up to stretch. My friend stopped and looked around, I did the same and noticed some noise coming from one of the phones in the room. The guy by the window was playing a video out loud, I just so happened to recognize my mother's voice from it and told my friend and the guy by the window that it was my mother being interviewed. Sadly the guy by the window didn't give a shit, my friend however thought it was pretty neat and although I didn't know what was being said and couldn't tell thinnest it was about, he seemed supportive of the act. I came back over to my friend and noticed he had a drawing up on the computer, it was a pretty good one of me laying in bed with the outfit I'd designed on me and goat horns on my head. I did actually have more goat features as far as my face was concerned, a character was standing by the bed and smirking. It looked like The Goblin King, except with no shirt on, shorter style of his goofy hair, and just some pants clinging to him. I complimented my friend on the drawing and thanked him for his efforts, he said he tried to make it look like Bowie and I nodded as I saw that he meant the body. I did point out that the shoulders were a bit too big and made him look a bit ridiculous, but other than that it was good. When I went to sit back down, my vision was getting a little blurry and I mentioned it out loud. My friend said I was probably waking up, I believed him and then understood that I was dreaming. After this realization, I fought to keep my eyes open and knew fighting it would make it slip away more. So I closed my eyes and allowed myself to wake up a little into a false awakening before quickly shutting them and heading right back into the dream, I had a little moment of rejoicing before deciding to head outside. Here I looked up to the sky and saw it was light blue even though it was still dark out, I noted it must be early morning and instead breathed in the cool scent of the air. I could feel my nostrils flaring and despite my efforts to enjoy the senses, it seemed I was about to wake up again. This time however I remembered something I read, closed my eyes and spun around in circles before opening them again and focusing one at a time. This seemed to work because my vision cleared and got clearer, I turned around and looked up at the sky behind me, it had a streak of pink and orange in it, the trees were covering most of it though. (Which wouldn't happen in real life due to the area, the trees at that area are scarce and don't block the view.) In the center I saw something that looked like a toy rocket floating in the sky, the typical red and white colours were replaced with red and gold. It came towards me very slowly at first but then sped up and flew practically toward my face, forcing me to catch it unless I wanted a bruised eye. Once caught it opened up in the middle like a pokeball and I was convinced I had the best pokeball ever. I even called it The Atomic Godball, I waved it in front of the house window and shouted to my friend that I had The Atomic Godball, rushing toward the house door but then stopping suddenly when I heard a dog behind me. It was a brownish yellow corgi, yapping at me and standing with feet at a distance like I had threatened it. I was at a loss as to what to do, I didn't want to run away or call my dream to an end but I had to make a move. Luckily the dog made the move first and jumped toward me, I instinctively tried to catch it which brought us both to the ground where I put on a smile and hugged it for all it was worth. The dog responded positively and eagerly rolled around as I snuggled against it's soft fur, after scratching it for a bit I decided to head inside and show off my new gizmo to my friend. But I stopped short of the door, I had just remembered that I might not have another lucid dream by the end of the year so I wanted to get some tasks in and I'd thought of a way to do practically all of the rest in one go. So I walked back and ignored the fact that the corgi had disappeared, instead I looked up and focused on the sky. With the task in mind of making it storm and grow flowers, I spoke out to the sky and asked politely if it would rain. Nothing happened at first and I pleaded again for it to rain, a few raindrops fell into my hand and I smiled which seemed to encourage it to drizzle. However it did not pick up and nothing was growing, it was also at this point that an older lady came out from the trees and said she'd caught me and that I shouldn't let just anyone roam around in my house because now she'd caught me. I was really confused at first and the only thing I could think of was that she must mean she caught me lucid dreaming? Or maybe she thought I was a natural lucid dreamer, I dismissed the thoughts and looked back up at the pitiful raindrops. My friend came out and I asked him politely if he would ask the rain to come, this worked before in another dream with my mother so I figured it might work again. He regarded me with a slightly confused but calm smile and looked up to the skies, he asked it to rain and although he didn't add a please it still didn't do anything. I got a little disappointed because my plan wasn't working and I wouldn't get the bonus task done or the other advanced task done, so I figured I'd just do what I could and I started waltzing around and dancing as I sing "Singing in The Rain". Throughout the song I kept looking up and doing shifty dance movements, hoping the drizzle would pick up into a storm. No other amount of rain would come and I went to head back inside, when I saw my mother and figured she had the power to change the sky once so why not again? and with this in mind I sprinted over to her and asked politely if she would make it rain for me. She had this mix of anger or confusion on her face and she said that no, she wouldn't actually. She seemed really kinda ticked off at me and I wondered what I'd done to make her angry, I had said please after all. After her declining my request, I did go walk back to the house door and wake up for real.
    lucid , task of the month

    October 5th, The longest night

    by Roguetta on 10-05-2017 at 03:55 PM
    Old house bathroom, G in there and me sitting on counter. See but crawl out of toilet and he doesn't let me kill it, so it crawls into the wooden drawers under the counter. At night

    Outside with him chasing me, old home backyard, go to neighbors backyard behind us and fall down. Books and legos, J comes up and we talk and he fires a gun. He said it's a blank anyway but it's load and flashy.

    In grandma's house and want to leave so I go to the left and past two young girls, eventually running past stuff in old neighborhood, bend on our street going left. Down to the 5mph sign, I start rolling around, and see guy in a car who wolf whistles and cat calls me. Then gets out and starts taking pictures, another guy in car comes along and tells him to stop. He gets back in car and leaves, I miss the attention.

    In plane that has stopped and I go walking around to tell people, I become lucid here and walk around trying to summoning random person. I check every. Seat and he's not there so I go and wake up mom, walk into a room with a kitchen set up to the left and a small table to the right. I grab stuff from the refrigerator to eat and savor, I note that most everything tastes the same sugary cinnamon type. As mom walks in I grab all the candies or cookies and chocolate stuff and put it on the table. She makes a comment about my hunger and I shrug it off because I know I want to engage all my senses to get my full lucid dreaming experience. She sits down at the table as I try some weirdly named cookies, lemon elephants or some stuff. They do taste surprisingly good though, like a lemon gingersnap. I offer them to mom and the two other guys sitting near the window, they each take a handful and nod. The cookies look like fish pellets by the way, the next is a big cookie that looks to be made from a young child's creative playdoh session. Slightly bigger than my hand and almost all blue, except in the middle where it's a green strip going all down the middle and in the green strip are a mix of black seeds and orange to yellow colour around them slightly. It tastes like a fruit loops cinnamon bun combined and I figure I'd better work on my other senses, so I leave it for mom to finish. I look to the ground and smell the fresh air, a breeze is blowing and gives me a chill. I rub my arms and notice they are sleeveless, despite going to bed wearing sleeves, I ignore that and close my eyes for a moment to help. This has helped in past lucid dreams and as I opened them then, I see everything just a bit clearer.

    I nod and go to walk outside through another door, when I suddenly remember a dream challenge. I go back to mom and first ask if I may ask her something, she replies yes and I ask her what do I not know about myself? She responds that it's a good question and as she leans back in the chair to think, I wonder if she'll say anything at all. But she does and comes to the conclusion that I'm "flimsy." I did ponder that for a bit and finally thanked her, I tried to remember my second challenge but failed and assured myself I didn't have to rush things.

    So I finally left through the door and woke up.

    I went downstairs and searched the cupboard for food, trying to remember the other challenges, I found the exact same cookie in my cupboards. So I ate it and the taste was the same, I noticed I had control over my actions but didn't use this to tell myself I was dreaming..perhaps I already knew.. I did have to use the bathroom though so I did that, then I looked outside and saw three pathways carved into my woods, I went and walked towards them a bit and saw them getting a bit wider. I wondered if it lead somewhere and I chose to go to the middle one, as I approached I saw two guys and tried to wonder which they were. I kept thinking one was someone I knew but then I got them mixed up and one was walking toward my home anyway so I went with the other guy who was going towards my chosen entrance. We walked until we saw a defense system, a dragon's head as a current at the start of the road leading to the door. I waited until my new company had walked past it and then saw it shot a constant laser out of it's mouth and it's head rolled in almost every direction. I started running when it seemed to target me, once it hit it burned and I freaked out. Running to the door it just kept itself trained on my back, I saw a health bar below my feet and kept running once I noticed it moving down waaaay too fast. My friend didn't have one but kept running faster, I managed to catch up to him when we were almost at the door and I was almost dead. I lunged in front of him and said stay behind me, it worked and I managed to jump into the grid door which threw me out the other side onto the ground of some..mall? Someone near me smiled and started walking, so I followed them and noticed my health bar fill up and disappear. I don't regret using my friend as a body shield, and look around instead. The place does look like a mall and in front I saw people moving like the undead, I shake the feelings off and blink to make them disappear. It works and I continue up the stairs that the man next to me leads me to, I really wanted to head out the main doors but then I woke up for real.

    Dreams from the past

    by Roguetta on 09-08-2017 at 09:29 PM
    Some I posted on a Subreddit, decided to post them all here in one go. Back at a time when I had many naps throughout the day and plenty of time to dream

    Spoiler for May 17th Dream 1/2:

    Spoiler for May 19th:

    Spoiler for April 5th Dream 3/3:

    Spoiler for April 3rd Dream 2/3:

    Spoiler for April 1st Dream 5/5:

    Spoiler for March 30th Dream 9/9:

    Spoiler for March 28th Dream 1/1:

    New neighborhood and new home

    by Roguetta on 09-05-2017 at 11:17 PM
    September 5th
    1. Old home, drag guy along so I can see a remodeled part of the neighborhood. Once I get there I get a frightening feeling and start to shake as though I remember something, wake up.
    2. In current home and guy comes in saying he wants everything in here, so all have to go but I grab a plastic bag and stuff tons of makeup kits, jewelry stuff and others in it. Something about taking care of a baby, jumping onto a ship. Getting caught between fire and going with a lady to hide.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Secrets and Serenades

    by Roguetta on 09-04-2017 at 02:09 PM
    September 4th
    Non LD + LD

    1. Running to an area, I get to it by breaking doors in and others behind me try to give chase and catch me before I discover the secret. Once I get to the area the secret destroys me, I feel like the whole world has been let down. I think the secret was some device made to save humanity but it turns out they’d never been working on it.
    2. Children running around current home at night, Johnny Depp casually walking behind them as they wind around our car and then a woman whom I think is my mother but it’s hard to tell in the dark, lead them to bed. I attempt to catch Depp’s eye by doing silly dances and eventually someone joins me, steps out behind a tree really. This new person is Michael Jackson and I even state this fact out loud to acknowledge his presence even more. We dance around a tree and seem to be having fun, I actually forget about Depp and then in a spin I dance off further away from the house. Once away from the house I actually look back on what happened and notice I’m dreaming, so I fly up high and touch the tops of the trees. I try to imagine myself someplace else, but my imagination carries me away to my old home and into my old bedroom with the bunkbed. Except the desk is closer to the bunk bed then I remember it and mom is on her computer there and Christian is sitting on the bottom bunk looking over her shoulder. I go into the kitchen because I feel hungry, I look into a container we often use for bread and notice dough is in there. So I place my hands over it and tense them as much as possible as I watch the dough rise and rise until it’s bursting out of the container and spilling over the top, then it starts to brown and I stop when I think it’s probably finished. I munch on this and deem it to be satisfactory, it has some spices in it but mainly tastes like dill sweet bread. I bring the rest into the bedroom and let mom and my brother have some. Mom says it would be nice with some onion in it, I mention that sweet onion would work wonderfully. I can feel myself waking up and it seems to even affect the dream because it starts getting light out and then I wake up.
    lucid , non-lucid