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      I see you like to draw things from your dreams also

      Good habit to get into, in my opinion anyway (I do it as well)
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    1. ToxicBear
      ToxicBear liked post by BobbyLance On thread : Weakamon's Drawings
      I'm quite satisfied with how this came out. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2015/050/0/e/pressure_by_misomon-d8in0r1.jpg
      Liked On: 02-21-2015, 02:53 PM
    2. ToxicBear
      ToxicBear liked post by acatalephobic On thread : Post obscure music that is extremely good.
      Something to brighten my mood during these dreary winter days... "Corvette Cassette" (2011) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6TPxG6maxI&sns=em "Girls" (2014) ...
      Liked On: 01-20-2015, 12:03 AM
    3. ToxicBear
      ToxicBear liked post by BobbyLance On thread : Weakamon's Drawings
      Here's a work in progress. I hope to finish this before the new year starts. Knowing how slow I am when it comes to drawing, I doubt I'll be able to finish it but still, I'll try my best. It's...
      Liked On: 01-19-2015, 11:16 AM
    4. ToxicBear
      ToxicBear liked post by Anju On thread : Anju's Artwork
      Liked On: 01-19-2015, 11:15 AM
    5. ToxicBear
      ToxicBear liked post by acatalephobic On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      One of my worst pet peeves is when a person argues using complete bullshit as if it were factual evidence in their favor. Always so damn convinced of the shit, too. They try to flip the script...
      Liked On: 01-18-2015, 02:54 PM
    6. ToxicBear
      ToxicBear liked post by Whatsnext On thread : Simple way to remember to RC (useful for students!)
      Yeah I think you're exactly right, I'm saying that this needs to translate from the waking world, somehow into the dream world. If it does so by reminding him to RC more in general, that's great, but...
      Liked On: 01-17-2015, 04:33 PM
    7. ToxicBear
      ToxicBear liked post by AdelaideVenia On thread : Simple way to remember to RC (useful for students!)
      Not 100% sure about this, but I think Toxic means that the dot serves as a reminder to RC, not a dream signal. It's to trick your body into automatically RCing when you are in a dream (because you RC...
      Liked On: 01-17-2015, 04:30 PM
    8. ToxicBear
      ToxicBear liked post by BobbyLance On thread : Weakamon's Drawings
      Hi guys. It's good to be back... I guess haha. Haven't been actively lucid dreaming for two years now. But during that two years, I was able to find new hobbies. And one of them's drawing (which I...
      Liked On: 12-24-2014, 02:14 AM
    9. ToxicBear
      ToxicBear liked post by LifeDreamer On thread : Anime/Manga Thread!
      Some of my favorites are not anything that has come out recently but they have stuck with me throughout the years, not everyone enjoys these series as I have read from both critics and anime watchers...
      Liked On: 12-22-2014, 02:22 PM
    10. ToxicBear
      ToxicBear liked post by NyxCC On thread : ToxicBear's Workbook
      That was so close! The stuff that happens on the verge of sleep can be so weird at times. It may help to focus on the dream scene and getting there rather than whatever is or isn't outside of our...
      Liked On: 11-29-2014, 11:55 PM
    11. ToxicBear
      ToxicBear liked post by spellbee2 On thread : Post Pictures of Your Everyday Life
      A creeper photo my friend took of me at the computer lab I work at. I'm the one sitting in the front facing the camera. http://i.imgur.com/gAiO9vL.jpg
      Liked On: 11-15-2014, 12:44 PM
    12. ToxicBear
      ToxicBear liked post by cooleymd On thread : Fear of the Unknown- Preventing My Lucidity
      I am never nice to obstacles I either ignore them out of existence or destroy them Don't let them waste your dream time, Recently I had a pair of dream police try to arrest me for crimes...
      Liked On: 11-12-2014, 07:34 PM
    13. ToxicBear
      ToxicBear liked post by NyxCC On thread : ToxicBear's Workbook
      Sorry to hear about the unpleasant experiences, ToxicBear. About the first one, I would advice to try to think of more pleasant things when trying to have a lucid dream (pre bed/wbtb/before naps),...
      Liked On: 11-09-2014, 07:30 PM
    14. ToxicBear
      ToxicBear liked post by Sensei On thread : Refreshing Lucid Dreaming
      Hmmm... I think that some feel refreshed and some feel invigorated. Those that feel refreshed are normal, those that feel tired are tired because of the mental exercises of trying to LD, not the LD...
      Liked On: 06-15-2014, 05:10 PM
    15. ToxicBear
      ToxicBear liked post by Box77 On thread : Does tiredness affect your chances of being lucid?
      I read something about if it's mental fatigue perhaps it would increase the time for your REM stages more than your deep sleep stages, which would increase your time for dreams and consequently give...
      Liked On: 06-14-2014, 03:53 PM
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    View ToxicBear's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Dream Fragment: Spear to the Chest

    by ToxicBear on 04-29-2014 at 07:02 PM
    Date: 29.04.2014

    I was attempting a WILD but lost conscious awareness and fell asleep. I then came to in a cobblestone alley between two buildings hewn from stone, upon exiting the alley I looked around to see that I was in some kind of courtyard looking up at a huge castle-like structure that was growing from the stone. It had grass on the spires and tops of the roof/battlements like it had risen from the ground, It was falling apart and the whole place seemed abandoned.

    Then I saw what looked like a patrol made up of a ragged group of soldiers, lead by a brown haired, bearded man wielding a spear and wearing a dark cloth cape with a symbol on the back I can't recall. he pointed me out to his soldiers and shouted "There he is!" This is when I realize I am wearing this leather armour with a symbol on my shoulder (I can somehow see this from a 3rd person perspective) which I know is the mark of an enemy clan/kingdom. I start to run away but the guy with the spear throws it, and it slams into my back and out my chest. I look down, kind of in shock at the spear and the amount of pain I was in, then I woke up suddenly. The feeling of the spear was pretty horrible!


    The guy with the spear.

    The symbol on the armour I was wearing.

    Updated 04-30-2014 at 09:13 PM by ToxicBear

    non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment

    Old Dreams: Lunatic Test Facility

    by ToxicBear on 04-28-2014 at 10:31 PM
    Note: This is a part of a much longer dream, but this is the only part I can remember clearly.

    The dream follows on from me and a group of people I don't know escaping a prison facility. We escape into a large mainly metal city, which has a very steam punk/futuristic look to it, with rusty brown buildings and smoke coming from vents etc. we are in orange jumpsuits, and are running from guards in black armour.
    Note: I can kind of draw, so I will probably add sketches/illustrate these dreams at a later date.
    After running away form a while I get separated from these two guys, and i make my way for quite a while, I manage to find a sort of futuristic police station and commandeer a flying ship (too hard to explain what it looked like) as I fly this ship away to rescue my friends, it transforms into a high tech steam punk glove that looks like a pointed foam finger, which I use to direct my flight over the city.
    I land and lose the glove, as I find my friends chained in a line with other prisoners, who have been caught and beat up pretty bad.
    I am caught as well and herded into a room where we are sorted into two groups, one group go to a normal prison because they were employed and had family.
    I saw one of my friends from school was wearing a black jumpsuit who had obviously switched sides to work with the guards.

    My group were to be sent to a lunatic asylum/test facility because we were unemployed and had no family that would miss us. We enter this facility and it actually looks pretty good, sort of like a luxury resort. I meet a girl from my old school and we start having a conversation about her favorite musician.
    Then a woman walks in and orders everyone to get on the floor and put their hands on their head, adding that the first to do so would get $500. I comply, as does my friend, but there is a girl who is arguing and resisting the woman and the guards. The woman counts down from 3 and the guard executes her on the spot with a syringe filled with clear liquid.
    Then we are told to sit in these seats, in rows like at a cinema. They were large, dark red and surprisingly comfortable.
    I notice some more of my friends, all from different times in my life. I am called down to the front along with 5 or 6 other guys for the first experiment.

    We gathered in a circle and we each held on to a large syringe in the middle filled with clear liquid. We were told to try force the syringe needle into the person opposite us, we all start pushing, and it's clear one guy is weaker than the rest as we target him.
    The syringe punctures his neck, and I think he died from that. Then there was a second part of the experiment; we were told one of us will try to use the syringe again, this meant we had to decide whether or not to let go, because if we did, we could get injected. I take responsibility and make everyone else let go.
    One guy is sweating and repeatedly glancing at the needle, so I break it off and put it in a bag, handing it to the guy in charge, feeling triumphant.

    Updated 04-30-2014 at 10:28 PM by ToxicBear

    non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes

    Old Dreams: Mission Impossible X

    by ToxicBear on 04-28-2014 at 10:00 PM
    I was in a luxurious hotel/building of some kind, with wood paneled walls and red/purple carpets. I am with a rag tag group of friends, old and new, from completely different places and times.
    We were surrounded by a lot of military leaders and important people both from films/TV shows I had watched and from real life, such as Obama and other people who I knew were important.
    Suddenly the dream is chaos as a number of assassinations start to take place; I see a group of these high ranking officials step into an elevator to plummet to their deaths, purple smoke fills the room and there are bodyguards and spies pulling out guns and starting a shoot out.

    Me and my friends also pull out firearms and join in, covering behind a sort of lobby like desk. One of my friends shouted "Why can't we all be friends" then a man in a grey suit who I know is my ally, grabs another guy and jumps out the window, I grab a grey cushioned, steel frame chair and jump out after him (hoping to use the chair to break my fall I guess) we plummet a huge distance before landing, the chair crumples under me and I survive, but I feel like i have broken my ribs.

    Looking around I have landed in a sunny park with people riding bikes/relaxing, I look back and see the building I jumped from, a huge grey tower block, with small windows. I can see the window from which I jumped.
    Somehow I end up in a doctors office at a high tech lab called "Black Villain", probably for my ribs. I remember seeing a pale blue poster on the wall, advertising "Carbonatate" Headphones. I also see the doctors clipboard, which has a drawing of a ball, with a line across to a man who seems to be fist pumping, I can tell this is supposed to represent him in good health.
    non-lucid , memorable