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    1. View Conversation
      Thanks for the tips, I've heard that if your exited to have a lucid dream rather than being discouraged, then you'll have a lot more. I just listen to music and try to be happy and confident. Also witch do you like best? DILD, DEILD, or WILD. I like DILD's and DEILD's personally.
    2. View Conversation
      Hey mate, how do i delete posts?
    3. View Conversation
      I really want to try Waterbending next. I want to fight like 100 Firebenders at one time. That would be so epic. I've tried to Earthbend twice already but no luck. Once in one of my LD's one of my friends from school Earthbended rocks at me. Then I waved my arms around like a dumb-ass trying to Earthbend. Dodging every rock. I think I need to watch the show more. But I still can't wait for the new show "The Legend of Kora" to come out next year.
    4. View Conversation
      Have you done something Avatar: The Last Airbender show related? If so please post.
    5. Pretty badass, I'm going to honolulu for a couple days in a while, where/when is it?
    6. View Conversation
      Dude, I love dubstep. There is a free monthy dubstep night here in Honolulu at one of the clubs.
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    About shiraniaori

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    About shiraniaori
    A dream world
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    LD goals: Talk to a DC [X] Share a dream [X] Find my Dream guide [] Have an LD without a dream body, only images [] Dream share with my dad [X] Fight a one vs one against a self aware DC [] Free fall/stop an inch before the ground [X] Be fearless [X] Walk into a mirror [X] Use a portal to teleport [] Recall all dreams/3 dreams a night+ [] Master the four elements [] Fight with a "firebender" [] Easy and advanced TOTM in one LD [] Stop a vehicle/train with my bare hands []
    My dj: Adventures and experiments
    LD count since joining: 32
    MILD: 15 DILD: 10 WILD: 0 DEILD: 7


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    09-15-2010 05:26 AM
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    04-02-2012 05:59 AM
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    1. Raspberry  Raspberry is offline

      Once again.

    2. WarBenifit156  WarBenifit156 is offline

      Lucid Dreaming FTW!

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    1. Lang
      Lang liked post by shiraniaori On thread : Why am I dreaming of TV characters from Tv shows?
      Because your mind confuses TV with reality. The more you watch it, the more normal/realistic it feels to the brain. If your younger then that would help too. Younger people tend to confuse reality...
      Liked On: 03-21-2020, 05:33 PM
    2. Wristblade56
      Wristblade56 liked post by shiraniaori On thread : Are you really satisfied with the quality of your dream?
      Daydream about going first person through a game, instead of just playing them, so long as you know what it feels like, it shouldn't be too hard (especially if you do it at night). I'm pretty happy...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    3. Queen Zukin
      Queen Zukin liked post by shiraniaori On thread : SD--1 Zukin
      That was hilarious. I enjoy reading your DJ. Interesting mind...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    4. louie54
      louie54 liked post by shiraniaori On thread : Opening your mind through a lucid dream.
      A few quick problems with the theory: one, the idea of expanding use of a mind from 10% - 100% is preposterous, only because we always use 100% of our brains. The rumor came from the fact that people...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    5. moongrass
      moongrass liked post by shiraniaori On thread : Dream recall, MJ and our brains
      I suppose that would make sense, especially for the dream recall, but not so much for MJ in my opinion. I think they would equate more if you were talking about high doses of MJ, but low doses not so...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    6. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by shiraniaori On thread : SD-1 Shirani Aori
      Length: 30 min Dream Non-dream I was walking up a hill, and I saw my friend C at the top. I've known him for a while, but have just started really hanging out with him. He was there with a one...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    7. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by shiraniaori On thread : SD-1 Shirani Aori
      Length: 5 min remembered. Dream Non-dream ... three girls (assassins) came to me, and said "We're going to kill them you know, that's the deal". They looked like witches from Bayonetta, but in all...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    8. WakingNomad
      WakingNomad liked post by shiraniaori On thread : SD-1 Shirani Aori
      I have a dream I really want to transcribe, as I want to keep it into my memory as well as possible. It was a dream that was extremely realistic, and very clear headed. I had no dream control...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    9. hallahill
      hallahill liked post by shiraniaori On thread : Very Effective Lucid Dreaming Technique
      I'm not the creator of the TURD, but in my experience, when your trying to incubate dreams like this (yeah, incubating dreams, I remembered that's what it's called) Don't just think of "I'm going to...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    10. Wristblade56
      Wristblade56 liked post by shiraniaori On thread : Help! my dreams are too much like videogames!
      As soon as you get into the LD, look around and focus on how realistic everything is. Look at an object, feel the wind, smell the scent, etc etc. When you get a feel for how vivid everything is,...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    11. jasonresno
      jasonresno liked post by shiraniaori On thread : Numbers in dreams, close to lucidity?
      I think it's a good sign, it doesn't mean you were necessarily close to an LD, but the fact that your using logic in a dream means that the logic part of your brain is on, and you can recognize dream...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    12. jasonresno
      jasonresno liked post by shiraniaori On thread : Numbers in dreams, close to lucidity?
      Do you keep a dream journal? Most people can't remember dreams without one. That'll definitely help you with recall and realism. As for thinking logically in a dream, that's a skill in it's own...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    13. DreamHacker
      DreamHacker liked post by shiraniaori On thread : Any tips on doing reality checks during a dream
      Make sure to remember that if a light switch doesn't work, your dreaming, if you can't read text, your dreaming. If some electric device isn't working, your prolly dreaming. Make sure to do a reality...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    14. WarBenifit156
      WarBenifit156 liked post by shiraniaori On thread : Reality Check Problem Please HELP!!!
      Yeah nose pinch RC works better for almost everyone, but I found the hand through finger one works just as well IMO. About that 9 thing though, I've never heard of that as an RC, but a couple days...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    15. Wristblade56
      Wristblade56 liked post by shiraniaori On thread : Broken Arm (sorry if it's in the wrong spot)
      It won't effect your LDs at all, but it could be used to positively affect it if you try. I have a broken leg right now, and it hasn't made my dreams any different, as a matter of fact, most of the...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    View shiraniaori's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Recall some more

    by shiraniaori on 03-31-2012 at 08:42 PM
    Dream Non-dream

    There is a good chance none of this will interest you. If you wish for an adventure or some sort of tale of grandeur, then this won't tickle your fancy.

    First part I was in a school. I wasn't sure what happened but I was in my high school and I saw a couple of kids get into trouble, I had a feeling of dread, they were getting lots of people in trouble. I walked to the front and saw the school cop talking to my friend. He looked me directly in the eye. Shit. I had cigarettes on me, and bud? Maybe. I just had to leave (my house is within walking distance of my HS, so I ended up leaving during passing period without discipline many many times). I walked towards my normal ditching spot, when I saw Alex come up to me. He was in my Health class 3 years ago, I haven't talked to him since (and even then not much). He asked if I knew what was going on. I said no. He said "Well would you wanna ditch with me?" Funny, I told him, he could ditch with me if he pleased, I just had to leave before I got in legal trouble.

    Suddenly a picture arose in my minds eye. They blocked my ditching spot. I don't know why, I don't know how I knew, but it was indubitable. "Shit!" I exclaimed. "Come with me, were going through the courtyard." There was a courtyard in the middle that cut through the school, it was the quickest way to get from front to back. I checked my back really quick, the school cop was tailing me. Why were they interested in me? What did I do to stick out. I walked briskly through the courtyard. A teacher grabbed Alex. It would be pointless to grab him, he would get in trouble for trying to ditch, but he didn't carry anything illegal on him. Besides, he must have had some heat on him for the teacher to grab him instead of me... Although he was smaller. I opened the door farthest from the front. This door opens to the freshman hallway. There are never deans there, and despite it being the "freshman" hallway, enough upperclassmen were there to cover me from eyesight. Not to mention the hallways were short with quick turns. I lost the school cop and went out of the door running to my house.

    I memory lapsed. I was on my way back to school. None of the preceding part was remembered, I only thought that my teachers would be disappointed that I had finished no work. I went the long way around school and I got onto the campus when I realized that I had a doral cigarette in my ear. Good thing I didn't go into school XD. I checked my phone to see if I had time to smoke it, or if I had to ditch it. It was 6:58. School didn't start till 7:20, I had time without a doubt. I smoked it and walked around the school (staying off campus grounds, that would be illegal).

    I memory lapsed again. I was talking to my mom. I asked if I could go to Misha's house (my neighbor). She said it was fine, I walked over and he wasn't home. I asked his little brother where he was, and he said he was with my brother in X's house (I don't think X was a real neighbor of mine). I walked over to X's house to see if Misha and X wanted to go somewhere. When I got inside I saw X on his computer, and he said that Misha was upstairs. On my way up I saw four little black brothers talking. I heard Natasha ask what I was doing (by my name, she didn't know I was around the corner). The brothers all said I was drinking over around the corner. I said I wasn't drinking, but I felt stupid because I'd figured they'd assume my actions were out of drunken stupor, instead of just regular stupor. I walked over and around the corner, I saw Natasha and then she disappeared. Behind her, a blender appeared. Assuming she'd turned into a blender, I asked the blender for a hug. I looked around to see Natasha, somehow just to my left. I gave her a hug, I haven't seen her in over a week. Not a single thought of her adultery went through my mind. I was genuinely happy to see her. I turned around.

    My mom had just walked in and "cracked down on the party." She heard the kids saying I was drunk, asked why I wasn't at Misha's. I explained that I had just gotten there a moment ago and she laughed and said nice try, I was going to be grounded.

    I woke up with 2 thoughts. The first that my mom is giving herself unnecessary stress with her recent worries about me. She believes I am a ne'er do well because of a recent misunderstanding. This upset me. But not as much as the second thought, which was that despite Natasha's actions, I hadn't a single aversion to her in the dream. I wonder how much I care of her adultery. I wonder how much more or less others would care. To me it felt like an unfortunate show of character, a reason provided to never stay with her, although a reason never once hoped for.
    non-lucid , side notes

    Saving the world, the accomplishment of death.

    by shiraniaori on 08-02-2011 at 08:12 PM

    I was at a diner, asian of sorts, with a man, and he had glasses, somewhat nerdy looking, very familiar, skinny, seemed to have an important job, a suit. He was a model agent. He was A.J.s model agent. Her and a friend sat down with me, after we perused the shop a little, in this I also explained the multiple forms acid comes in, and the pros and cons of each. We talked for a while of randomness, and I learned that a.j was a model. I wasn't too surprised, but she always was short for model standards. She left for a minute.

    My friend said something about how she enjoyed herself so much. How she was awesome. How she was lovely. The model agent also said that he loved how she acted and what kind of person she was.

    "Wait, does everyone here think that AJ is amazing?" I asked. I said that she was beautiful, but most absolutely angelic...

    D's mom came up after LSD was spoken of and said, "Acid? Does anyone have pot hahah?" and left.

    Time lapse. I was in my house. Many people were outside, scurrying. It seemed something was happening, then the first one came. I saw it over the trees, a rock, a boulder, massive, coming straight towards us. I went outside and out ran it. My brother hid downstairs. There were preparations people had, they wanted to fight it. I didn't know how.

    I ran outside, I was in shorts, I needed to find out where this thing was, then maybe we could shoot it, snipe it, something. I helped with the reinforcements for a minute, making a small trench type indent, and then ran inside, and looked out the back window. I saw it, it saw me. A large platform coming up from one point into a circular platform, all red-brown with a double gate around the top. It was no more than a few miles away.

    I ran downstairs. I needed pants, work pants, to run well in the terrain. Wait, pants? It's too hot what am I thinking? It would be a good idea to protect my feet, but I didn't have time, I had to deal with it. I looked around, and I found something called a bubble blaster. It was a form of a cannon, but it looked like a toy. It was heavy as a cannon though, and since the aircraft saw me, it was hard to dodge the boulders coming at me. I was about to run outside when I heard a huge boulder skid the ground. I walked outside, there was a hole that seemed like an earthquake parted the ground. I figured my dad was dead. Was he? I don't know, I have to kill this thing. I ran out, my neighbor was near me, I placed the bubble blaster on the ground, and I then looked at the aircraft. It seems 13 degrees northeast. Wait no, it's definitely more than that. I need to know how strong this blaster is. I put it to 23 degrees and fired, it went about 20 feet with a saddening pebble. That was bad. Five shots left. My first thought was that the thing was useless and I should find something else.

    But my intuition knew better. I grabbed the thing again, and I saw that the air craft changed shape, it was now a circle, a floating sphere toward the north of us, completely visible over my own house. I asked my neighbor how far away it was. He didn't know, I told him that if we don't get it down, everyone dies, he repeated himself with tears in his eyes. I found a windup on the left side of the cannon, and a large dinosaur shaped piece of tungsten came out from the top about a foot. I fired.

    The degree was perfect, it went the perfect distance, and the perfect strength, it was a boulder, about half the size of theirs, but the worst aim. Off by a mile at least, more east then north. I tried again, this time making the aim as well as the degree, which I brought up by about 3. This was a good shot. It seemed to hit the lowest platform on the sphere, where a small engine was, it immediately took flame. But the sphere was still getting closer. By this point it was nearly above my house, I had 2 shots left, I changed the cannon again, I saw to my left 2 of my neighbors deaths come from above, no time for it though. I saw the second platform as well as the engine there, I fired.

    This hit spot on. It seemed to actually hit a member of the aircraft before igniting the second engine. It was a larger ignition than the first one, and the aircraft slowed down tremendously. At this point it was nearly at a standstill it seemed. It was over my house, off by a few 100 feet or so. I wasn't sure if the blaster could get the right angle to shoot at the topmost engine. I only had one shot. It all depended on me. I saw the top most engine, about a mile above us, I had to shoot now, while they were still in front of me, instead of above me. As I shot the last boulder, the last blast, I followed it carefully with my eyes, as if time slowed down.

    It hit. It actually would have missed if they weren't trying to go closer to us. Their protection was their downfall. I felt happy. A sudden realization swept the smile from my face, when I realized that all of this crafts engines were ablaze, this thing was going to blow up. This thing was going to blow up big time.

    I ran as fast as possible, it was odd though, I wasn't scared. I knew I was going to die, I just felt it was natural to run. Isn't it?. I made it maybe ten feet. My eyes left my body, I saw myself, as if I were hovering above myself, burning, as if a lunar rocket went off directly above me, my body instantly deceased and slowly burned to ash. I stayed outside of my body though. As a new sense of knowledge swept over me, a sense of truth, and a sense of happiness. I started narrating what happened afterwards.

    In death, I had my wish granted, to live a full life. But I was unable to in my current state. So they had me sent to Earth, and although I could not feel the sensations, they gave me a human suit (red) which provided them for me. I felt the first breath of air touch my suits lungs. The first time I used a diaper, it was the suit that made the sound. The first time I kissed a girl... she wasn't naked, but my first crush. The first time I felt love. The second, and last, time I died, with a sense of truth and happiness, and the touch of my beloved wife, my last sense was that of true love...

    I woke up with a very sincere feeling of accomplishment, and of happiness. I felt like the main character of a movie with a happy ending. I also woke up with a strong desire to see AJ again, Who I've only hung out with once, and haven't seen for about 2 years.
    memorable , non-lucid

    Jailbreak, Leading the men

    by shiraniaori on 07-23-2011 at 12:05 AM
    Non-lucid Awake

    Last thing I remember is a cannon, an old black powder cannon. I remember pulling it, the pull of the rope trigger shocking my eyes open just as the cannonball hit something. The sound of the cannonfire was drowned by my real body's senses, mostly, the sound of the power going out in my house the same time the cannonball hit its target.

    I close my eyes. I'm in prison now, a strong prison apparently. It was a fairly small room, with two cells in it across from each other, neither of which long enough to stretch the length of the whole wall. There were windows of what appeared to be a chain link, like a fence. On the wall perpendicular to it there were also windows, but instead they had iron bars, like full jail cells.

    There was 4-6 people in my cell, and another 4-6 in the other. The guard (who appeared to be Morgan Freeman) walked around, but after a few hours stepped out. I talked to the men. "So do any of you plan on staying in here?" I asked. None of them answered. "Do you want to get out of here or not?" I asked a little more belligerently.

    "There's no way out," one of them in the other cell said.
    "Did you ever know that if you piss on your shirt it becomes strong enough to break through iron?" I asked calmly.

    It didn't take much longer for one of them in the other room to take off their shirt and start urinating all over it. Then someone in my cell did the same. "We need to work together and stay together," after we pulled for a while, the iron bars broke, and we each got out of the window, we left through one of the two doors in the room.

    I see Guard sitting in a chair next to a well lit pool table, and there were stairs on the wall nearest to myself. "Hello there," Mr Freeman says.

    Oddly I didn't feel any fear, or any sense of urgency. Normally a man would run upstairs and hope his speed would outmatch the guard's, or that they wouldn't be the one who got caught. The only thing I thought was
    "What's the score here, what's next?"
    "Well, as you'll soon find out, there's $50,000 up those stairs. Enough to guarantee your freedom, or to get me into retirement," he said calmly "now we're going to play a game of pool, and whoever wins, gets it."

    So we played. He broke and got a solid in, then he got two more in. I played and got one stripe in, he got another two solids in. I saw my chance for a great shot, and shot three stripes in, but got one solid in at the same time. Shit, good shot though. We played a bit more, then we each had one ball left.

    Then I noticed someone shot in the 8 ball, I think it was me, might've been him. As I was about to explain to him that I generally don't play where you lose if you hit the white ball, he looked at me and said "I've been working for 40 years, I got my money, what I don't have is freedom. Besides, listen, I was a military man, to me, you just had some friendly fire."

    I asked him if I killed someone with the shot...

    I was walking through the forest with the men, near my old house. I realized I was the leader of them. Why not? I broke these men out of prison, I gave them freedom. These thoughts made me realize that I didn't know these men at all. All but two of them could take me out no problem, but I have their respect, I better keep it if I wanna keep my life.

    I wondered the severity of my crime, but more importantly, of theirs. If any of them were famous. None of them looked familiar. If we were lucky, they would only show a picture of the worst of us on tv. This would still make things difficult for us. No matter, we ate about 6 hours ago, it's now 2:30 AM. Sunlight's coming out early it seems. All we needed was sleep for now.

    I led them to my old escape, the abandoned house. As I went there though, there was a light on. I tell my men to stay back. I look over, I realized it isn't the abandoned house at all, at least not anymore, it's fully done. As a matter of fact, I've been here before, in one of my other dreams... Stole a kid's skates, purely accidental, if I remember correctly.

    I tell my men I know of a better place, we go about a half mile west, and I see a sort of treehouse. Seems familiar, seems safe... I told my men to follow me. There wasn't a ladder or anything, but a series of boards that went up it like a spiral staircase stuck to the walls. The boards were weak, and would sway easily, I had to shift my position constantly to stay balanced. We made it to the top and I saw a mattress, I could've sworn it was my own. To the right of the bed was my shoes, they've been lost for about a month, and a camera, my camera I haven't seen for years.

    I look at the camera, 8 pictures, the first one was a platypus, as I move the camera away, I see a platypus waddle around on the floor, then jump out of the tree. I continue wading through the pictures, there was one of a cat walking on the boards, and another labeled dragon, which was of a column like foliage going between two trees, then another picture was under it, with a green chinese dragon in the same position, with no trees.

    Depersonalization. I seemed to have left my body to follow three cats, as they jumped up the boards towards where I was. One of them jumped on the smaller one, and they carried him/her up to the top of the boards, then up the wall a while when the smallest cat jumped onto the large one, then onto a platform that I hadn't noticed earlier. I saw the platform from a worm's eye view so I couldn't see what was on top of it, but I felt it was something important that the cat was going to get.

    I was back in my body, laying on the mattress, and I heard all of the guys start raising their voice, nothing aggressive though. "You all better shut up if you don't want the neighbors to come here," I stated fairly loud. Which was true. I now remembered where I was, just east of a castle of sorts, I remember it in my other dream... No cops, but it was a fairly evil place.

    I also noticed the large amount of noise that happened just before they rose their voices. It was a hawks cry, then the sound of mice and snakes, "That hawk was just looking for some food, now that it's done, you'll be heard quite easily," I stated quietly.

    Dead Silence.

    Afterward I had fragments of us going into town hooded (so cameras couldn't see us), and trying to chop the power line in NYC with a shovel. Why? So we could have a distraction to get the attention off of us. Duh.

    I am a natural soldier

    by shiraniaori on 11-22-2010 at 02:11 AM
    Length: Multiple hours
    Technique: DILD
    Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Anyway, I just woke up from this a couple hours ago.

    It started off with me in a god damned warzone (because of call of duty). I was fighting the vietnamese (in a vietnam forest), but I wasnt really theyre enemy, I shot the ones that came towards me, but only in the arm. After a few hits, they realized I wasnt there to hurt them. I ran past them. I was looking for Sergio. Who was he? I don't know. But I did know that I was sent there by my dad specifically to pick him up. He said he was a 3rd cousin, or important relative or something similar.

    I found him hiding out in a trench, I just knew it was him. He was surrounded by two people shooting at him, my people. He was shot once in the liver and once in the arm, I shot one enemy down, and sneaked up behind the other before I stabbed his back. Then I called for a medic for them and quickly I picked up Sergio. I ran back, climbed up a ladder, and found 5 more of my guys, shooting at me, I took them all out.

    I kept running, and passed by Sergios friends, they knew I was taking him to help. I ran all the way to my base. There was a helicopter, and my dad was there to pick up Sergio and bring him back.

    I woke up, and I saw my dad. I was in my room, but, thinking of Vietnam, I asked him when I got up here. He said something like 3:30, but looked quizzical. There was a green globe next to him that attempted to assure that I was in a dream, but to no avail. I thought it was odd, and that I COULD be dreaming.

    I fell back asleep. I was in a building of some sort, looked like a large mall with no shops. I was with either King Richard the 3rd or King Henry the 1st. While having a discussion, a huge amount of the wall on the side opposite of us broke instantly, and a large group of soldiers came out (30 or so). I had to protect the king.

    Another group of soldiers came out from the ceiling (20ish), with a rain of glass, covered in black, our soldiers. There to defend the king. They threw me a gun, and I immediately noticed that there were 4 subgroups in our team, 2 on top, on the left and right, and 2 on the ground under them, centered more. I ran up the middle, and shot 2 guys down, the king was back with 3 soldiers, I checked back to see if they'd flank us. They didnt, good luck. I ran up and shot 3 more, all in the leg. 6 came to the left, and I found myself shouting, " to the left, to the left!", they were taken down instantly. I noticed that they were essentially following everyone who shouted, and they never said a word.

    There was about twelve or so more, I told every one to get the high ground, the guys on top dropped broadswords (very nice ones too) onto the ground in front of a link between the left and right on the top. These soldiers, like fucking pros, grabbed the swords stuck in the ground, and then jumped, and used their arm strength to push up and flip onto the next level. I needed a sword, close range was coming up next. One of my team mates dropped a sheathed sword to me, and I grabbed the handle and flipped off the sheath like a total badass.

    "4 to your right", they took them down, then there was the commander, with a slick sword, ready to run up to the king. "Go, go go!" I shouted. The one-half team on the ground shot the 3 guys around him while I ran up with my sword. He unsheathed and blocked me at the same time. The sword fight was absolutely engaging, but otherwise not a strong climax. After his deflection I swung once to his head, and he blocked. Then I swung to his right, where he blocked with his left hand's sheath, and attacked at the same time, I quickly parried and cut his shoulder open.

    Afterwards I took away his sword, it was all over. I didn't kill him, but rather let the special ops take him away. Our team, without a single loss of life, stood guard the king while he sat down at a nearby desk. He looked at me with awe. He then pulled out a sword from under the desk. He said, projectively, "Today, we award this man with the highest honor, for bravery,resistance under pressure, incomprehensible leading ability, and for the savior of royalty." then looked at me and said "And for this, I hand you this sword."

    The sword was similar to the soldiers swords, but not a broadsword, a double-edged sword, with a fancier decorative brown leather sheath. He told me he would immediately write me out the honor, as well as some special gift. He wrote them, and I felt something weird. "This isn't the first time your writing this," I said. "Why of course it is, no honor so high has been awarded in all of the history of my country."

    I told him that I knew. Then I looked around, all of a sudden, tons of papers were flying around, and landed on the ground, the same strong paper the king was writing on. It was written in Old English, 20 papers. I told him that there was a subspace highway through here. An alternate universe where this already happened. I went to find it.

    I found a door with a blackness inside of it. I jumped in.
    I was in a different dream altogether. I was lucid. I was in some dreary place, a building with a red tint, small hallways and metal elevators. There were four elevators, but the one I was about to go into was closing, and I didnt trust the sensors. I tried to have the next elevator have people in it. I went to the next one, it was filled with cardboard standups, fake people. I grabbed one and pulled it out. I turned around and saw the real people, they were my friends. It was the only big elevator, and I tried to put the cardboard in before the doors closed but I was too late. One of my buddies stuck his tongue out at me.

    I turned around and went into the 2nd elevator (which now inexplicably had no cardboard things) and got in. No wonder they were laughing when they stuck their tongue out at me. This elevator was tiny. I barely had room to move. I knew I had to go to floor one, so I clicked the button. It said there were four floors, and 1 was the lowest, but we went up, and we went up for a great while. It felt like about 13 floors, and it went really fast.

    My friends said they were confused. They first asked which floor to go to, then asked why they were under the first floor, and if the elevator was broken. It gave me a bit of worry, but I assured myself I'd stop correctly. I got out.

    It was a leadup into a wakeup. I DEILDed into a dream.

    It wasnt the same dream, not at all. I was in the back of a rolls ryce I think. I went out and saw a girl. "Hello," I said "You look fine this evening. I got out of the car, and noticed a much more... tempting... girl coming around in sweatpants. I also saw some girl come out of the passenger seat. Knowing it was a dream I knew I could do whatever I want, but even so, the seeming free will of my DCs was astonishing. The girl came out, it was an older girl. A teacher it seemed like (only guessed that because of what happened next, and her horn rimmed glasses). She went over and pulled the sweatpants down a few inches.

    "Lets see how well she does," I look at her buttocks. I then hear "A+... not bad," as I see an A+ seemingly tattooed (but completely natural looking) on her hip. I ready myself to indulge and...

    Damn, didn't concentrate for a minute. I ended up waking up, and my brother was above me. "Let's go play COD", he said. Always an interruption. I talked for like 30 seconds with closed eyes and he went away. I DEILDed back into another dream.

    I was in the elevator building again, the same bottom floor with the four elevators. I went into the one I went into before (I had a gun) I immediately shot the shoulder of a man crouching. It was a king. The alternate King Richard (or Henry), writing something on those papers. He was rewriting. I had figured earlier that this place was a government building, but for it to go as high up as the king? He seemed intent on writing it, and absolutely terrified at the sight of me. He thought he was going to be taken away (when he realized I wasnt after about 2 seconds, he just kept writing)

    That's when I woke up for the last time.

    This was a pretty crazy dream. I felt ecstatically proud leading those groups of people, defending the king, and ultimately defeating the enemy commander. Something you just cant get from a video game...

    Save the world, in a house, in a machine

    by shiraniaori on 10-08-2010 at 04:11 PM
    Length: 60 min

    Dream Non-dream

    Lots of shit happened. It started off with me and 2 other people in an abandoned house of some sort. We walked around and found 4 other people. The mood was dark and dreadful around us, but our moods were happy and curious. Of the people we found one that had rollerblades and one that had a skateboard.

    We left the house, it was the middle of a city, right by a four way four lane intersection. There was a big building next to us (the white house?). The roads were full of cars. We crossed the road, and there didn't seem to be any cars moving anymore. We saw T and Tr riding over to us with the skates and a skateboard. I tell Trevor I want to try to skate (inline). And skate I did. I teleported to the other side of the road, the cars weren't there. I was going maybe 15 mph, and I had to turn to the other side, I took a giant U-ey, and went from right, to top, to the left side of the street where everyone else was.

    This is where we gather to talk about the machines. There were 7 of them, enough for all of us. They were like matrix machines, they brought us into a different world. These machines were made for us, in that house, even though we'd never been there before. Our business today was a bet. The world was in extreme danger from a giant machina, who would save it? Everyone put in $150 for themselves, whoever saved the world, got it all. I knew it was going to be me. I put in $110, and told them I'd pay back the $40... not like I'd need to pay myself an extra $40. For some reason Trevor, who was collecting all the money, asked if $20 of it was for him, since $90 was in 2 checks, and there was a $20 bill.

    We went to the machines in the house. I laid back and closed my eyes.

    I was in the other world. The same world we were just at I realized, or maybe a parallel to the street. There was indeed a giant machina, and we were all in mechs. "I gotta win that money" I thought. Then I thought I had to save the people even more. I attacked the giant machina, hitting his foot with an energy sword.

    I woke up. There were so many other things in there, and I only have the faintest memory of it all. I went back to sleep afterward, but don't remember a portion.

    I rarely have dreams with so many main characters, generally it's me and 2 other people, and I might have made it sound like that, but when I was exploring the house, and when we left the house, I was conversing with the 7 people the whole time. They did important things too, like set up the machines.