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    1. Thena
      Thena liked post by Ctharlhie On thread : Task of the Month for July 2012
      Broke my dry spell and completed the basic task! :D I have a nightmare that I don't recall but become aware as I am waking up. I'm still in a dream when I decide to DEILD by 'rolling out of bed'....
      Liked On: 07-10-2012, 07:21 PM
    2. Thena
      Thena liked blog comment by SuperSonicFan On : The Tornado
      Hmmm, I also seem to of been having a lot of dreams with natural disasters in them lately, although mine have mainly been wildfires. That was very interesting though, especially when you drove right...
      Liked On: 07-09-2012, 10:01 PM
    3. Thena
      Thena liked post by RareCola On thread : Task of the Month for July 2012
      Basic Task of the Month, complete! 4th July 2012 - 11th & 12th Lucid Dream [Basic Task of the Month for July] - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views...
      Liked On: 07-04-2012, 07:31 PM
    4. Thena
      Thena liked post by Oreo On thread : Task of the Year for 2012
      I completed the task for the first television transmission. I completed it the day before but didn't get around to writing it until today. Television Transmission TOTY Unfortunately I can only...
      Liked On: 07-04-2012, 02:46 AM
    5. Thena
      Thena liked post by OpheliaBlue On thread : Task of the Month for July 2012
      Introduction: This topic is for the Lucid Tasks that are assigned by the Dream Guide Team or voted on by experienced dreamers. Please attempt one or both of these tasks throughout the month. ...
      Liked On: 07-02-2012, 04:01 AM
    6. Thena
      Thena liked post by Emiko On thread : Task of the Month for June 2012
      Wow! This is my first time ever completing the Task of the Month for two months in a row! Link to DJ entry (http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/emiko/its-full-stars-35221/) for the dream I just woke...
      Liked On: 06-29-2012, 06:16 AM
    7. Thena
      Thena liked post by isthisit On thread : Task of the Month for June 2012
      I attempted the TOTM, here are the results. For the full dream, see my dream journal; I suddenly remembered the task of the month. I knew it involved walking through a mirror. I turned around,...
      Liked On: 06-27-2012, 10:14 PM
    8. Thena
      Thena liked post by RommiH On thread : Task of the Month for June 2012
      I completed the basic task! Here is the excerpt from my DJ: ......But then I think, I do that every time I have a lucid dream, I just walk around. I figured I had to do something this time. By now...
      Liked On: 06-25-2012, 12:20 AM
    9. Thena
      Thena liked post by RareCola On thread : Task of the Month for June 2012
      I done the advanced task in my lucid last night, despite my subconscious cheating and making it really easy! The dream's in my journal: 20th June 2012 - Seventh Lucid Dream [Partial WILD & Advanced...
      Liked On: 06-21-2012, 02:42 PM
    10. Thena
      Thena liked post by eworm On thread : 1000 things to do in a lucid dream!!!
      3386: Turn yourself and everybody you know into Pokemon trainers and observe what kind of Pokemon they have. Possibly battle them too. Sorry if it's a repeat. Not sorry even if it's silly and...
      Liked On: 06-19-2012, 05:39 PM
    11. Thena
      Thena liked post by Ollie On thread : Task of the Month for June 2012
      Last night I went to sleep with the task of completing both the basic task, and one of the tasks of the year, so this dream was very much to the point. Basic Task As I climbed the glacier that...
      Liked On: 06-18-2012, 11:02 PM
    12. Thena
      Thena liked post by isthisit On thread : It actually worked! 1st proper lucid...and issues
      My user name? It even confuses me sometimes and I came up with it!
      Liked On: 06-18-2012, 02:13 AM
    13. Thena
      Thena liked post by BobbyLance On thread : Task of the Month for June 2012
      I had an LD last night through a WILD. So there I was, spawned inside my room and told myself: "The Basic TotM is my first priority". So I went into my parents' room and saw this large mirror. I...
      Liked On: 06-16-2012, 01:19 PM
    14. Thena
      Thena liked post by OpheliaBlue On thread : Task of the Month for June 2012
      Basic Task woohoo! ...so I knew it was a dream! First thing I did was get out of bed, and TOTM immediately popped into my mind. Mirror time (I was so excited). I went to the hall bathroom, pitch...
      Liked On: 06-14-2012, 08:04 PM
    15. Thena
      Thena liked post by anderj101 On thread : Task of the Month for June 2012
      Yay! I got the basic task this morning! Not once, but twice. :) :) ...and found fOrceez hanging out on the other side of a mirror. I look at the fancy copper trimmed mirror and I do not see my...
      Liked On: 06-13-2012, 09:08 PM
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    View Thena's Dream Journal

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    The Baths

    by Thena on 07-17-2022 at 02:27 PM
    Woke up super early, realized I had plenty of time and decided to try MILD, but ended up WILD'ing instead

    I'm focused on staying in motion as the dream solidifies around me as I can still sort of feel my body lying in bed. I find myself on a bicycle and focus on pedaling as fast as I can, feeling my legs move, focusing on the feel of the handlebars against my palms. Eventually a cityscape forms around me as I ride along streets heading down towards the coastline. As I reach the water, I find stone walls and a tall pillar with a light on top (though I'm afraid to look at the light because it's too bright). This must be the beacon! I enter into a stone tower and start climbing a spiral staircase until I come out onto a pathway along time top of the stone wall. The sun is rising over blue waters, and it reminds me a little bit of Dubrovnik. The stone walls of the "castle" spread out far into the distance as far as I can see. This place must be huge! Somehow, I find myself in a hallway with small openings for windows. I find my coworker Carla, who tells me that this is her boyfriend's room and how she is so proud of him for getting his own place. I focus on finding the bathroom and Carla turns around and starts walking fast. I run to keep up with her. Carla leads me to a large windowless room lined floor to ceiling with dark blue mosaic tiles, with some purple tiles thrown in for contrast. There are tub-like enclosures of various sizes that rise up from the tile floor. I get in one and find that it conforms almost perfectly to my size. A tap appears and starts filling the tub with water and bubbles. I wonder if the tap is going to irritate me if I want to lean back, but then the tap disappears into the wall and the water seems to start flowing from underneath to fill the tub the rest of the way. The whole room does seem rather dark, and I look up to see a dark ceiling with a large chandelier providing the only light. I get out of the tub and try to look around the rest of the room. I find privacy screens, probably for getting dressed, but the screen also hides a door leading to the commode. Another doorway leads to a hall with a large mirror. I'm a bit surprised to find myself wrapped in a large bath towel, but it feels nice and soft. I continue past the mirror and see more doors leading to individual shower stalls with same dark blue tiles. Past the showers, there is a large trench running through the tile floor with ankle-deep water flowing through it. "But why do they need a river in the bathroom?" I wonder. I step into the water and it is cold but refreshing. I suppose it's just to wash your feet? I follow the river until I find myself back outside on the stone walls. There is a large rectangular box lined with glass panels, and inside of it there is a fire burning (just fire, no logs or coals). It gives off quite a bit of heat, so I linger and warm up as I watch the sun rise over the water.

    The scene changes and I find myself on a dusty street in an Old West type of setting. I wonder how I can get back to the Dreamviews base and a man who looks like Yul Brynner appears. He leads me to a store front and into the building, but inside it looks like my bedroom with an extra door where there shouldn't be one. I go through the door to find a room with a large chalk board. I go back into my room, then out into my living room, where there is half a boat(?) in the middle of the room. In the kitchen, there's a fridge that looks a little too small (it's a side-by-side fridge/freezer while the one I have in reality has the freezer on top, fridge on the bottom). I open one side and find a small turkey on a platter. I pull off a drumstick and eat it. It's cold and covered in barbecue sauce. Then I wake up.
    lucid , task of the year

    Why is the ghost calling my name?

    by Thena on 07-15-2022 at 04:50 PM
    I am training a new employee and something seems odd about her behavior. I suspect she might be stealing, but when I call my friend in security, I say that "I don't think she's a real employee." She hears me and scuttles off in a strange manner before Security can get there. I find myself in the office as a manager berates me for causing all sorts of headaches because they had to check the new employee's social security number to verify her identity. There is construction work in the office and there's banging noises coming from pipes running overhead, which sounds rather spooky. I'm sent home but instead go to my sister's house, where it is Halloween and I can pass out candy. I try to go upstairs from the lower level of the house, but the stairs hit a dead end at the front door and there's barely an inch or two to squeeze past the door to continue up the next set of stairs. I wonder why we didn't notice that when my sister and I were looking at houses before purchasing this one.

    I walk outside and find myself at the beach, and there's someone drowning! One of the guys with me jumps in and tries to save them, but instead he comes out of the water with a backpack. He says that it has an important clue and we need to keep it safe. The backpack ends up with me, but then I notice I am being circled by a group of thugs. I run into a nearby building and think I can hand off the backpack to someone else to confuse the thugs. Somehow, the backpack ends up on the floor as I leave one room, and when I return, it has vanished. A girl finds me and says, "Forget about all that! You need to listen to this EVP I recorded." She brings me to another room where Tom Holland(!) is sitting in his Spiderman costume. The girl plays the EVP for us; there's a disembodied voice calling Margot. I find it creepy and tell Tom that I'm worried about the ghost calling my name. (Note: my name is not Margot!) Tom gives me a pair of socks for "protection." I pull one over my ear, realize how ridiculous this all seems, and conclude that I'm dreaming. I become aware of my body in bed and the dream fades.

    The Nursery School

    by Thena on 01-19-2021 at 09:50 PM
    Yet another dream where I seen to be stuck in my childhood, even in my childhood home. I still can't understand why I don't have dreams about the beautiful new condo I just moved into.

    Dad enrolls my younger sister in an after-school program and wants me to take her there. I drive there ahead of time to scope it out, and it turns out to be a day care for kids too young for kindergarten! (For context, my "baby" sister turns 40 this year.) I go home… to my childhood home, that is, and try to explain to Dad why this nursery school is all wrong. I'm standing in the garage, looking out at a snow-covered driveway. I walk out to the driveway and there's a car parked there, but it's not my car. I look back into the two-car garage, where my car appears to be wedged between another car and the garage wall at a 45˚ angle. It can't be car, can it? It's not driveable at the angle. Maybe I left the car at the nursery school. I try to get someone to take me there to look for the car.

    A Super Overnight Stay

    by Thena on 01-16-2021 at 06:31 PM
    Superman's mom lives in a fancy Park Avenue apartment and is hosting a bunch of girls, including me, for an overnight stay. It has something to do with the scouts and it's required. I don't mind, because the old lady gives out used bits of designer clothing if you impress her. Apparently she gave me a sweatshirt last year. This time, I manage to impress her by demonstrating how to put together baby bottles with drop-in liners. My coworker Angie is sitting next to me and she's grumbling that "this is b---s--- that I have to spend time away from my kids" as Superman's mom is talking. I'm only half-listening to Angie because Superman lives with 4 different women and has kids with each, and I want gossip. I do have a vague sense of disappointment that we're talking DC characters and not Marvel.

    Massive missed opportunity for the Task of the Year if Superman's mom is handing out clothing!

    Advice From A Crow

    by Thena on 12-25-2020 at 04:47 PM
    I hadn't had a lucid dream in quite a while, which was starting to worry me. But this time I was finally successful.

    I'm lying in bed, remembering a previous dream from earlier in the night, when I doze off, lucid from the start. I saw a crow, perched in front of me so I could see his glossy black feathers. I gently stroked down his back, concentrating on how it felt to touch him. Crows are supposed to be very intelligent. I wonder if he would have something to day to me, but instead he hopped up onto my shoulder. Noting the feel of his talons digging lightly into my shoulder, I moved on.

    I found myself in the Magic Kingdom. On my left was the facade for It's A Small World, and on my right was a bar. (A bar, in the Magic Kingdom? Walt would flip out.) I took a seat at the end of the bar, noting the Formica bar top that felt a little cheap, and the pegboard backing where the wall should be. Somehow, I found myself sitting across from my friend Dave. I want to know what he has to say to me. He starts out with, "My wife and I…" but trails off as I wait with expectation.

    The scene shifts and I'm walking down a set of stairs, the crow still on my shoulder, occasionally nipping at my earlobe. I ask the crow again if he has something to tell me, and all he said was, "Caw caw m*th*rf*ck*r."

    At the bottom of the stairs is a train platform, but this is Disney World, so there's a monorail instead of a train. Dave, the crow, and I step onto the monorail. Now I'm in the break room at work. A coworker hands me a gift-wrapped box. I peel off the wrapping and lift off the top, but instead of a gift, what pops out is a jack-in-the-box. Dave reappears, and I ask if he has something to tell me. He says, ""Look, you know how to do this." Good advice, I realize.
    And then I wake up.